Is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?

Do you find it embarrassing to call him a lesbian? I won't call you weird. promise. is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

No, you are obviously delusional too. So, would you date and have sex with a transsexual? :D
I refer the confused to ~ Gender Identity Vs. Sexual Orientation Gender Blog by Darlene Tando LCSW

"Gender identity refers to what gender your brain is, who you are, and how you want others to see you. What gender you identify with is going to impact many areas of your life, if not all. It will affect how you are seen in society, how others respond to you, how you are addressed, expectations for your behavior, where you go to the bathroom, your role in your family, and much more.

Sexual orientation refers to who you are attracted to, who you would like to receive romantic attention/affection from, and who you would like to be sexually intimate with. I’d even like to say sexual orientation not only refers to the sex (anatomy) one is attracted to, but also the gender. Certainly, anatomy plays a big part in sexual relationships, but the gender of the individual is likely what captures your attention in the first place. I would also suggest that gender is more of a factor in dating and relationships than one’s anatomy."
Do you find it embarrassing to call him a lesbian? I won't call you weird. promise. is Caitlin Jenner a lesbian?
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
I refer the confused to ~ Gender Identity Vs. Sexual Orientation Gender Blog by Darlene Tando LCSW

"Gender identity refers to what gender your brain is, who you are, and how you want others to see you. What gender you identify with is going to impact many areas of your life, if not all. It will affect how you are seen in society, how others respond to you, how you are addressed, expectations for your behavior, where you go to the bathroom, your role in your family, and much more.

Sexual orientation refers to who you are attracted to, who you would like to receive romantic attention/affection from, and who you would like to be sexually intimate with. I’d even like to say sexual orientation not only refers to the sex (anatomy) one is attracted to, but also the gender. Certainly, anatomy plays a big part in sexual relationships, but the gender of the individual is likely what captures your attention in the first place. I would also suggest that gender is more of a factor in dating and relationships than one’s anatomy."

Yes, there is something seriously wrong with these individuals. They need help, not cosmetic surgery because cosmetic surgery is NOT going to make them into women or men. Not to mention it is extremely risky, as is any surgery with general anesthetics. It is overall very unhealthy.
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.
Why would I be embarrassed to call someone a lesbian if thats what they wanted? Since Caitlin is someone I dont know, how would I be qualified to judge her?

Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.
Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

You are a weirdo, plain and simple. Lol. It is known by ALL doctors that there are inherent differences between men and women, from our skin texture to our bones. To claim that there are no differences besides "labels" is just nothing but retarded.
Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

Again, lets see you will that ball to stay in mid air because you define "reality" based on what you think it is.
Why feed into the delusion? It's not true. HE is not a she. I would not discriminate against him, nor would I treat him badly, but I would NOT feed into the delusion that He is a She because it just isn't true. It is more important that a person with such confusion seek therapy to get to the bottom of where this confusion stems from, rather than mutilating himself in the hopes that someone might believe he is actually a female.

Let's put it this way, if he dies in the woods and his body rots, the forensic scientists will determine his sex as male. His internal organs are male. He is susceptible to the diseases that men get. He will never have a menstruation cycle. Yes, I kind of find it offensive as a woman that people seem to think cosmetic surgery and fake breasts would make a man into a woman. It just isn't that simple if you are familiar with anatomy at all.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

I don't remember you answering my question that I posed to you. Would you have sex with an M-to-F tranny? Stop blabbering for once and answer the question.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
They used to think that people that claimed the world was round were crazy as well. They used to discriminate against people that were left handed. Definitions change all the time. Dont be stagnant. Adapt and grow.
Let he who is without sin -

Not sinners. People who suffer from a mental illness are not sinners. They are sick and need help to deal with their issues. Surgery should be avoided at ALL costs because of the risks involved. This is an extremely invasive procedure which takes months and months to heal from, and some lose all sexual function and feeling.
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

Again, lets see you will that ball to stay in mid air because you define "reality" based on what you think it is.
The ball is in mid air as you speak.
Umm, sorry but reality is REAL. Hence REAL-ITY. :D

How do I know? Lol. Because bone structure is completely different in a man than in a woman. Also, like I told you, internal organs. Derp.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
They used to think that people that claimed the world was round were crazy as well. They used to discriminate against people that were left handed. Definitions change all the time. Dont be stagnant. Adapt and grow.

Nope, the differences between men and women are reality. Sorry. :D I'm just giving you the facts. There are many, many differences biologically, physiologically, anatomically and even in the different pathological conditions that men and women might suffer from. Thems the facts! :D
Who told you it was a delusion? People need to get something straight. You dont define reality for anyone but yourself. If you want to call her a man you are free to do so as long as you dont expect her to agree.

How do you know the forensic scientists will determine she is a male? By the time they find her the definition may have changed. You see this is all defined by labels parading as reality.

reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

I don't remember you answering my question that I posed to you. Would you have sex with an M-to-F tranny? Stop blabbering for once and answer the question.
The reason you dont remember is because your question is idiotic. I typically ignore idiotic questions.
Here, some differences for those who don't bother to read links . . .

