Is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?

If the person was born a male just like Bruce was, to me, that would make Bruce a homosexual no matter how much may be done to his body in order to turn him into a female.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And of course if Bruce still finds females attractive, that would make him bi-sexual.
According to Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner he is not bi-sexual since he is not attracted to men at all. The definition of bi-sexual is to be attracted to both both men and women.

Legally, Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. Biologically, he has a penis and testicles, his preference is exclusively for women. He's a man. Sorry Cait, m'girl. You're a man.
Right, but if he is now getting feelings for a person who is also biologically a male just like himself, then that makes him bi-sexual if his feelings for the female gender are still in tact.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

If the person was born a male just like Bruce was, to me, that would make Bruce a homosexual no matter how much may be done to his body in order to turn him into a female.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. And of course if Bruce still finds females attractive, that would make him bi-sexual.
According to Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner he is not bi-sexual since he is not attracted to men at all. The definition of bi-sexual is to be attracted to both both men and women.

Legally, Caitlyn Jenner is a woman. Biologically, he has a penis and testicles, his preference is exclusively for women. He's a man. Sorry Cait, m'girl. You're a man.
Right, but if he is now getting feelings for a person who is also biologically a male just like himself, then that makes him bi-sexual if his feelings for the female gender are still in tact.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)

liberals don't believe biology has anything at all to do with gender ; therefore the fact that his new crush was born a man cannot be used by liberals to argue that Jenner is bisexual.

It is very difficult for aa liberal to explain why Jenner is not a lesbian in their logic.
No "Caitlyn Jenner" is not a lesbo because surgery doesn't make you a female, DNA does and Jenner's DNA is and always will be male. If Jenner is sleeping with a woman then he's straight and in desperate need of Psychiatric help.

Anyone watching the ESPY Awards to see the Jenner train wreck walk on stage to get the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage?
I refer the confused to ~ Gender Identity Vs. Sexual Orientation Gender Blog by Darlene Tando LCSW

"Gender identity refers to what gender your brain is, who you are, and how you want others to see you. What gender you identify with is going to impact many areas of your life, if not all. It will affect how you are seen in society, how others respond to you, how you are addressed, expectations for your behavior, where you go to the bathroom, your role in your family, and much more.

Sexual orientation refers to who you are attracted to, who you would like to receive romantic attention/affection from, and who you would like to be sexually intimate with. I’d even like to say sexual orientation not only refers to the sex (anatomy) one is attracted to, but also the gender. Certainly, anatomy plays a big part in sexual relationships, but the gender of the individual is likely what captures your attention in the first place. I would also suggest that gender is more of a factor in dating and relationships than one’s anatomy."

Yes, there is something seriously wrong with these individuals. They need help, not cosmetic surgery because cosmetic surgery is NOT going to make them into women or men. Not to mention it is extremely risky, as is any surgery with general anesthetics. It is overall very unhealthy.

Hey, where did you study psychology at? I did like 2 years worth at the local college back in the 90s. I basically decided I don't have a mental issue, just a gender identity misfire - kind of makes sense that I'm odd wired as I have synaesthesia too (that's crossed senses, like I can feel sounds and colors and I hear touch and taste. My keyboard literally sings to me while I'm typing; I oft blame it for my wall-o-texts cause it has a pretty "voice." I also have rainbow sex, in every sense of the word - bu dum cha :laugh: )

Or were you basing your "professional" opinion on "its icky"?

I took some classes in college too. I'm not degreed, but I can definitely spot a malfunction when I see one. It's not rocket science after all. I don't care about how you identify yourself. I stick to the facts. And you are biologically and anatomically still whatever it was you were at birth. Sorry, but your pseudo psychiatry not based in reality is no excuse for mutilating people who have some serious issues, by convincing them that this will cure them or make them into the opposite sex. It does not. If you were born a male, you have a vas deferens, you have a prostate, you have a completely different bone structure, DNA and hormonal makeup. Those are just facts. :D I happen to also have a background in the medical field, so I am quite familiar with anatomy and biology that makes the differences between the sexes.

Well it's clear you didn't read the link:

"If you can’t remember thinking about your gender as a child, it’s likely because your assigned gender matched with your natal* sex. (*Natal meaning “of, relating to, or present at birth; associated with one’s birth”. In this blog when I say “natal male” or “natal female” it is referring to one’s anatomy, or sex, present at birth.)"

