Is Clarence Thomas A Cartoon Character?

Was there a quid-pro-quo? What decisions did Clarence Thomas make as a result of this?
We have no idea what Thomas discussed with his “friends”
We do know they kept inviting him back

A blatant appearance of impropriety
As far as I bothered to read

For a while there, I thought you might be one of the adults on the board who could civilly and articulately have discussions with people whom you disagreed with.

My mistake.

Have fun.
For a while there, I thought you might be one of the adults on the board who could civilly and articulately have discussions with people whom you disagreed with.

My mistake.

Have fun.
I can’t waste my time when you start with a blatant lie

You have no idea what Hunter provides in his business dealings. We do know he has decades of experience.
So your claims he “
Provides nothing “ is BS
It's not hypocrisy. You'll see.

- It's a fact that Hunter was paid over $20M for doing nothing.
- The Biden's can't tell you what services they were selling, but Devon Archer confirmed it was access to Biden
- Hunter is on-record saying he paid the expenses of the entire family for years.
- When the subpoenas are granted to Biden's bank accounts, it will be crystal clear.
- You know Biden is guilty, but you put your politics above your integrity.

Was there a quid-pro-quo? What decisions did Clarence Thomas make as a result of this?

The quid-pro-quos of the Biden family are numerous, beyond substantial, admitted by Joe Biden himself (firing of prosecutor in exchange for $1B), and continue to this day (ban on mining Arizona uranium announced this week).

Big differences here.
The difference is you insist on making stuff up.

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