IS Donald Trump innocent in the "sexual assault" controversy?

All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Yes . And I hear he has a black friend !

He hires childless women because he knows they will obsesss on work . Has nothing to do with respect .
The hypocrisy on the left is astounding.

Hillary defended her sex offender husband and tried to ruin the lives of his accusers. Talk about a war on women, Hillary has been waging that war for decades.
And now...all of you are doing the same thing you condemn Hillary Clinton for...

Do you understand what "hypocrisy" means? We aren't out there claiming to be the champions of women. Hillary is.

You're out there defending Trump's behavior. The same behavior you condemned in Clinton. I think that qualifies as hypocrisy.

No, you need to read at a higher level to understand I guess. Maybe I can make it simpler for you.

Hillary is being a hypocrite. I am calling her a hypocrite. I'm not defending Trump at all. Understand now?
Then the reverse is also true, however, we have a Clinton accuser that had a lawsuit settled, any for trump.

I will ask you the same as I have others.

Do you really want us to beleive that a famous billionaire could assault at least two of these accusers, in public open places (one an airliner, the other a club), and nobody has come forward to say they witnessed them?

I was assaulted and groped on a well lit train, and no one noticed. People are reading, or watching movies. If it's a late night flight, they're sleeping. I got away and complained to the conductor, but no one was coming to my aid in a very public space.

Since the groping on the plane took place over 30 years ago, why would anyone remember it happening?
The hypocrisy on the left is astounding.

Hillary defended her sex offender husband and tried to ruin the lives of his accusers. Talk about a war on women, Hillary has been waging that war for decades.

Oddly enough, so did Trump.

You are talking out of your ass. Back it up. Give us a link where Trump tried to ruin the lives of his accusers.
Hillary is being a hypocrite. I am calling her a hypocrite. I'm not defending Trump at all. Understand now?

Hillary is the wife of a serial adulterer. Bill's women knew he was married when they had sex with him. They gave no thought to his wife, or his child.

Juanita Broaddrick had a husband and a lover and cheated on both of them. To me that makes her a liar and a cheat to begin with. Why did she sign swear an oath before God that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and then recant after Republicans offered her immunity from prosecution? What else did Republicans offer her?

Why did they have to threaten Monica with charges if she failed to co-operate with Ken Starr's prosecution of the Clinton? Oh yeah, because having someone pose as your best friend to tape record your conversations isn't enough abuse to make you turn on someone.

Every wife of cheating every cheating husband out there has nothing but contempt for the selfish, self-centred women who routinely date married men and don't care who gets hurt as a result. Groupies are scum.
Hillary is being a hypocrite. I am calling her a hypocrite. I'm not defending Trump at all. Understand now?

Hillary is the wife of a serial adulterer. Bill's women knew he was married when they had sex with him. They gave no thought to his wife, or his child.

Juanita Broaddrick had a husband and a lover and cheated on both of them. To me that makes her a liar and a cheat to begin with. Why did she sign swear an oath before God that Bill Clinton did not rape her, and then recant after Republicans offered her immunity from prosecution? What else did Republicans offer her?

Why did they have to threaten Monica with charges if she failed to co-operate with Ken Starr's prosecution of the Clinton? Oh yeah, because having someone pose as your best friend to tape record your conversations isn't enough abuse to make you turn on someone.

Every wife of cheating every cheating husband out there has nothing but contempt for the selfish, self-centred women who routinely date married men and don't care who gets hurt as a result. Groupies are scum.

Irrelevant, Hillary is a hypocrite.
You are talking out of your ass. Back it up. Give us a link where Trump tried to ruin the lives of his accusers.

There is absolutely no evidence that Hillary and Bill Clinton tried to ruin their accusers lives either. In fact, the reason why Jones law suit was dismissed was because her claim that she suffered repercussions because of her refusal to have sex with Bill Clinton was found to be false. The judge found that neither her career, nor her husband's were in any way affected.

Clinton settled with Paula Jones in order to move on with his life and to focus on with the upcoming impeachment hearings. The Minutes of Settlement agreed to by Paula Jones included no admission of guilt or liability on the part of Bill Clinton, and no apology for his behaviour. Jones received $200,000 and the rest went to her Republican legal team.
Donald Trump claims to be innocent, says the sexual assault allegations are all lies
So many women are coming forward with stories, but Trump still maintains his innocent.

