Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

It's strange that the democrat party would fire such a high profile chairperson on such short notice. It makes you think that Bernie really has the goods on the crooked DNC establishment. Maybe Debbie Schultz will get her due process in court if it is found that she really rigged the primaries in violation of the law or maybe the FBI will lay out a case and then decline to recommend indictment.

Who said she was "fired"? Her close friends say she made the decision to resign on her own - with no pressure from anyone else. She said she didn't want to be the "story" leading into the General Election.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

Was Bernie Sanders treated fairly?

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

Was Bernie Sanders treated fairly?

How was he treated UNfairly?
Debbie should be thanked for trying to prevent Putin's puppet from becoming president.

Thank you, Debbie!
DNC requesting a pull an MSNBC commentary segment.

From:[email protected] To: [email protected] Date: 2016-05-18 18:27 Subject: Video Request: msnbc right now

Can we pull the commentary segment right now on msnbc? Talking about the DNC and the relationship between the DNC and the Clinton campaign With rush transcript please once it wraps up. Christina Freundlich DNC Deputy National Press Secretary 314-302-0602

WikiLeaks - Search the DNC email database
Yes, she is being treated fairly and in my personal opinion she should have been gone a long time ago. If the same thing were going on the right you would be calling for her head, but alas she is Democratic so you will try to find a spin that will make you feel sorrow for the worthless wench!

Have you heard her side of the story?

Do you sit and wait for the other side of the story when it is dealing with someone on the right?

Of course not, but you wait for her comments and believe every word because you know deep in your heart she is the innocent pawn that the evil MSM is destroying, well that is what you want to believe.

I swear partisan Whores ( yes I am calling you one ) can never admit the evilness of their own side ever!
What is significant is that Hillary didn't even know what was going on in her own party. Remind anyone of Bengazi?

But then, at this point what difference does it make.........again.
Have you heard her side of the story?

As head of the DNC, does "her side of the story" matter? It's kind of a "the buck stops here" thing, isn't it? Or are those days gone? If I were Debbie, I'd start worrying about her chances of getting reelected. She's got a row to hoe in that department...

If the buck stopped at the top - Reagan and Bush would have been impeached or resigned.

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