I don't know what Tran's you've been talking to for your data here, but /not a single one/ I know doesn't understand their /birth/ gender as it physically was - that's why they want sex change operations... I kind of have the feeling you didn't even bother reading the short description I cited, or if you did, you're not real bright when it comes to connecting dots in how a trans wishes to be treated by others and fitting the gender identity they /feel/ they are, despite your claimed classes in "psychology". One of the of the "basics," and we're taking pre-Psych 101, is that psychology is not the same thing as anatomy...

However, lets give you another shot, this time actually engage your supposed "education" on psychology hmm?

How is ones [mental] "gender identity" any different, on a psychological level, from one being an "uncomfortable" introvert? And in such a comparison of ones "gender identity" vs being an introvert, how is it /mentally ill/, or even wrong, for said introvert to seek to remedy, through various methods, to lessen or remove the "uncomfortable feeling" of being thusly introverted?

~ For the record, I don't think parents should be letting kids go through sex change surgery, I do not feel that children are emotionally mature enough to make that decision so it needs to be made after the child has mentally matured.

However, I am a bit on the fence if medications to halt or delay the onset of the physiological changes of puberty should be given - on the one hand it can lessen a lot of emotional turmoil for the child, on the other, the typical growth spurt (height, etc.) associated with puberty could be delayed or eliminated, and ultimately the whole process is mostly irrelevant if a child stays the course of having a sex change operation into adulthood - the actual operation would be necessary either way.

I am similarly a bit on the fence if allowing a male born child to dress as a girl, or vice versa, is ultimately a benefit or a might actually be harm in a child's emotional experience/growth; not that I think any school or government should have /any/ say in that matter, merely what advice doctors should give the parents.

liberals don't believe biology has anything at all to do with gender identity; therefore the fact that his new crush was born a man cannot be used by liberals to argue that Jenner is bisexual.

It is very difficult for aa liberal to explain why Jenner is not a lesbian in their logic.

I fixed that for you, though I'm not a liberal.

Though in the end, it appears that Jenner actually describes him/herself as asexual - meaning s/he lacks sexual attraction to /either/ sex.
I refer the confused to ~ Gender Identity Vs. Sexual Orientation Gender Blog by Darlene Tando LCSW

"Gender identity refers to what gender your brain is, who you are, and how you want others to see you. What gender you identify with is going to impact many areas of your life, if not all. It will affect how you are seen in society, how others respond to you, how you are addressed, expectations for your behavior, where you go to the bathroom, your role in your family, and much more.

Sexual orientation refers to who you are attracted to, who you would like to receive romantic attention/affection from, and who you would like to be sexually intimate with. I’d even like to say sexual orientation not only refers to the sex (anatomy) one is attracted to, but also the gender. Certainly, anatomy plays a big part in sexual relationships, but the gender of the individual is likely what captures your attention in the first place. I would also suggest that gender is more of a factor in dating and relationships than one’s anatomy."

Yes, there is something seriously wrong with these individuals. They need help, not cosmetic surgery because cosmetic surgery is NOT going to make them into women or men. Not to mention it is extremely risky, as is any surgery with general anesthetics. It is overall very unhealthy.

Hey, where did you study psychology at? I did like 2 years worth at the local college back in the 90s. I basically decided I don't have a mental issue, just a gender identity misfire - kind of makes sense that I'm odd wired as I have synaesthesia too (that's crossed senses, like I can feel sounds and colors and I hear touch and taste. My keyboard literally sings to me while I'm typing; I oft blame it for my wall-o-texts cause it has a pretty "voice." I also have rainbow sex, in every sense of the word - bu dum cha :laugh: )

Or were you basing your "professional" opinion on "its icky"?

I took some classes in college too. I'm not degreed, but I can definitely spot a malfunction when I see one. It's not rocket science after all. I don't care about how you identify yourself. I stick to the facts. And you are biologically and anatomically still whatever it was you were at birth. Sorry, but your pseudo psychiatry not based in reality is no excuse for mutilating people who have some serious issues, by convincing them that this will cure them or make them into the opposite sex. It does not. If you were born a male, you have a vas deferens, you have a prostate, you have a completely different bone structure, DNA and hormonal makeup. Those are just facts. :D I happen to also have a background in the medical field, so I am quite familiar with anatomy and biology that makes the differences between the sexes.

Well it's clear you didn't read the link:

"If you can’t remember thinking about your gender as a child, it’s likely because your assigned gender matched with your natal* sex. (*Natal meaning “of, relating to, or present at birth; associated with one’s birth”. In this blog when I say “natal male” or “natal female” it is referring to one’s anatomy, or sex, present at birth.)"

