Is diversity and multiculturalism the cause of political hyper-partisanship?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?
You can't blame the obscene hatred for Trump and the criminal enterprise in the DOJ on multiculturalism. The problem is the media's partnership with the democrat power grab. Thanks to the media nobody noticed that the Biden administration has turned into a Banana Republic.
Are you sure about that?
How has the DOJ, the FBI and the media been able to pull off this bullshit with minimal backlash or interference?
The answerā€¦.because they have the peoples support to GET TRUMP at all costs and by any means necessary. Who are ā€œthe peopleā€ you askā€¦..they certainly are not legit core American minded citizens, they are globalists, progressives, marxists, foreigners, weirdos with purple hair, neck tattoos and nose rings, faggots, feminazis and dysfunctional degenerates. You knowā€¦all part of Club Diversity.
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?

pknopp , do you have a theory to shareā€¦what is the root cause of hyper-partisanship?
We were on a bad trajectory before election 2016. But that night, when all the Democrat supporters were wailing in disbelief, the country changed. The Democratic Party seized on the raw emotion they saw and decided to go all in on a relentless Psy Ops campaign to generate pure hatred for Donald Trump. The obvious reason for that was to regain and NEVER AGAIN relenquish the power they lost. Every Fascist regime needs a scapegoat, the Nazis used the Jews and the Democrats use Donald Trump.
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?
Hmm well let's see a literal civil war happened here with just white people. Your hatred of other cultures and skin colors can't be the only contributing factor behind hyper-partisanship, then.
The most prominent problem is that the three-branch government only prevents any one person from ascending to a dictatorship, it does not prevent oligarchy; which is a conspired leader of a crony corporate board and management team instead of a box of rocks military to enforce the civil laws. It is better than a dictatorship, but still not what we want, otherwise our civics lessons would describe the approach to oligarchy.

The American three-part model was a decent start-up, but it is not good enough for the unfurled system of thousands of partisan appointments (oligarchy) for the hundred-and-some security agencies, nor is the representation system adequate for the diversity of naive, addicted, deviant, and scholarly people that the society has evolved to.
You can't blame the obscene hatred for Trump and the criminal enterprise in the DOJ on multiculturalism. The problem is the media's partnership with the democrat power grab. Thanks to the media nobody noticed that the Biden administration has turned into a Banana Republic.
BINGO! The corporate media complex is being used to take the country down. Without them stirring the passions we'd never have gotten where we are today. If I heard tomorrow that someone had gone off on one of their headquarters, I'd not shed a tear.
BINGO! The corporate media complex is being used to take the country down. Without them stirring the passions we'd never have gotten where we are today. If I heard tomorrow that someone had gone off on one of their headquarters, I'd not shed a tear.
Could the corporate media complex execute such an agenda in a nation full of likeminded, like-kind, core citizens?
You can't blame the obscene hatred for Trump and the criminal enterprise in the DOJ on multiculturalism. The problem is the media's partnership with the democrat power grab. Thanks to the media nobody noticed that the Biden administration has turned into a Banana Republic.
Media and most importantly, social media. I often think back on how Walter Cronkite used to be referred to as the most trusted man in journalism. But, that was because he was basically the only man in town at the time and, looking back on it, he spewed much of the same old shit Democrats spew now and no one ever dared question him. In fact, he was once considered to be a vice presidential nominee on the Democratic ticket, which only proves he was biased to one side all along and not fair and balanced at all.
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?
Diversity is not the problem imo ā€¦ the United States has been diverse in some way since our inception. Polish, German, black, Indian, all living together.

The problem today is mostly because of the far left creating racial Divide with regards to cancel culture, their idea that white privilege existsā€¦its brand new nobody used that terminology even five years ago.

things have simmered down somewhat since the violent summer of 2020 when we had the BLM race riots, mass violence all from the far leftā€¦ we had the four major sports, the NHL, the NBA major league baseball and the NFL all put far left wing democrat ideology on the backs of their players jerseys and in huge print for everybody watching the games to see. None of this did anything to help the middle class. It only has divided Americans.