"As you have seen, I am a victim of one of the great political smear campaigns in the history of our country," he said at a rally in Charlotte, North Carolina, on Friday night. "They are coming after me to try and destroy what is considered by even them the greatest movement in the history of our country."

Who do you believe is telling the truth, Donald Trump or the women?
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Well....why is it you guys think Hillary should treat the "whores" who tried to smear her husband with respect?

Every post you guys make just digs your hole deeper.
. Whose calling them whores???? Ohh you are.
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Well....why is it you guys think Hillary should treat the "whores" who tried to smear her husband with respect?

Every post you guys make just digs your hole deeper.
. Whose calling them whores???? Ohh you are.

Did you read the post I responded to?

Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.
"Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.
This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade" ...........Mr. Trump has never voted to defund PP and he would never dismantle Roe v. Wade.
I do not know because I was not there. The only thing I do know is that Hillary and the Democrats are the most corrupt bunch of liars this country has ever produced. It is highly likely that this is all false. You cannot believe a single thing that comes from this group of scumbags so I'm on Trumps side on this.

Guilty or innocent, it makes no difference in running the country. Hillary the criminal is completely unqualified and extremely dangerous.

I agree with you.

Personally, I think if Trump had done anything illegally, women would not only have reported it when it happened, but would have sued him. He would likely have settled to make it go away.

The allegations against him are too perfectly timed with what Hillary needed right now. The allegations against Clinton seemed more legit and yet he never paid a price.

Clinton also has spent way too much time on a jet and island known for having underage sex slaves but the media doesn't even mention it.

The media shrugged off the many allegations against Bill yet jumped on this and spent a lot of time talking about it. Just the fact that Gloria Allred was called in makes me suspicious. She was called in for the supposed victims of Herman Cain and those were later proven false.

The media has called for a blackout on WikiLeaks information and when you read them, it's clear why. One liberal reporter even warned listeners not to read the emails and said it could be a crime to download them on your computer. Of course, no one downloads them since they are readily available on the website. It's an effort to make people avoid going to the website for fear they are doing something illegal.

When media dismisses all of Bill's accusers and then turn around and say we must take victims seriously when they accuse Trump, it's clear they only listen to those who accuse Republicans.

It would have been easier to take them seriously had they come forth long ago or at least as soon as Trump threw his hat in the ring. The fact that they all waited to come out in time for the emails being released indicates a coordinated effort. The women would had to have gotten together and planned this. And we must believe they all happened to call Allred.

I am willing to bet that each of the women are enjoying a nice financial windfall.

As it is, some of the stories have already fallen apart because their claims just aren't factual. Of course, if they were going to battle in court, any lawyer could shred them. They are more interested in trying this in the court of public opinion and then they slither back to their holes, probably wealthier for their efforts.

The goal was to smear Trump. How much damage was done remains to be seen. If media would actually report on the emails so people knew what Hillary and her people had been up to, no one would care about some suspicious claims regarding Trump from decades ago.
What a set up question this is, but you knew that didn't you ?? If anyone says they believe Trump, then it's the idiotic war on women again right ? Those poor little helpless women, who are just so innocent because they are women right ?? Another 4 years of tippy toe'ing having to put up with this bull crap again.

The left lost all credibility when they refused to condemn Bill Clinton for the many accused rapes, the time spent on an island with 12 year old sex slaves and Hillary's brutal treatment of a 12 year old rape victim.
What a set up question this is, but you knew that didn't you ?? If anyone says they believe Trump, then it's the idiotic war on women again right ? Those poor little helpless women, who are just so innocent because they are women right ?? Another 4 years of tippy toe'ing having to put up with this bull crap again.

The left lost all credibility when they refused to condemn Bill Clinton for the many accused rapes, the time spent on an island with 12 year old sex slaves and Hillary's brutal treatment of a 12 year old rape victim.
how could this be
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
The hypocrisy on the left is astounding.

Hillary defended her sex offender husband and tried to ruin the lives of his accusers. Talk about a war on women, Hillary has been waging that war for decades.

Oddly enough, so did Trump.

You are talking out of your ass. Back it up. Give us a link where Trump tried to ruin the lives of his accusers.

He tried to ruin Paula Jones life about as much as Hillary Clinton and Trump only wished he could have slept with Bill Clinton, let alone be married to him.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

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