I don't know what Tran's you've been talking to for your data here, but /not a single one/ I know doesn't understand their /birth/ gender as it physically was - that's why they want sex change operations... I kind of have the feeling you didn't even bother reading the short description I cited, or if you did, you're not real bright when it comes to connecting dots in how a trans wishes to be treated by others and fitting the gender identity they /feel/ they are, despite your claimed classes in "psychology". One of the of the "basics," and we're taking pre-Psych 101, is that psychology is not the same thing as anatomy...

However, lets give you another shot, this time actually engage your supposed "education" on psychology hmm?

How is ones [mental] "gender identity" any different, on a psychological level, from one being an "uncomfortable" introvert? And in such a comparison of ones "gender identity" vs being an introvert, how is it /mentally ill/, or even wrong, for said introvert to seek to remedy, through various methods, to lessen or remove the "uncomfortable feeling" of being thusly introverted?

~ For the record, I don't think parents should be letting kids go through sex change surgery, I do not feel that children are emotionally mature enough to make that decision so it needs to be made after the child has mentally matured.

However, I am a bit on the fence if medications to halt or delay the onset of the physiological changes of puberty should be given - on the one hand it can lessen a lot of emotional turmoil for the child, on the other, the typical growth spurt (height, etc.) associated with puberty could be delayed or eliminated, and ultimately the whole process is mostly irrelevant if a child stays the course of having a sex change operation into adulthood - the actual operation would be necessary either way.

I am similarly a bit on the fence if allowing a male born child to dress as a girl, or vice versa, is ultimately a benefit or a might actually be harm in a child's emotional experience/growth; not that I think any school or government should have /any/ say in that matter, merely what advice doctors should give the parents.

liberals don't believe biology has anything at all to do with gender identity; therefore the fact that his new crush was born a man cannot be used by liberals to argue that Jenner is bisexual.

It is very difficult for aa liberal to explain why Jenner is not a lesbian in their logic.

I fixed that for you, though I'm not a liberal.

Though in the end, it appears that Jenner actually describes him/herself as asexual - meaning s/he lacks sexual attraction to /either/ sex.

I'm aware the psychology isn't the same as anatomy, and that is why I said I tend to lean on medical facts rather than a bunch of pseudopsychological mumbo jumbo. I am totally against giving children who are still developing hormonal therapy. My gosh! I think that is terribly risky! Hormones themselves can cause all kinds of complications. What are the very long term effects. I know that estrogen given to menopausal women to treat their symptoms has been known to be related to cancers. It is never a good idea to fool with Mother Nature.

I think allowing your child to go to school dressed like the opposite gender is a bit cruel to the child. In fact, this is probably a big reason WHY so many of them take their own lives, because of the teasing and abuse. Your job as a parent is to protect your child. This type of behavior should be discouraged at a young age if at all possible. Try to get them interested in other things. Obsessing about these things at such a young age is extremely unhealthy on any level. These children need therapy. They don't need to be convinced that they are actually the opposite gender to which they were born.

To address your question, an introvert isn't undergoing a very risky operation. They are not changing anything about themselves, just treating a disorder.

If you feel that a cosmetic surgery would help you, then by all means, but I do not see this as being helpful, and the postop transgender suicide rates would back me on that statement, I think.
So, in your "connections" is it /typical/ for trans-inclined children to cross dress at school then? Is that California?

In any event, so basically we agree to a point.

And what's the effective post-op suicide rate difference of folks who get cosmetic surgery?
Yes it does dumb whore. I'm focused on the topic. You claimed I was a dumb fucker and I never fucked you.

Of course it has something to do with you. You are dumb so obviously you are claiming I fucked you.

Not only are you a dumb fucker, you're a dumbass.

Dumb fucker: A person who is so off putting due to the way he or she acts, and at the same time makes the most incredible mistakes. This type of person either denies his or her mistakes, or is proud of them.
Bruce Jenner is male, will always be male no matter how much surgery he has or hormones he takes. Same with Chastity Bono. "Feeling" you are one gender in your head while in reality being the opposite gender is not normal and should not be treated as normal. These people need psychiatric help, not surgery.
So, in your "connections" is it /typical/ for trans-inclined children to cross dress at school then? Is that California?

In any event, so basically we agree to a point.

And what's the effective post-op suicide rate difference of folks who get cosmetic surgery?

Well, from some things I have read, apparently some parents do this, although I'm sure it's rare.

Here is some newer information about postoperative transgenders.

