IS Donald Trump innocent in the "sexual assault" controversy?

Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
Until he's proven guilty by a reasonable doubt by a jury of his peers, yes, he's innocent.
It is an American belief that it is always the woman's fault so thus Donald is excused his awful behavior and lies. Consider the place of women in historical knowledge and psychological emotions, it started with Eve and continues to this day. Trump is obviously guilty and he brought this on himself by not apologizing and then lying. His never say I'm wrong attitude finally bit him you know where. And then his constant repeat of the usual conservative republican finger point that it is the MSM's fault forgives him in the eyes of his faithful flock - but it also made media and others look more closely at a man of very low character. Republicans fight against women's rights constantly, so understanding Trumps' base of groupies is kinda easy.

"The Republican Platform’s War On Women’s Rights: What You Need To Know" The Republican Platform's War On Women's Rights: What You Need To Know - The Frisky

Proof of the GOP War on Women

And Pence is the same
Mike Pence's Record On Women's Rights Barely Came Up At The Debate & That's A Problem
Under which rock have you been?.
And where's your sycophantic Obama family avatar?
Suddenly you're a champion of women's rights and have all the answers there, Gloria Allred?
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?

I think you can tell by his reactions. His wife came out and didn't say he didn't do it. If he hadn't have done it, then he'd have told his wife to say so. She clearly thinks he did it. So why wouldn't anyone else.

He's going for the Russian tactic of putting enough doubt into people's minds, without actually saying he didn't do something he knows he didn't do.
. Yeah just like Obama's wife came out talking smack, but then Obama had to issue a statement from the whitehouse for Trump to leave family out of it.. Your kidding me right? Trump is doing the right thing by keeping his wife as far away from these dam despicable Demon-crats as he can.

Doing the "right thing" and not being guilty of this thing are two different things. Not even you are defending him, just trying to divert attention away.
Trump is not guilty of anything,
I believe this whole thing is a setup to skew the election. its a ploy.
The DNC and the Clinton camp knows she is not going to win on the issues....Even the polling trends show this..every time one of the main stream media outlets reports this "BREAKING NEWS, Trump did this", stories. Clinton gets a big bump in the polls. Typically less than a week later, the polls reverse and the lead for Clinton is either below the margin of error or Trump has retaken the lead.
Now if these revelations and awful events were so significant that they would permanently tip the election to Clinton, then why do the polls reverse?.....
This all boils down to a couple things. One the likely voters view Clinton with much more contempt than the DNC and their operatives as well as the main stream media would have us believe. Clinton has no plan or proposed no policies( other than more free shit) and cannot win on the issues. BTW, Trump HAS plans that WILL work. Number one....Repatriate jobs and capital to the US by lowering the confiscatory 35% corp tax rate. What's Clinton going to do? Increase taxes. And after that , no one knows. She's been too busy conferring with her campaign people to come up with another bunch of one liners with which to attack Trump.....
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...

Then why do you douche bags believe treating Hillary with respect is mandatory?
Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...

Then why do you douche bags believe treating Hillary with respect is mandatory?
Hillary deserves as much respect as she gives out (little to none)
All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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speaking of gullible you fit the mold perfectly ...

Don't make me laugh at your stupid ass.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

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excellent articles
about your source ... its a blogger number 1 ... bloggers don't always use factual sites ... so basically we can take your source serious come back with real facts not fake ones ... NEXT

the Last Refuge
The Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons ...

It is easy to research the article to confirm the content. The history of this particular accuser is confirmed.

These women never came forward before not even when Trump had a top rated TV show but now they come forward in the last month of the election.

If it smells like shit, it probably is. This is Democrat bullshit.

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No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
excellent articles
about your source ... its a blogger number 1 ... bloggers don't always use factual sites ... so basically we can take your source serious come back with real facts not fake ones ... NEXT

the Last Refuge
The Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons ...

It is easy to research the article to confirm the content. The history of this particular accuser is confirmed.

These women never came forward before not even when Trump had a top rated TV show but now they come forward in the last month of the election.

If it smells like shit, it probably is. This is Democrat bullshit.

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real talk
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
real talk
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
probably he is innocent. theres no proof
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
yeah lol
No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
excellent articles
about your source ... its a blogger number 1 ... bloggers don't always use factual sites ... so basically we can take your source serious come back with real facts not fake ones ... NEXT

the Last Refuge
The Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons ...

It is easy to research the article to confirm the content. The history of this particular accuser is confirmed.

These women never came forward before not even when Trump had a top rated TV show but now they come forward in the last month of the election.

If it smells like shit, it probably is. This is Democrat bullshit.

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they all could care less if trump had billions of dollars ... or if he had a top rated TV show ... why the hell would they come forward for that kind of crap ... are you really this stupid ???? the reason they came forward was trump saying he never grabbed women by the pussy or tried to kiss them ... that's why they came forward .... its like all rape cases ... you have some guy making outlandish statements that he never did that to them, then pissing these women off like he did the all come out o the wood work .... the fact then deny he ever acted on his statement really got them pissed... that's why they came forward you idiot what smells like shit is you and the other bozo's dreaming up your crap like it has substance to it...
Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
excellent articles
about your source ... its a blogger number 1 ... bloggers don't always use factual sites ... so basically we can take your source serious come back with real facts not fake ones ... NEXT

the Last Refuge
The Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons ...

It is easy to research the article to confirm the content. The history of this particular accuser is confirmed.

These women never came forward before not even when Trump had a top rated TV show but now they come forward in the last month of the election.

If it smells like shit, it probably is. This is Democrat bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
they all could care less if trump had billions of dollars ... or if he had a top rated TV show ... why the hell would they come forward for that kind of crap ... are you really this stupid ???? the reason they came forward was trump saying he never grabbed women by the pussy or tried to kiss them ... that's why they came forward .... its like all rape cases ... you have some guy making outlandish statements that he never did that to them, then pissing these women off like he did the all come out o the wood work .... the fact then deny he ever acted on his statement really got them pissed... that's why they came forward you idiot what smells like shit is you and the other bozo's dreaming up your crap like it has substance to it...

Keep dreaming bullshit Billy. You're gonna leave a hickey on that big Clinton ass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
he is as innocent as they get
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
as more and more women come forward, its getting harder to believe he is innocent
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
very interesting debate
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
only time can tell

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