Is Debbie Wasserman Schultz being treated fairly?

Left headed wing nuts can't get it through their pointy little punkins that a boss is responsible for their peon's actions. Especially when said boss is guilty of sending and replying to E-mails herself.

"Bernie sanders will never be President." Her reply to an E-mail. Duh.

True, Bernie Sanders will never be President - and Debbie knew that. She was working hard to keep Adolf Trump out of the White House - and she knew only Hillary could do that.
Get real. She was part of the smear. In fact she was in charge and the instigator. I can't understand the reasoning and logic of a lefty. Boggles the mind.

Please explain to us, with "credible" sources, exactly what the so-called "smear" was. Have you heard her side of the story?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?
True, Bernie Sanders will never be President - and Debbie knew that. She was working hard to keep Adolf Trump out of the White House - and she knew only Hillary could do that.
Get real. She was part of the smear. In fact she was in charge and the instigator. I can't understand the reasoning and logic of a lefty. Boggles the mind.

Please explain to us, with "credible" sources, exactly what the so-called "smear" was. Have you heard her side of the story?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?
Get real. She was part of the smear. In fact she was in charge and the instigator. I can't understand the reasoning and logic of a lefty. Boggles the mind.

Please explain to us, with "credible" sources, exactly what the so-called "smear" was. Have you heard her side of the story?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.
True, Bernie Sanders will never be President - and Debbie knew that. She was working hard to keep Adolf Trump out of the White House - and she knew only Hillary could do that.
Get real. She was part of the smear. In fact she was in charge and the instigator. I can't understand the reasoning and logic of a lefty. Boggles the mind.

Please explain to us, with "credible" sources, exactly what the so-called "smear" was. Have you heard her side of the story?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?
I told you, Shitting Bull never educates herself. She's a drunk, emotional moron who doesn't care about FACTS.. She's a lemming who walks lockstep .. period.
Please explain to us, with "credible" sources, exactly what the so-called "smear" was. Have you heard her side of the story?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.

Has that been proven?
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.

Has that been proven?

It's a coming. She's trash and the fact that you see absolutely nothing wrong with this or anything wrong with the corporate whoring of the Democrats in general tells me all that I need to know that you are not one bit better than Rove.
The smear and her side of the story is in the E-mails. Didn't you take time to read them? LadyGunSlinger posted a lot of them yesterday.

LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.

Has that been proven?
Read the effing E-mails and you won't have to ask silly questions.
Yes, she is being treated fairly and in my personal opinion she should have been gone a long time ago. If the same thing were going on the right you would be calling for her head, but alas she is Democratic so you will try to find a spin that will make you feel sorrow for the worthless wench!
Whatever happens, the Dems always have back-up plans to insure victory. They have Illinois with the graveyard vote, Florida with every illegal alien voting,(some of them multiple times) and Californicate who always has about 2 million more voters above registered voters and now Virginia with over 2000,000 pardoned for felonies. Some other states have a habit of misplacing ballot boxes in heavily Republican districts and don't forget the uncounted military absentee votes that always seem to arrive too late. (And they were in the mail for a month) Yep, business as usual. It's gonna be a cinch.
Virginia court overturns felons right to vote

McAwful overstepped his authority.
LadyGunSlinger? That's funny - even for you.
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.

Has that been proven?

It's a coming. She's trash and the fact that you see absolutely nothing wrong with this or anything wrong with the corporate whoring of the Democrats in general tells me all that I need to know that you are not one bit better than Rove.

Why are you convicting and condemning Debbie even before her side of the story is made public? Doesn't she have a right to "due process"...? Or, are you just another NaziCon woman hater?
WTF? She's been posting in this thread. Do you need reading glasses?

What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL? Remember Karl Rove?

Fraud and ............we are looking at money laundering.

Has that been proven?

It's a coming. She's trash and the fact that you see absolutely nothing wrong with this or anything wrong with the corporate whoring of the Democrats in general tells me all that I need to know that you are not one bit better than Rove.

Why are you convicting and condemning Debbie even before her side of the story is made public? Doesn't she have a right to "due process"...? Or, are you just another NaziCon woman hater?

I read her side, scumbucket.

I've been listening to some folks on CNN who know her well and have been talking to her today, and it sounds like there is much more to the story than is being reported. I'm no fan of her's - but I'm not going to malign her before all the facts are out. She deserves her "due process" in the court of public opinion. She has always struck me as someone who is passionate about being DNC Chairman. BTW, she says she was not forced out - it was her choice to step down because she didn't want to be the "story" running up to the General Election. If true - that sounds very honorable to me.

Debbie Wasserman Schultz Resigns As Democratic Party Chair

She treated Sanders like shit so she gets what she sowed. She deserves every bit of denigration directed at her. She abandoned the ethics of her position as DNC, and that is unforgivable.

What's illegal about that? Debbie was just trying to keep Putin's puppet from becoming president. I applaud her for that. She knew Sanders didn't stand a chance in hell of doing that - which is why the Trump campaign was praying for Sanders to win the DNC nomination.

Are you stupid? Oh wait, it's you... Where did I say it was illegal? Are you incapable of understanding the English language? Try reading the definition of ETHICS.
Yes, she is being treated fairly and in my personal opinion she should have been gone a long time ago. If the same thing were going on the right you would be calling for her head, but alas she is Democratic so you will try to find a spin that will make you feel sorrow for the worthless wench!
Whatever happens, the Dems always have back-up plans to insure victory. They have Illinois with the graveyard vote, Florida with every illegal alien voting,(some of them multiple times) and Californicate who always has about 2 million more voters above registered voters and now Virginia with over 2000,000 pardoned for felonies. Some other states have a habit of misplacing ballot boxes in heavily Republican districts and don't forget the uncounted military absentee votes that always seem to arrive too late. (And they were in the mail for a month) Yep, business as usual. It's gonna be a cinch.
Virginia court overturns felons right to vote

McAwful overstepped his authority.
McAwful said this afternoon that he'll pardon each one personally, thereby defying the court order. I got a Breaking News bulletin a while ago. I'll look it up.
What exactly did DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz do that was ILLEGAL?

Not the right question son. What did she do that was right?

Funny. Since when is doing "right" illegal?

(smile) I repeat, what did she do that was "right"?
Illegality is not the issue. You don't care that she is an anti-Semite because you are too.
You don't care that she organized fake "protests" about the Donald.
You wouldn't care if she DID anything illegal because you have no integrity, in your pea sized brain ANYTHING that allows whomever you are voting for is right and good. Were I of the Sioux Nation I'd spit in your face and out you as the fraud you are.

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