Men and women differ in countless ways, many of which they aren't even conscious of. Here are just a few of those differences:

1) A woman has greater constitutional vitality, perhaps because of her unique chromosomal pattern. Normally, she outlives a man by three or four years in the U.S. Females simply have a stronger hold on life than males, even in the uterus. More than 140 male babies are conceived for every 100 females; by the time birth occurs, the ratio is 105 to 100, with the rest of the males dying in spontaneous abortions.

2) Men have a higher incidence of death from almost every disease except three: benign tumors, disorders related to female reproduction, and breast cancer.

3) Men have a higher rate of basal metabolism than women.

4) The sexes differ in skeletal structure, women having a shorter head, broader face, less protruding chin, shorter legs, and longer trunk. The first finger of a woman's hand is usually longer than the third; with men the reverse is true. Boys' teeth last longer than do those of girls.

5) Women have a larger stomach, kidneys, liver, and appendix, and smaller lungs than men.

6 Women have three very important physiological functions totally absent in men--menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation. Each of these mechanisms influences behavior and feelings significantly. Female hormonal patterns are more complex and varied. The glands work differently in the two sexes. For example, a woman's thyroid is larger and more active; it enlarges during menstruation and pregnancy, which makes her more prone to goiter, provides resistance to cold, and is associated with the smooth skin, relatively hairless body, and the thin layer of subcutaneous fat that are important elements in the concept of personal beauty. Women are also more responsive emotionally, laughing and crying more readily.

7) Women's blood contains more water (20 percent fewer red cells). Since red cells supply oxygen to the body, she tires more easily and is more prone to faint. Her constitutional viability is therefore strictly a long-range matter. When the working day in British factories, under wartime conditions, was increased from ten to twelve hours, accidents among women increased 150 percent; the rate of accidents among men did not increase significantly.

8) Men are 50 percent stronger than women in brute strength.

9) Women's hearts beat more rapidly than those of men (80 versus 72 beats per minute). Their blood pressure (ten points lower than men) varies more from minute to minute, but they have much less tendency to high blood pressure--at least until after menopause.

10) Female lung capacity is about 30 percent less than in males.

11) Women can withstand high temperatures better than men because their metabolism slows down less.

12) Men and women differ in every cell of their bodies because they carry a differing chromosomal pattern. The implications of those genetic components range from obvious to extremely subtle. For example, when researchers visited high school and college campuses to study behavior of the sexes, they observed that males and females even transported their books in different ways. The young men tended to carry them at their sides with their arms looped over the top. Women and girls, by contrast, usually cradled their books at their breasts, in much the same way they would a baby.
Life lesson here. Reality is defined and labeled. Part of our human attempt to control our world.. If the definition of man changes so will what people call men and women.

Um, no, men cannot be women. Women cannot be men. It is biologically impossible to change from a man to a woman and vice versa. A woman is more than mutilated genitals, fake breasts, a shit ton of cosmetic surgery and makeup. There are many differences in skin texture, the larynx, the internal organs. . . we are generally softer, less sweaty and less smelly too; pathological factors too, for just a few more examples. He is not a woman and will never be a woman.
I'm sorry you are having a hard time dealing with labels and calling them reality.

Sorry, but men are men and women are women. No amount of wishing or cosmetic surgery is going to change that. These people need intensive psychological treatment. Unfortunately, our psychiatric organization is extremely lazy. Instead of actually treating people, they now just put them on potentially dangerous drugs and recommend potentially life-threatening and extremely life-altering surgery, which I am sure some people who suffer the loss of their sexual function desperately regret.
They used to think that people that claimed the world was round were crazy as well. They used to discriminate against people that were left handed. Definitions change all the time. Dont be stagnant. Adapt and grow.

Nope, the differences between men and women are reality. Sorry. :D I'm just giving you the facts. There are many, many differences biologically, physiologically, anatomically and even in the different pathological conditions that men and women might suffer from. Thems the facts! :D
Facts are rarely truths. They are agreed upon labels.
reality is set and finite when it comes to certain things, no matter how much "I'm the center of the universe" people want reality to be malleable.

If you have XY you are male, if you have XX you are female, this covers 99.99% of all people.

If a person wants to think otherwise, more power to them, however reality (and biology) are not changed "because I want them to be".
You are using definitions given to you since you are a sheep.

Those definitions are based on biology and centuries of consensus.

Try to change gravity by willing a ball to stay airborne. That's the equivalent of what you are trying to do when it comes to biological sexual definitions.

The real reason the left goes through this exercise is that once they can re-define reality, they can punish people for refusing to go along for the ride. It's downright Orwellian.
Doesnt matter who came to a consensus or what they call biology. They have had "consensus" before and found out they were utterly wrong.

I don't remember you answering my question that I posed to you. Would you have sex with an M-to-F tranny? Stop blabbering for once and answer the question.
The reason you dont remember is because your question is idiotic. I typically ignore idiotic questions.

The question is not idiotic at all. If you really believe that MTF trannies are really female, then would you have sex with one? It's a pretty simple and straightforward question, I think.

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