Most Americans see this division now and donā€™t accept it ā€¦and it looks like some good things have been happening. Twitter is allowing free speech more so. Tucker Carlson is back , The pro BLM anti-Americans who yell racism at every opportunity who can never formulate a logical argumentā€¦. seem to be lessoning in number. There is the boycott of Bud Light and target going on so the American people are stepping up for the better.
America was far better off when all Americans wanted what was best for Americans, had american pride, agreed on American values and standards and morals, when we were mostly a Christian based nation, when we all spoke the same language and so on.

A country where everyone is essentially all on board with each other you get a stronger and more unified nation. You also get people who are more relaxed and comfortable and at ease because whenever you go you know you're around other Americans like yourself.

We have too many people of too many origins, backgrounds, ethics, morals, standards, values, religions, languages, political beliefs and so on. And no one wants to back down. They all demand society conform to them but they don't want to conform to society.
America was far better off when all Americans wanted what was best for Americans, had american pride, agreed on American values and standards and morals, when we were mostly a Christian based nation, when we all spoke the same language and so on.

A country where everyone is essentially all on board with each other you get a stronger and more unified nation. You also get people who are more relaxed and comfortable and at ease because whenever you go you know you're around other Americans like yourself.

We have too many people of too many origins, backgrounds, ethics, morals, standards, values, religions, languages, political beliefs and so on. And no one wants to back down. They all demand society conform to them but they don't want to conform to society.
Not willing to conform to freedom in America can be an issue for some immigrants. But I think itā€™s not a huge one. There are some number of immigrants who are very conservative or strict and their religious beliefs. .. that can create issues when they come to America. So if we want to oppose that we need to figure out ways to do so.

One thing for me is the interest in women from different countries. Thatā€™s not just me itā€™s some number of men and women in America, who perhaps are interested in meeting somebody from a different country.

I think it would be exotic to date an Arab women even one who covers her hair.

we have some number of cultures in America, like many Amish people who only stick to themselves. Now that can be an issue. Just imagine if every Irish American, Italian American, African-American, Asian American only stuck to themselves. It would surely be a problem. So maybe we could consider a questionnaire to potential immigrants asking them what they think about interracial or inter-religious relationships, but that could receive criticism from the left and the right.
America was far better off when all Americans wanted what was best for Americans, had american pride, agreed on American values and standards and morals, when we were mostly a Christian based nation, when we all spoke the same language and so on.

A country where everyone is essentially all on board with each other you get a stronger and more unified nation. You also get people who are more relaxed and comfortable and at ease because whenever you go you know you're around other Americans like yourself.

We have too many people of too many origins, backgrounds, ethics, morals, standards, values, religions, languages, political beliefs and so on. And no one wants to back down. They all demand society conform to them but they don't want to conform to society.
**** BS, that's not the American way hater dupe. the problem is we have a scumbag named Murdoch who has been thrown out of the Australia and the UK and along with him we get a ton of hateful anti-american garbage propaganda. Was no election steal whatsoever no vaccine hoax whatsoever no global warming hoax whatsoever No witch hunt Or pedophilia epidemic whatsoever et cetera et cetera et cetera, none of these conspiracies have any factual basis. So if you have 30% of the population that believes the most horrible things about others, well, that's what we have... Poor America, the worst thing that's ever happened to our country.....
Hmm well let's see a literal civil war happened here with just white people. Your hatred of other cultures and skin colors can't be the only contributing factor behind hyper-partisanship, then.
Hahahaā€¦you obviously have never read page one in ANY book about American history have you?
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?
The cause of hyper-partisanship is Democrats have become lying dishonest corrupt douchebags who run for office only to line their own greedy pockets. Losing their grip on power they have now allied themselves with all the depraved degenerates and far left whackos. The Dem party is pretty F'ed up.
When a nation becomes comprised of too many people with too many differences and too little in common donā€™t the compartmentalized ā€˜tribesā€™ become easy to divide and conquer?
If true, why does it seem like those who decry ā€œpartisanshipā€ most often are the same people who seem to be the biggest champions for multiculturalism and diversity?

I don't know.

Is diversity and multi-culturalism the reason why you guys decide to throw your lot in with a lying, grifting demagogic authoritarian conman who wipes his ass with the COTUS and would throw you all under the bus if he thought he could profit from it? Some psychologists believe this to be the case.

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