Is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?

Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online

I guess whoever Caitlin dates is a lucky person,
to be able to enjoy the natural male genitalia still intact,
and the female expression and persona.

Imagine dating a Bi person, who could have it all, like a one stop shop!

Reminds me of the joke about the man who wanted to "have his Kate and Edith, too"
Who says you can't have it all?

I just don't see him as being a female in any way. He has gigantic hands and arms and feet that are veiny and huge. He has man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like us women. He is just a dude with boobs who wears dresses and a shit ton of makeup, IMO.

I think Caitlin makes a better looking female than whatever mess Bruce looked like that no longer looked like a man to me. At least I can relate and recognize Caitlin as female so I read her as that automatically. Bruce looked just plain unnatural, whether that weird plastic surgery mess was supposed to be male female or inbetween!
Until he / she / it cuts it off its all talk.

No, even then he will not be a woman.

I watched the documentary on Chastity Bono a few years back and really thought that maybe this is a real thing with some people, that they really were born into the wrong gendered body. But the more I look at it and have read people's stories and statistics ... I truly believe this is a mental issue, body image/dismorphia/whatever-the-correct-term-is problem that exists in their minds. Removing/adding body parts is not going to change their mental issue. This is an abnormality and to treat it as if it were normal is doing these people a great disservice. They need psychiatric help.

They keep talking about the "courage" it took. What courage? It's a famous guy dressing up as a woman, and taking some hormones. That's it. Having surgeons cut off your dick and your balls for no reason, now that requires a certain level of insanity.

Caitlyn's latest girlfriend:


^ I love that photo ^ I think that takes more courage to walk out in public like that ^
Either courage, or missing brain signals that tell you "no not such a good idea"
It's takes more than a village to have your penis and balls cut off and fed to the wolves. That's why Caitlyn hasn't done it yet.
Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online

I guess whoever Caitlin dates is a lucky person,
to be able to enjoy the natural male genitalia still intact,
and the female expression and persona.

Imagine dating a Bi person, who could have it all, like a one stop shop!

Reminds me of the joke about the man who wanted to "have his Kate and Edith, too"
Who says you can't have it all?

I just don't see him as being a female in any way. He has gigantic hands and arms and feet that are veiny and huge. He has man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like us women. He is just a dude with boobs who wears dresses and a shit ton of makeup, IMO.

I think Caitlin makes a better looking female than whatever mess Bruce looked like that no longer looked like a man to me. At least I can relate and recognize Caitlin as female so I read her as that automatically. Bruce looked just plain unnatural, whether that weird plastic surgery mess was supposed to be male female or inbetween!

That's true, Emily. Unfortunately, Bruce had already ruined his face with plastic surgery before. I don't recognize him as a female though. :)
It's takes more than a village to have your penis and balls cut off and fed to the wolves. That's why Caitlyn hasn't done it yet.
Women can have penises.

Like I said, let him be crazy enough to cut off his penis and his balls and then we'll talk about "courage". So far all we have is a guy with fake boobs who's injected himself with hormones dressing up as a woman, with the media swooning over him and giving him awards.
It's takes more than a village to have your penis and balls cut off and fed to the wolves. That's why Caitlyn hasn't done it yet.
Women can have penises.

Like I said, let him be crazy enough to cut off his penis and his balls and then we'll talk about "courage". So far all we have is a guy with fake boobs who's injected himself with hormones dressing up as a woman, with the media swooning over him and giving him awards.
so brave, so courageous....
Exceptions to the rule which is that the predominance of amputation fake sex change operations are regular xy males and xx females. Next strawman Paint?

Is Caitlyn Jenner a Lesbian?

No, "Caitlyn" Jenner is actually Bruce Jenner, a man. And he is a man who is attracted to women, naturally. He was jealous and is a narcissist so he saw females dressing up like sluts all around him getting all kinds of attention while men were just background noise to all that flash and flare. Any narcissist would find that an intolerable situation. So he had himself chopped so he could be the center of attention...whatever it took....and so Bruce Jenner is still Bruce Jenner, a man attracted to women, but now horribly disfigured. But in his mind it was all worth it because now the camera is focused on him....finally...
It's takes more than a village to have your penis and balls cut off and fed to the wolves. That's why Caitlyn hasn't done it yet.

Maybe with Jenner's public campaign for broader acceptance and support of Transgender reassignment, someone will ask for a donation of that equipment to become a man.

So if Jenner is pushing to support fellow Transgenders, perhaps donating to someone who needs it more might set an example of what it means to give of oneself!
I just don't see him as being a female in any way. He has gigantic hands and arms and feet that are veiny and huge. He has man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like us women. He is just a dude with boobs who wears dresses and a shit ton of makeup, IMO.

I think Caitlin makes a better looking female than whatever mess Bruce looked like that no longer looked like a man to me. At least I can relate and recognize Caitlin as female so I read her as that automatically. Bruce looked just plain unnatural, whether that weird plastic surgery mess was supposed to be male female or inbetween!

That's true, Emily. Unfortunately, Bruce had already ruined his face with plastic surgery before. I don't recognize him as a female though. :)

How about as a woman with balls?
New Facebook designation: WWB
Exceptions to the rule which is that the predominance of amputation fake sex change operations are regular xy males and xx females. Next strawman Paint?

Is Caitlyn Jenner a Lesbian?

No, "Caitlyn" Jenner is actually Bruce Jenner, a man. And he is a man who is attracted to women, naturally. He was jealous and is a narcissist so he saw females dressing up like sluts all around him getting all kinds of attention while men were just background noise to all that flash and flare. Any narcissist would find that an intolerable situation. So he had himself chopped so he could be the center of attention...whatever it took....and so Bruce Jenner is still Bruce Jenner, a man attracted to women, but now horribly disfigured. But in his mind it was all worth it because now the camera is focused on him....finally...

Dear Silhouette I agree with your assessment but would add to it the female identity on top of the rest you wrote.
It is both things, not either/or.
Nobody goes through that much just because of ego. They have ego/identity issues PLUS the gender expression issue, too.
So it is compounded.

Even if Jenner is more female dominant, I can totally understand wanting to keep his male parts.
He has history with that, and that will always be a part of who the WHOLE person is, both the male history
and the female personality finally being expressed now.

It's like converting from one denomination or religion to another; you are still going to keep parts of your original heritage that aren't going to disappear and suddenly not exist. So of course he is going to hold on to the rest of him and who he is.

The female side that expresses as Caitlyn is real also.

I don't think it is an either/or situation, but yes to all the above.
You explained the ego part well, but it isn't just the male ego that is fighting for attention but the female side of Jenner
that has been suppressed that is finally speaking out and being perceived, heard and appreciated for the first time.
It's takes more than a village to have your penis and balls cut off and fed to the wolves. That's why Caitlyn hasn't done it yet.

Maybe with Jenner's public campaign for broader acceptance and support of Transgender reassignment, someone will ask for a donation of that equipment to become a man.

So if Jenner is pushing to support fellow Transgenders, perhaps donating to someone who needs it more might set an example of what it means to give of oneself!

Pretty sure you can't transplant genitals.
Are you the transgender man to woman? If not just call her Caitlyn since what she does in the bedroom doesnt affect you.
Do you find it embarrassing to call him a lesbian? I won't call you weird. promise. is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
DNA will also be a defining identifier. What is genetically male will never be genetically female. Did you listen to his ESPN speech? Still sounds pretty f'in male to me.
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
Unless you are some kind of toad, you cannot change male-to-female. Otherwise, why aren't women more disgusted with the definition of "female" being anything more than tits, and a surgically mutilated penis labeled "pussy"? Is that all women are?

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