I'm sure a lot of transgender folks probably really believe that the surgery will help them. I think they are very disappointed when it really doesn't. I think that the psychiatric community has to look at this more closely and see if there are other therapies that might be more effective. I feel like the psychiatric community has bowed to pressure to be politically correct and that, rather than prescribing life-altering extremely risky surgery, they should be doing more research into this problem. I also think they don't really bother because they don't have the funding and because it is an issue that effects only a very small portion of the population.
Imagine the tragedy of thinking this surgery will solve your problems, only to wake up with numbness and no feeling in your genital area and/or worse, they develop severe complications such as infection, anovaginal fistula, etc.

Sex changes are not effective say researchers Society The Guardian

There is no conclusive evidence that sex change operations improve the lives of transsexuals, with many people remaining severely distressed and even suicidal after the operation, according to a medical review conducted exclusively for Guardian Weekend tomorrow.

The review of more than 100 international medical studies of post-operative transsexuals by the University of Birmingham's aggressive research intelligence facility (Arif) found no robust scientific evidence that gender reassignment surgery is clinically effective.

The Guardian asked Arif to conduct the review after speaking to several people who regret changing gender or believe that the medical care they received failed to prepare them for their new lives. They explain why they are unhappy with their sex change and how they cope with the consequences in the Weekend magazine tomorrow (July 31).

Chris Hyde, the director of Arif, said: "There is a huge uncertainty over whether changing someone's sex is a good or a bad thing. While no doubt great care is taken to ensure that appropriate patients undergo gender reassignment, there's still a large number of people who have the surgery but remain traumatised - often to the point of committing suicide."

Arif, which advises the NHS in the West Midlands about the evidence base of healthcare treatments, found that most of the medical research on gender reassignment was poorly designed, which skewed the results to suggest that sex change operations are beneficial.

Its review warns that the results of many gender reassignment studies are unsound because researchers lost track of more than half of the participants. For example, in a five-year study of 727 post-operative transsexuals published last year, 495 people dropped out for unknown reasons. Dr Hyde said the high drop out rate could reflect high levels of dissatisfaction or even suicide among post-operative transsexuals. He called for the causes of their deaths to be tracked to provide more evidence.

Dr Hyde said: "The bottom line is that although it's clear that some people do well with gender reassignment surgery, the available research does little to reassure about how many patients do badly and, if so, how badly."
No "Caitlyn Jenner" is not a lesbo because surgery doesn't make you a female, DNA does and Jenner's DNA is and always will be male. If Jenner is sleeping with a woman then he's straight and in desperate need of Psychiatric help.

Anyone watching the ESPY Awards to see the Jenner train wreck walk on stage to get the Arthur Ashe Award for Courage?

No, the stench of the PCness of it all would stink up my entire house.
Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online

I guess whoever Caitlin dates is a lucky person,
to be able to enjoy the natural male genitalia still intact,
and the female expression and persona.

Imagine dating a Bi person, who could have it all, like a one stop shop!

Reminds me of the joke about the man who wanted to "have his Kate and Edith, too"
Who says you can't have it all?
Caitlyn Jenner is only marginally human. What woman (or man) in their right mind would want to touch that freak with a 10' pole, let alone a dildo (or dick)?

When we live in a world where there are people who want to have sex with a corpse, or people who get off on pissing or shitting on their partner, it's not hard to imagine someone wanting to bed this freak.
Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online
What happens when they kiss? It's a dog eat dog world.

I think that falls firmly under 'none of your fucking business'.

Gee, all this anger over an idiot who makes a huge publicity splash by announcing he's a woman at the age of 60!

Nah, it falls under you're not my cup of tea, mainly because I don't like huge pieces of shit in my tea. It also falls under FUCK OFF and it's located over there.
Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online

I guess whoever Caitlin dates is a lucky person,
to be able to enjoy the natural male genitalia still intact,
and the female expression and persona.

Imagine dating a Bi person, who could have it all, like a one stop shop!

Reminds me of the joke about the man who wanted to "have his Kate and Edith, too"
Who says you can't have it all?

I just don't see him as being a female in any way. He has gigantic hands and arms and feet that are veiny and huge. He has man legs that are hard and muscular, not soft and curvy like us women. He is just a dude with boobs who wears dresses and a shit ton of makeup, IMO.
Caitlin Jenner is reportedly attracted to a transgender man-to-woman person . Should we start referring to him as a lesbian?
Caitlyn Jenner dating fellow transgender woman Candis Cayne after meeting at gay pride - 3am Mirror Online
What happens when they kiss? It's a dog eat dog world.

I think that falls firmly under 'none of your fucking business'.

Gee, all this anger over an idiot who makes a huge publicity splash by announcing he's a woman at the age of 60!

And where do you think that means that what happens when she kisses somebody is any of your fucking business?

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