Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty

Both parties have seen the evidence and have both said Russians were envolved

Politicians can say they have seen the "evidence" and that they believe the Russians did it but it's simply a fact that politicians lie all the time. That's one of the reasons Trump got selected, people simply don't buy their bull$hit any more without seeing the evidence for themselves

Just for fun, what would your reaction have been if the FBI had arrested Hillary because they had secret evidence that proved she deliberatedly mailed state secrets from her evil server?

Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election.

I stopped there because this poster doesn't live in reality.

Poor little cupcake, I know it's hard for you to believe but there has been zero real evidence presented that shows russia having a hand in it. None.

Aww, why you change from "no evidence" to "no Real Evidence"? Is is because eht evidence you said doesn't exist does exist and now youre forced to play semantic games. Too bad
"Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty"


Trump ran for the Presidency
- WON his party's nomination
- Beat Hillary's Ass

Hillary ran for the Presidency
- Had to have a rigged Primary to beat an old Communist Party Member
- Had to have debate questions fed to her in advance
- Paid thugs and arsonists to firebomb GOP HQs, intimidate, and beat and bloody Trump supporters
- Lost in historic fashion
- Claimed to challenge the election results equates to undermining our democracy...and has since done just that

- Prevented Hillary from being indicted with the help of his crooked AG / DOJ
- Lied about not knowing about Hillary's server; emailed her using an alias
- Met numerous times with the Man Hillary hired to instigate violence against Trump supporters
- Has attempted to undermine the Trump election win
- Just F*ed another ally - again - on the way out the door, leaving Trump a mess to deal with

...and snowflakes are questioning Trump's actions...

:wtf: :lmao:

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump urged a foreign power, Russia, to interfere in the American election in order to undermine his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Russia complied. The American intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, has reached a “strong consensus” that the Russians interfered with the presidential election in order to help Donald Trump win.

It has also been reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed this espionage operation. So serious was Russian interference in the American presidential election that the Obama administration warned Putin that it was tantamount to “armed conflict.”

Republican leaders in Congress were briefed on Russia’s interference in the presidential election and how it was targeted at elevating Trump and hurting Clinton. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congressional Republicans chose to block any public discussion of these findings. In what could be construed as a quid pro quo, McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, has been selected by President-elect Trump for a Cabinet position in his administration.

Donald Trump’s flirtations with Russia and Vladimir Putin are part of a broader pattern of reckless and irresponsible behavior. Trump has numerous conflicts of financial interest that would appear to violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution. His sons, Eric and Donald Jr., were involved in a scheme (since withdrawn) that looked a lot like an attempt to sell access to his administration through million-dollar “charity” donations.

Trump has threatened to violate the First Amendment by suppressing freedom of the press, encouraged violence against Clinton and those he deemed his enemies, suggested he would not respect the outcome of the election if he lost and now promoted people widely regarded as white supremacists or white nationalists to senior positions in his administration. Donald Trump has also selected key advisers and cabinet level officials who have close personal and financial relationships with Russian leaders in banking, finance and government.

The sum total of these facts leads to a very troubling conclusion.

President-elect Donald Trump is a traitor. As suggested by John Shattuck, a Harvard university professor, in the Boston Globe, Trump’s actions may approach the legal definition of treason as defined by U.S. federal law.

Rest here: Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty

So the idiot who wrote this POS started with a false narrative and built the BS form there.

The only thing Trump asked during the campaign was IF anyone had the hildabitches 33,000 missing emails to release them. The server itself had already been wiped by that time, so there was NO WAY anyone could be asked to hack it. You folks can keep telling the lies, won't alter the fact that Trump will be the next president.
Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.
Can you tell us what exactly was found on Hillary's servers or emails that were against the law????? Go ahead......I'll wait!

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump urged a foreign power, Russia, to interfere in the American election in order to undermine his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Russia complied. The American intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, has reached a “strong consensus” that the Russians interfered with the presidential election in order to help Donald Trump win.

It has also been reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed this espionage operation. So serious was Russian interference in the American presidential election that the Obama administration warned Putin that it was tantamount to “armed conflict.”

Republican leaders in Congress were briefed on Russia’s interference in the presidential election and how it was targeted at elevating Trump and hurting Clinton. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congressional Republicans chose to block any public discussion of these findings. In what could be construed as a quid pro quo, McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, has been selected by President-elect Trump for a Cabinet position in his administration.

Donald Trump’s flirtations with Russia and Vladimir Putin are part of a broader pattern of reckless and irresponsible behavior. Trump has numerous conflicts of financial interest that would appear to violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution. His sons, Eric and Donald Jr., were involved in a scheme (since withdrawn) that looked a lot like an attempt to sell access to his administration through million-dollar “charity” donations.

