Is Democracy being destroyed?


Ahhhhh yes, the rantings of a lunatic!

You make me smile :biggrin:
in the 43+ yrs since I took my government class in 9th grade it has never crossed my mind when asked what form of government do we have to say anything other than a constitutional republic,, I can see saying a republic for sake of ease,,

to say we are a democracy has never even entered my mind,,
in the 43+ yrs since I took my government class in 9th grade it has never crossed my mind when asked what form of government do we have to say anything other than a constitutional republic,

Since more than 200 years the USA was called "the democracy". Now (2022) you are #30 in the democracy index which uses the categories: full democracies, flawed democracies, hybrid regimes and authoritarian regimes.

Full democracies are nations where civil liberties and fundamental political freedoms are not only respected but also reinforced by a political culture conducive to the thriving of democratic principles. These nations have a valid system of governmental checks and balances, an independent judiciary whose decisions are enforced, governments that function adequately, and diverse and independent media. These nations have only limited problems in democratic functioning.

Flawed democracies are nations where elections are fair and free and basic civil liberties are honoured but may have issues (e.g. media freedom infringement and minor suppression of political opposition and critics). These nations can have significant faults in other democratic aspects, including underdeveloped political culture, low levels of participation in politics, and issues in the functioning of governance.

Hybrid regimes are nations with regular electoral frauds, preventing them from being fair and free democracies. These nations commonly have governments that apply pressure on political opposition, non-independent judiciaries, widespread corruption, harassment and pressure placed on the media, anaemic rule of law, and more pronounced faults than flawed democracies in the realms of underdeveloped political culture, low levels of participation in politics, and issues in the functioning of governance.

Authoritarian regimes are nations where political pluralism is nonexistent or severely limited. These nations are often absolute monarchies or dictatorships, may have some conventional institutions of democracy but with meagre significance, infringements and abuses of civil liberties are commonplace, elections (if they take place) are not fair or free (including sham elections), the media is often state-owned or controlled by groups associated with the ruling regime, the judiciary is not independent, and censorship and suppression of governmental criticism are commonplace.

Here is the ranking: The Economist Democracy Index - Wikipedia
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in the 43+ yrs since I took my government class in 9th grade it has never crossed my mind when asked what form of government do we have to say anything other than a constitutional republic,, I can see saying a republic for sake of ease,,

to say we are a democracy has never even entered my mind,,

Here a German "comment" (for little pupils - including an English automatic translation which is hopefully correct) - to the autocratic nonsense which you continuously try to propagate. Source: Welche Länder sind konstitutionelle Republiken?

----- German Text:
Anschließend: Sind die Vereinigten Staaten eine konstitutionelle Republik oder eine Demokratie?

Während die Vereinigten Staaten oft als Demokratie kategorisiert werden, werden sie genauer als konstitutionelle Bundesrepublik definiert. Was bedeutet das? „Verfassungsgemäß“ bezieht sich auf die Tatsache, dass die Regierung in den Vereinigten Staaten auf einer Verfassung basiert, die das oberste Gesetz der Vereinigten Staaten ist.

Ist die US-Verfassung demokratisch?

Die Verfassung begründete eine föderale demokratische Republik. Es ist das System der Bundesregierung; es ist demokratisch, weil das Volk sich selbst regiert; und es ist eine Republik, weil die Macht der Regierung von ihrem Volk stammt.

Wem gehört die Verfassung?

Die Verfassung war schon immer ein Dokument, das dem Volk gehört. Jeden Tag schwören amerikanische Bürger im ganzen Land einen Eid, die Ideale zu schützen und zu verteidigen, die von jeder Generation ihrer Landsleute angenommen und gefördert werden.

----- English text:

Next, is the United States a constitutional republic or a democracy?

While the United States is often categorized as a democracy, it is more accurately defined as a federal constitutional republic. What does this mean? "Constitutional" refers to the fact that the government in the United States is based on a Constitution, which is the supreme law of the United States.

Is the U.S. Constitution democratic?

