Is Democracy being destroyed?

In 1900, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the United States.Sep 25, 2023
There are 21,951,000 millionaires in the U.S., according to the 2021 Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.94% per year between 1900 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,551.74%. To buy $1 of goods/service in 1900 it would take $36.52 today.
The 1900 United States census,--- 76,212,168 of which 4,000 were millionaires or 0.0052485% were millionaires.
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563 of which 21,951,000 were millionaires or 6.46% are millionaires.
79% Of Millionaires Are Self-Made —

FACTS not guesses. Why don't you provide links proving your numbers?

The rise in the number of millionaires, while noteworthy, does not paint the full picture of the economic health of the American populace. The reality of wealth and income distribution in the U.S. reveals a stark contrast to this perception of affluence.

  1. The recent decline in real median household income, as reported by the U.S. Census Bureau in 2022, indicates a decrease in financial well-being for average households. This decline is a more critical indicator of economic health than the rise in millionaire count. It reflects the struggles of the working class and the middle class, who are increasingly burdened by the high cost of living and stagnant wages (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022 Report: Income in the United States: 2022).
  2. Education, a gateway to better economic opportunities, remains inaccessible to many due to its high cost. Wealth accumulation is heavily influenced by education, as shown by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, highlighting the wealth disparities between those with and without higher education (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 2023 Report: The State of U.S. Wealth Inequality).
  3. Inflation and economic pressures have eroded the wealth gains made during the pandemic years. The economic recovery has been uneven, impacting household finances and exacerbating existing inequalities (Reuters, 2023 Report: U.S. income inequality grew through pandemic years, Fed survey shows).
  4. The Gini coefficient, a measure of income inequality, remains high in the U.S., indicating a significant disparity in income distribution despite recent decreases (U.S. Census Bureau, 2022 Report: Historical Income Tables: Income Inequality).
Historically, economic policies have played a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of wealth and income distribution. During the post-World War II era, particularly in the 1950s, high marginal tax rates of up to 91% on the wealthiest individuals coincided with a period of economic prosperity and a more equitable distribution of wealth. The average CEO salaries were significantly lower compared to today's standards, where CEOs of large corporations earn exponentially more than their average employee. This shift began with the implementation of Reaganomics in the 1980s, which prioritized tax cuts for the wealthy and deregulation, leading to a significant reduction in the manufacturing base and a weakening of labor unions (A drastic shift in the American economy from manufacturing to big finance and Wall Street - speculative trading). These policies marked a departure from the principles of the New Deal, which had previously strengthened the position of the working class through government intervention and support.

The economic trajectory since then has been marked by fluctuations, with brief periods of relief under certain administrations. However, the overall trend has been a movement away from policies that favor the working majority, leading to increased wealth concentration at the top and a growing disconnect between Wall Street and Main Street. This trend underscores the necessity for policies that address the root causes of income and wealth inequality, ensuring a more equitable distribution of resources and opportunities across all segments of society.
Why not the second one, I'm curious.
The second one is fine. It's just that your first one summarizes the big picture well is all. I'm very old and I have witnessed the attempt to hold labor back throughout my lifetime. It seems what is wanted is for people to show up and do their very best. Accept whatever wage and be thankful for it. No questions asked. Be a good company man. That's code for take it on the chin.
The second one is fine. It's just that your first one summarizes the big picture well is all. I'm very old and I have witnessed the attempt to hold labor back throughout my lifetime. It seems what is wanted is for people to show up and do their very best. Accept whatever wage and be thankful for it. No questions asked. Be a good company man. That's code for take it on the chin.
Exactly. Come and work hard, be loyal to your employer, and of course, be thankful that this sublime wealthy being granted you the great privilege of working for him or her. Not much as far as earning a living wage or benefits, not to speak of loyalty on the part of the employer toward his or her employees.
Exactly. Come and work hard, be loyal to your employer, and of course, be thankful that this sublime wealthy being granted you the great privilege of working for him or her. Not much as far as earning a living wage or benefits, not to speak of loyalty on the part of the employer toward his or her employees.
A worker does need to get trained to make themselves more valuable. I would add this. But I see zero wrong in letting workers organize and have a voice. Unless they fight to get a smidgen ahead the vast majority really never will. So they will need social security and medicare at some point which are hated by those at the top.
A worker does need to get trained to make themselves more valuable. I would add this. But I see zero wrong in letting workers organize and have a voice. Unless they fight to get a smidgen ahead the vast majority really never will. So they will need social security and medicare at some point which are hated by those at the top.
Republicans at the top would love to take away your Medicare and Social Security. They want to defund all government programs except those that serve their vested interests. They want to privatize everything and place all wealth, and resources, in their hands. Republicans are too thick-skulled or just indifferent to all of this. They're too busy blaming minorities for all of their problems.
Republicans at the top would love to take away your Medicare and Social Security. They want to defund all government programs except those that serve their vested interests. They want to privatize everything and place all wealth, and resources, in their hands. Republicans are too thick-skulled or just indifferent to all of this. They're too busy blaming minorities for all of their problems.
Thing is I don't see Democrats defending workers either. Some lip service but no meat.
Your first paragraph is a good read.
Where do you people come up with "(94% of the population)"
FACTS... NOT guesses...
In the class models devised by these sociologists, the working class comprises between 30% and 35% of the population, roughly the same percentages as the lower middle class. In 2018, 31% of Americans self described themselves as working class.[2] Retired American adults are less likely to describe themselves as "working class", regardless of the actual income or education level of the adult.[2]
Now the proof again..
73,602,753. Population under age 18. Confidence: 24.614286. Location: United States. Year ...
48.59 million in 2022 retired workers receiving Social Security benefits .
So folks the numbers are:
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563
Under 18 and retired total population -122,192,753
Total available for working class: - 217,803,810

