Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty

How many times are you gonna recycle that shit, SYTFE?
What, the pic? Y u no love that pic of reptilian Donald?
No, the bullshit story about Russian hacking. You're not gonna undo the election.
Meh! Trump did say the election would be rigged in his favor! What are you conservatards complaining about! So what if Trump needed the help of Russia!!!!

Trump never said the elections would be rigged in his favor. I don't know where you got this nonsense but it isn't true.

Trump did say he thought the election would be rigged AGAINST him but he never suggested it would be rigged FOR him. If you had given just a few seconds of serious thought to the matter you would have realized that no candidate would ever publicly claim that the election would be rigged in his favor. Further, If Trump had made such a foolish and self-destructive statement it would have been all over the MSM; however, the entire MSM failed to say anything about it.

Take note that I am not asking you for a link to support your laughable claim that Trump said the election would be rigged in his favor. I already knew there are no legitimate sources. Perhaps some looney tunes on face book but no reputable news source.

You're new to this forum. You will quickly learn that there are many posters on this site who are a hell of a lot more informed than you are. I suggest you do a little bit of research before you post and be able to back up what you say. When you make unfounded claims, you will be called on it.

You have the last word. I've said what I wanted to say and I am done with you.

Correct--he continually stated that the election would be rigged against him. Dead people voted, illegals voted, etc. etc. etc. Even after he won, and because Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 2.8 million he made the claim it was because illegals voted.--LOL

Clearly this election was rigged against Hillary Clinton.
Graham: 99 percent of senators believe Russia interfered in election
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’

Speak of profound paths SYTFE, I have a question about those anal beads being removed from Elton John's mouth in your avatar.

Were they inserted into his mouth to begin with, or inserted as intended and then fished through?
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During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump urged a foreign power, Russia, to interfere in the American election in order to undermine his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Russia complied. The American intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, has reached a “strong consensus” that the Russians interfered with the presidential election in order to help Donald Trump win.

It has also been reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed this espionage operation. So serious was Russian interference in the American presidential election that the Obama administration warned Putin that it was tantamount to “armed conflict.”

Republican leaders in Congress were briefed on Russia’s interference in the presidential election and how it was targeted at elevating Trump and hurting Clinton. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congressional Republicans chose to block any public discussion of these findings. In what could be construed as a quid pro quo, McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, has been selected by President-elect Trump for a Cabinet position in his administration.

Donald Trump’s flirtations with Russia and Vladimir Putin are part of a broader pattern of reckless and irresponsible behavior. Trump has numerous conflicts of financial interest that would appear to violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution. His sons, Eric and Donald Jr., were involved in a scheme (since withdrawn) that looked a lot like an attempt to sell access to his administration through million-dollar “charity” donations.

Trump has threatened to violate the First Amendment by suppressing freedom of the press, encouraged violence against Clinton and those he deemed his enemies, suggested he would not respect the outcome of the election if he lost and now promoted people widely regarded as white supremacists or white nationalists to senior positions in his administration. Donald Trump has also selected key advisers and cabinet level officials who have close personal and financial relationships with Russian leaders in banking, finance and government.

The sum total of these facts leads to a very troubling conclusion.

President-elect Donald Trump is a traitor. As suggested by John Shattuck, a Harvard university professor, in the Boston Globe, Trump’s actions may approach the legal definition of treason as defined by U.S. federal law.

Rest here: Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty

Obama just betrayed another ally again, and snowflakes are suggesting Trump is the Traitor...


Silly snowflakes...
Speak of profound paths SYTFE, I have a question about those anal beads being removed from Elton John's mouth in your avatar.

Were they inserted into his mouth to begin with, or inserted as intended and then fished through?

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