IS Donald Trump innocent in the "sexual assault" controversy?

The hypocrisy on the left is astounding.

Hillary defended her sex offender husband and tried to ruin the lives of his accusers. Talk about a war on women, Hillary has been waging that war for decades.

Oddly enough, so did Trump.

You are talking out of your ass. Back it up. Give us a link where Trump tried to ruin the lives of his accusers.

He tried to ruin Paula Jones life about as much as Hillary Clinton and Trump only wished he could have slept with Bill Clinton, let alone be married to him.

real talk
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

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All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

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Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

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Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

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excellent articles
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
speaking of gullible you fit the mold perfectly ...
All bullshit that Hillary has planned for months. It is a smear campaign and everyone knows it. The man has had beautiful women around him for most of his life and it never was an issue before. Hillary a break with the video of him saying stupid stuff and is trying to turn it into gold. Only the absolutely gullible will believe this coming out in the last few weeks before the election isn't totally planned. None of this will even go to trial as it is all just Democrat bullshit.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Your delusional. Trump has been a open sexist prick his whole life . Is there any doubt he's a woman abuser?

And the nerve of him to throw out Bills past! Kettle , meet black .

No, you are delusional. He's hired more women for top positions in his businesses than most and there is no history of sexual harassment.

Keep sucking that Clinton ass.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Because each and every female employee signs a non-disclosure agreement.

And No, Donald doesn't hire women in many top positions at all. A few tokens, not equal opportunity. Any woman who speaks out against her employer's sexual misconduct will find herself quickly unemployed.

You are talking out you rear end. Here's some proof that it is all just a giant bullshit story.

Does Donald Trump First Class “Groping Accuser” Have a History of Conflict With Trump Property?….

One of the accusers has a long history of animosity toward him and is a democrat supporter.

The truth is right there in your face and you refuse to see it because you are brainwashed.

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excellent articles
about your source ... its a blogger number 1 ... bloggers don't always use factual sites ... so basically we can take your source serious come back with real facts not fake ones ... NEXT

the Last Refuge
The Conservative Tree House may be called a Last Refuge for each of us for different reasons ...
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
just recently Hillary at a private event referred to trump supporters as deplorables the right jump all over it ... so when romney spoke of the 47% voters now its the dems fault that they repeated what he said about the voters ??? seems a bit one sided on your part
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
agreed fully
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
just recently Hillary at a private event referred to trump supporters as deplorables the right jump all over it ... so when romney spoke of the 47% voters now its the dems fault that they repeated what he said about the voters ??? seems a bit one sided on your part

I disagree. Seems they will do anything to muddy the waters and not talk about the issues.

Those issues sure aren't about the imaginary war on women or in Romney case he made a valid point. The 47%. Those 47% don't pay Fed taxes. What happens when that number reaches 5O% or more?? Kinda means there will be more takers than producers. Was Romney wrong to mention it?? I don't think he was.

Oh and you can bet that 47% didn't like it one bit. The truth hurts.
Whole lot of bullshit that's used to take away from the issues that matter.

Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
just recently Hillary at a private event referred to trump supporters as deplorables the right jump all over it ... so when romney spoke of the 47% voters now its the dems fault that they repeated what he said about the voters ??? seems a bit one sided on your part

I disagree. Seems they will do anything to muddy the waters and not talk about the issues.

Those issues sure aren't about the imaginary war on women or in Romney case he made a valid point. The 47%. Those 47% don't pay Fed taxes. What happens when that number reaches 5O% or more?? Kinda means there will be more takers than producers. Was Romney wrong to mention it?? I don't think he was.

Oh and you can bet that 47% didn't like it one bit. The truth hurts.
typical right wing uneducated response ... did you got to the GOP web site for that bull shit responce??? they do pay taxes I've proven this so many times but you right wing nuts just can't seem to grasp it... once more for the stupid one here..

every person who works get taxes taken out of their check... at the end of the year we all file our tax return ... for number sake I'm using 5000 just as a reference ... you find out you get back 250.00 that means they paid in taxes that year 4750 dollars so how do you come to the conclusion they paid no taxes... oh that's right your handler told you ...
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...
real talk
who was it that released the trump tape ??? who was it that released the romney tape ??? who was it the released the hillary tape ???
it seems to be ok when a republican muddy the waters but when a democrat mudding the waters it high treason ... in the last two debates hillary responde to trumps attack,then moved on to what she would do for the country ...when it was trumps turn all trunp did was call hillary hames tell us how horrable she is and never tried to discuss what he would do for the country ... my source the debates go look again Claudette ...
Hillary Clinton is his professional peer. She should be treated with respect because she's her party's candidate. Just as Trump is accorded more respect that he has earned or deserves for the same reason.