The Constitution established a federal democratic republic. It is the system of federal government; it is democratic because the people govern themselves; and it is a republic because the power of the government comes from its people.

Who owns the constitution?

The Constitution has always been a document that belongs to the people. Every day American citizens across the country swear an oath to protect and defend the ideals embraced and promoted by each generation of their countrymen.

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It is the natural place democracy comes to, it cannot even continue to avoid it. It is still compulsion on others, without their necessary willingness. It is an assumption that we cannot govern our own selves, and have our own alliances that work. Always where there is any repression it will grow, and power of any in this world grows corrupt.
That's a load of crap. Most inheritances are squandered by the third generation.

In 1900, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the United States.Sep 25, 2023
There are 21,951,000 millionaires in the U.S., according to the 2021 Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.94% per year between 1900 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,551.74%. To buy $1 of goods/service in 1900 it would take $36.52 today.
The 1900 United States census,--- 76,212,168 of which 4,000 were millionaires or 0.0052485% were millionaires.
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563 of which 21,951,000 were millionaires or 6.46% are millionaires.
79% Of Millionaires Are Self-Made

So it appears that there WAS more aristocracy in 1900 than today.
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

Democracy has been undermined in this country by both parties, not just the Democrats. The Republicans hand everything to the rich and give a big middle finger to the working class. We live in a Plutocracy (i.e. rule of the rich & powerful). Vested interests, and big money, rule America, not the American public at large, i.e. the working class (94% of the population), the public good. The people who sell their labor power to capitalists, the general public that has to wake up in the morning and go to work or starve to death and end up under a bridge, are the people whom their popular vote should rule. We live in an oligarchy, ruled by wealthy capitalists at the public's expense.

Most of these wars that we are sucked into, are thanks to the military-industrial complex. The fact that we're still addicted and relying on fossil fuels, rather than using safe, modern nuclear energy, is a testament to the rule of profits over people. Our infrastructure is falling apart, there are millions of Americans that don't have health insurance and don't have the money, time, or energy to get an education. The cost of living is through the roof, rendering most wages starvation salaries. Public transit sucks in most cities because Republicans keep defunding city budgets.
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Democracy has been undermined in this country by both parties, not just the Democrats. The Republicans hand everything to the rich and give a big middle finger to the working class. We live in a Plutocracy (i.e. rule of the rich & powerful). Vested interests, and big money, rule America, not the American public at large, i.e. the working class (94% of the population), the public good. The people who sell their labor power to capitalists, the general public that has to wake up in the morning and go to work or starve to death and end up under a bridge, are the people whom their popular vote should rule.

In 1900, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the United States.Sep 25, 2023
There are 21,951,000 millionaires in the U.S., according to the 2021 Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.94% per year between 1900 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,551.74%. To buy $1 of goods/service in 1900 it would take $36.52 today.
The 1900 United States census,--- 76,212,168 of which 4,000 were millionaires or 0.0052485% were millionaires.
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563 of which 21,951,000 were millionaires or 6.46% are millionaires.
79% Of Millionaires Are Self-Made —

FACTS not guesses. Why don't you provide links proving your numbers?
Democracy has been undermined in this country by both parties, not just the Democrats. The Republicans hand everything to the rich and give a big middle finger to the working class. We live in a Plutocracy (i.e. rule of the rich & powerful). Vested interests, and big money, rule America, not the American public at large, i.e. the working class (94% of the population), the public good. The people who sell their labor power to capitalists, the general public that has to wake up in the morning and go to work or starve to death and end up under a bridge, are the people whom their popular vote should rule. We live in an oligarchy, ruled by wealthy capitalists at the public's expense.

Most of these wars that we are sucked into, are thanks to the military-industrial complex. The fact that we're still addicted and relying on fossil fuels, rather than using safe, modern nuclear energy, is a testament to the rule of profits over people. Our infrastructure is falling apart, there are millions of Americans that don't have health insurance and don't have the money, time, or energy to get an education. The cost of living is through the roof, rendering most wages starvation salaries. Public transit sucks in most cities because Republicans keep defunding city budgets.
Your first paragraph is a good read.

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