Trump has threatened to violate the First Amendment by suppressing freedom of the press, encouraged violence against Clinton and those he deemed his enemies, suggested he would not respect the outcome of the election if he lost and now promoted people widely regarded as white supremacists or white nationalists to senior positions in his administration. Donald Trump has also selected key advisers and cabinet level officials who have close personal and financial relationships with Russian leaders in banking, finance and government.

The sum total of these facts leads to a very troubling conclusion.

President-elect Donald Trump is a traitor. As suggested by John Shattuck, a Harvard university professor, in the Boston Globe, Trump’s actions may approach the legal definition of treason as defined by U.S. federal law.

Rest here: Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty
Total bullshit, but I'm sure you agree with Ted Kennedy working with Gorbachev to stop Regan from getting relected?
Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.
Can you tell us what exactly was found on Hillary's servers or emails that were against the law????? Go ahead......I'll wait!
Comedy said that more than likely our enemies got classified information off of Hillary's unsecured server.
How many times are you gonna recycle that shit, SYTFE?
What, the pic? Y u no love that pic of reptilian Donald?
No, the bullshit story about Russian hacking. You're not gonna undo the election.
99 out of 100 senators are convinced that Russia intervened. You'll have a hard time convincing them -- who are privy to intel that you and I will never see -- that the story is "bullshit."
More bullshit.
Facts. Get them. Lindsey Graham: Donald Trump disagrees with the entire US Senate on Russia -
Facts? Where? Two butthurt liberals who should switch parties once again joining Democrats to try to undermine the new president. This is nothing new. What would be "new" is for them to present some EVIDENCE.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Republican nominee Donald Trump urged a foreign power, Russia, to interfere in the American election in order to undermine his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton. Russia complied. The American intelligence community, including the CIA and FBI, has reached a “strong consensus” that the Russians interfered with the presidential election in order to help Donald Trump win.

It has also been reported that Russian President Vladimir Putin personally directed this espionage operation. So serious was Russian interference in the American presidential election that the Obama administration warned Putin that it was tantamount to “armed conflict.”

Republican leaders in Congress were briefed on Russia’s interference in the presidential election and how it was targeted at elevating Trump and hurting Clinton. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other congressional Republicans chose to block any public discussion of these findings. In what could be construed as a quid pro quo, McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao, has been selected by President-elect Trump for a Cabinet position in his administration.

Donald Trump’s flirtations with Russia and Vladimir Putin are part of a broader pattern of reckless and irresponsible behavior. Trump has numerous conflicts of financial interest that would appear to violate the emoluments clause of the Constitution. His sons, Eric and Donald Jr., were involved in a scheme (since withdrawn) that looked a lot like an attempt to sell access to his administration through million-dollar “charity” donations.

Trump has threatened to violate the First Amendment by suppressing freedom of the press, encouraged violence against Clinton and those he deemed his enemies, suggested he would not respect the outcome of the election if he lost and now promoted people widely regarded as white supremacists or white nationalists to senior positions in his administration. Donald Trump has also selected key advisers and cabinet level officials who have close personal and financial relationships with Russian leaders in banking, finance and government.

The sum total of these facts leads to a very troubling conclusion.

President-elect Donald Trump is a traitor. As suggested by John Shattuck, a Harvard university professor, in the Boston Globe, Trump’s actions may approach the legal definition of treason as defined by U.S. federal law.

Rest here: Is Donald Trump a traitor? His path to the White House suggests a pattern of profound disloyalty

I think Trump has a true love for Russia--look at the wives he has married. The problem he has is that there are 17 different intelligence agencies stating these Wiki leak hacks where coming from high levels within the Kremlin. Comrade Trump is still denying it, which is really pissing off Republican senate intelligence committee members. He's not going to have any decent relationship with them, nor the Joint Chiefs of staff that depend on intelligence.

The next problem he has, is that right now there are investigative reporters working 24 hours a day 7 days a week trying to prove collusion within the Trump campaign, or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States. If so that would be considered TREASON. And it looks like they may already have something. Which is why John McCain & Lindsey Graham are having a conniption fit about this.

Brennan STILL hasn't produced any proof of the Ivans playing in our sandbox and neither Comey or Clapper have said they agree with Brennan on the matter.....Brennan said that about them. Once again we see that Barry has every agency in his domain politicized and useless.
Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.
Can you tell us what exactly was found on Hillary's servers or emails that were against the law????? Go ahead......I'll wait!