If of the total 217,803,810 available 31% are the working class that would be 105,398,935

At the end of 2022, there were 1,230,100 people in prison in the US,

Now after subtracting 21,951,000 millionaires and prisoners in 2023 and leaves 89,223,775 Americans...
what do they do?
In 1900, there were about 4,000 millionaires in the United States.Sep 25, 2023
There are 21,951,000 millionaires in the U.S., according to the 2021 Global Wealth Report by Credit Suisse.
The dollar had an average inflation rate of 2.94% per year between 1900 and today, producing a cumulative price increase of 3,551.74%. To buy $1 of goods/service in 1900 it would take $36.52 today.
The 1900 United States census,--- 76,212,168 of which 4,000 were millionaires or 0.0052485% were millionaires.
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563 of which 21,951,000 were millionaires or 6.46% are millionaires.
79% Of Millionaires Are Self-Made

So it appears that there WAS more aristocracy in 1900 than today.

Of course. The birth of the middle class created more wealth than the world has ever seen. Capitalism enables those who work hard, or come up with the next big thing to get very wealthy.

What these socialist idiots don't understand is Capitalism benefits everybody who is productive, and even those who aren't productive.

Socialism only benefits the leaders, all others live in equal misery.
It isnt linked to democracy. Every form of government has these issues. This is caused by HUMANS.

Every form of government will grow corrupt with gaining more power with the pursuit for that, including where democracy is made available with government. And it is because of humans, for if humans really need governing there will be government made up of humans needing governing. That is inescapable other than realizing humans do not all need governing. Do you really need governing?
The Democrats are making a big mistake that will at the minimum hurt them politically for some time and most likely hurt ALL Americans for a long time.
  • More and more Americans are recognizing the Democrat party is first and foremost and understandably, fighting to survive.
  • More Americans are realizing the sources of their information is not honest.
  • More Americans are realizing the President doesn't really care about Americans... look at Maui, Hi...and "no comment" Biden..after more than 100 Americans have perished.
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats total obsession with surviving has politicized our justice system...look at GA...
  • More Americans are realizing that the Democrats AND RINO GOPers!!... are destroying our democratic heritage...all to maintain their political status.
  • Nearly two-thirds of poll respondents agree that U.S. democracy is "more at risk" now than it was a year ago. Among Republicans, that number climbs to 4 in 5.
  • Overall, 70% of poll respondents agree that the country is in crisis and at risk of failing.

America has many crises but democracy isn't one of them. We are failing ourselves in many ways , drugs , loss of faith ( and I don't mean religious ) , pure greed and laziness and covetting. We just need to stop all the insane lies and believe in ourselves again. We can't blame others for our failures.
The term productive doesn't always equate with huge money. Many productive people are teachers, police, postal workers, firemen, and on and on. They'll never become rich.
America has many crises but democracy isn't one of them. We are failing ourselves in many ways , drugs , loss of faith ( and I don't mean religious ) , pure greed and laziness and covetting. We just need to stop all the insane lies and believe in ourselves again. We can't blame others for our failures.
These people refuse to accept election outcomes, refuse to accept court decisions, and call our DOJ and FBI corrupt.

They attack and degrade our biggest democratic institutions, and then whine that democracy is being threatened. You can't make this up.

Yes indeed, it's being threatened. By the very people whining about it.
America has many crises but democracy isn't one of them. We are failing ourselves in many ways , drugs , loss of faith ( and I don't mean religious ) , pure greed and laziness and covetting. We just need to stop all the insane lies and believe in ourselves again. We can't blame others for our failures.
Do you believe that:

Trump told you to drink "bleach"?
Biden said to illegals to "surge to the border"?
Biden said "I guarantee to rid fossil fuels"?
Where do you people come up with "(94% of the population)"
FACTS... NOT guesses...
In the class models devised by these sociologists, the working class comprises between 30% and 35% of the population, roughly the same percentages as the lower middle class. In 2018, 31% of Americans self described themselves as working class.[2] Retired American adults are less likely to describe themselves as "working class", regardless of the actual income or education level of the adult.[2]
Now the proof again..
73,602,753. Population under age 18. Confidence: 24.614286. Location: United States. Year ...
48.59 million in 2022 retired workers receiving Social Security benefits .
So folks the numbers are:
The 2024 United States census,--- 339,996,563
Under 18 and retired total population -122,192,753
Total available for working class: - 217,803,810

If of the total 217,803,810 available 31% are the working class that would be 105,398,935

At the end of 2022, there were 1,230,100 people in prison in the US,

Now after subtracting 21,951,000 millionaires and prisoners in 2023 and leaves 89,223,775 Americans...
what do they do?
The same problem is occurring in most all of the advanced world , even China and especially Japan , the population is aging and has fewer and fewer workers. Bottom line we need more immigrants. Also imagine what the prison population would be if all the white collar criminals ( like trump) were in prison ; it would at least double.
These people refuse to accept election outcomes, refuse to accept court decisions, and call our DOJ and FBI corrupt.

They attack and degrade our biggest democratic institutions, and then whine that democracy is being threatened. You can't make this up.

Yes indeed, it's being threatened. By the very people whining about it.
And only them , they believe their own lies.
Strengthening social security and Medicare. Clamoring for higher wages for workers. Recognizing people are overworked. That's just a start.
Strengthening social security and Medicare. Clamoring for higher wages for workers. Recognizing people are overworked. That's just a start.
How would you strengthen social security?

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