You're just not very smart are ya? It illegal to have classified information on any system not approved to contain such information. Removing such information from approved systems to unapproved systems is also a violation. The hildabitch when she out processed for State signed documents that she had returned all classified information, she hadn't, also a violation. I could go on, but you obviously have never held a security clearance and have no idea what the requirements are.
How many times are you gonna recycle that shit, SYTFE?
What, the pic? Y u no love that pic of reptilian Donald?
No, the bullshit story about Russian hacking. You're not gonna undo the election.
99 out of 100 senators are convinced that Russia intervened. You'll have a hard time convincing them -- who are privy to intel that you and I will never see -- that the story is "bullshit."

Anybody else notice that the alt-left decries that the Russians hacked the election, then don't specify which election?

There seems to be ample evidence that the Russians did in fact mess with Democrats PRIMARY election. There is zero evidence that they "hacked" the GENERAL election. I read an article a while back, that has since been taken down, where they conceded there was no hack of the general. They do claim, however, that by releasing Podesta's and Hillary's emails, "the Russians hacked the voters"!

Democrats will say anything to try and prove the unproven.

I mean, c'mon man, the ignorance, absurdness, and down right silliness of Congresswoman Cynthia Ann McKinney is now at epidemic proportions in the Democratic Party.
How many times are you gonna recycle that shit, SYTFE?
What, the pic? Y u no love that pic of reptilian Donald?
No, the bullshit story about Russian hacking. You're not gonna undo the election.
Meh! Trump did say the election would be rigged in his favor! What are you conservatards complaining about! So what if Trump needed the help of Russia!!!!
Brennan STILL hasn't produced any proof of the Ivans playing in our sandbox and neither Comey or Clapper have said they agree with Brennan on the matter.....Brennan said that about them. Once again we see that Barry has every agency in his domain politicized and useless.

Wrong Comey a traitor himself to his badge--did in fact recently state that Russia was involved in helping Trump get elected.


Comey and his malfeasance in all of this will be the next investigation
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.

Comrade is ignoring all the intelligence agenices and the US Senate. Take Putin's manhood out of your mouth. You and Chump are traitors.
Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.

Comrade is ignoring all the intelligence agenices and the US Senate. Take Putin's manhood out of your mouth. You and Chump are traitors.

I don't know what kind of cough-cough Comrade President Trump his supporters believe he's going to make?--LOL I imagine those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him are wearing bags over their heads about right now. More than half the country hates Trump, including the Senate & House Republican enemies that Trump and his supporters have made.

Trump is the most illegitimate President ever to get sworn into the oval office, and everyone knows it. With the help of the Russians, and FBI director James Comey who moved the goal posts and everyone knows that now too. There is no way Donald Trump would have won this election without their help. He's a lame duck, and these Senate & House republicans aren't going to have any problems signing off on an impeachment process against him. Which is probably why they have been avoiding the Trump tower as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.

Only to a moron. The facts are the russki's DIDN'T interfere in the election. The shrilary fucked up by using a private server and having classified material on it which is a felony. The obummer admin gave her a pass because he wanted her to be obummer III, the American People though knew she was a shit candidate. You want to know who interfered with the election? The shrilary and the obummer admin, that's who.

Comrade is ignoring all the intelligence agenices and the US Senate. Take Putin's manhood out of your mouth. You and Chump are traitors.

I don't know what kind of cough-cough Comrade President Trump his supporters believe he's going to make?--LOL I imagine those supposedly 200 admirals that endorsed him are wearing bags over their heads about right now. More than half the country hates Trump, including the Senate & House Republican enemies that Trump and his supporters have made.

Trump is the most illegitimate President ever to get sworn into the oval office, and everyone knows it. With the help of the Russians, and FBI director James Comey who moved the goal posts and everyone knows that now too. There is no way Donald Trump would have won this election without their help. He's a lame duck, and these Senate & House republicans aren't going to have any problems signing off on an impeachment process against him. Which is probably why they have been avoiding the Trump tower as if it has been infected with the Ebola virus.

:crybaby: :itsok:
Brennan STILL hasn't produced any proof of the Ivans playing in our sandbox and neither Comey or Clapper have said they agree with Brennan on the matter.....Brennan said that about them. Once again we see that Barry has every agency in his domain politicized and useless.

Wrong Comey a traitor himself to his badge--did in fact recently state that Russia was involved in helping Trump get elected.


Comey and his malfeasance in all of this will be the next investigation
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Comey investigates Hillary: "Comey is a traitor."

Comey refuses to request an indictment: "Comey is a hero."

Comey re-opens investigation: "Comey is a traitor."

Notice the pattern with liberals? :p

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