Because the women who confirmed Trumps own words - that he gropes women at will, and gets away with it because of his fame, are not "whores". Every one of them was a professional. Some were assaulted while working with him, others just because they were in the same place as him.

You post makes it clear that you don't respect women either.

That I even have to explain it to you shows what a misogynist creep you are.
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...
real talk
do you have a point ??? or is the point the hat you where when you sit in the corner that says on it
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...
real talk
do you have a point ??? or is the point the hat you where when you sit in the corner that says on it
Hillary is a criminal and corrupt to the core. When has she treated Trump with respect? Leftwingers think the can shit all over Republicans, but they are still entitled to be treated like the Queen of England.

Those woman confirmed nothing except the fact that they're lying whores. Their stories all fell apart after only a day or two of investigation. What kind of "professionals" are they, the kind that sell sex for money? The kind of professional extortionists that shake people down for cash? They are scum, just like you.
she never respected Trump
She disrespect the trump!!!

You really have to laugh at these ding dongs who think Hillary is entitled to be treated with respect.
whats even funnier is this ding dong thinks that treating the orange glow with respect as mandatory...
real talk
do you have a point ??? or is the point the hat you where when you sit in the corner that says on it
real talk
The hypocrisy on the left is astounding.

Hillary defended her sex offender husband and tried to ruin the lives of his accusers. Talk about a war on women, Hillary has been waging that war for decades.

Oddly enough, so did Trump.

You are talking out of your ass. Back it up. Give us a link where Trump tried to ruin the lives of his accusers.

He tried to ruin Paula Jones life about as much as Hillary Clinton and Trump only wished he could have slept with Bill Clinton, let alone be married to him.

Ah, I thought you meant Trump tried to ruin the live HIS accusers.

My main point still stands. Hillary is claiming to be the champion of women, Trump isn't making that claim. Hillary is a hypocrite.
Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
just recently Hillary at a private event referred to trump supporters as deplorables the right jump all over it ... so when romney spoke of the 47% voters now its the dems fault that they repeated what he said about the voters ??? seems a bit one sided on your part

I disagree. Seems they will do anything to muddy the waters and not talk about the issues.

Those issues sure aren't about the imaginary war on women or in Romney case he made a valid point. The 47%. Those 47% don't pay Fed taxes. What happens when that number reaches 5O% or more?? Kinda means there will be more takers than producers. Was Romney wrong to mention it?? I don't think he was.

Oh and you can bet that 47% didn't like it one bit. The truth hurts.
typical right wing uneducated response ... did you got to the GOP web site for that bull shit responce??? they do pay taxes I've proven this so many times but you right wing nuts just can't seem to grasp it... once more for the stupid one here..

every person who works get taxes taken out of their check... at the end of the year we all file our tax return ... for number sake I'm using 5000 just as a reference ... you find out you get back 250.00 that means they paid in taxes that year 4750 dollars so how do you come to the conclusion they paid no taxes... oh that's right your handler told you ...

Typical idiot response. Of course you are an idiot so no surprise there.

Grow a brain you idiot. LOL
Trump's public treatment of and total lack of respect for women has been an issue throughout this election. I consider the health and well being of half the population of the United States to be a very important issue in this campaign.

This is especially true of moves to defund Planned Parenthood, to continue to limit and undercut Roe v. Wade, to allow employers to purchase employee health insurance which won't cover their female employees' birth control or reproductive health needs, the refusal of Republicans to increase the minimum wage, or deal with pay equity.
Why should Trump treat Hillary or the whores who tried to smear him with respect? Your post makes it clear that your problem with him is the fact that he's not a leftist.

Last I heard respect is earned, not just handed out and I agree. This is a huge smear campaign much like they pulled on Romney the last time.

Issues are what's important, not the war on woman smear campaign.
just recently Hillary at a private event referred to trump supporters as deplorables the right jump all over it ... so when romney spoke of the 47% voters now its the dems fault that they repeated what he said about the voters ??? seems a bit one sided on your part

I disagree. Seems they will do anything to muddy the waters and not talk about the issues.

Those issues sure aren't about the imaginary war on women or in Romney case he made a valid point. The 47%. Those 47% don't pay Fed taxes. What happens when that number reaches 5O% or more?? Kinda means there will be more takers than producers. Was Romney wrong to mention it?? I don't think he was.

Oh and you can bet that 47% didn't like it one bit. The truth hurts.
typical right wing uneducated response ... did you got to the GOP web site for that bull shit responce??? they do pay taxes I've proven this so many times but you right wing nuts just can't seem to grasp it... once more for the stupid one here..

every person who works get taxes taken out of their check... at the end of the year we all file our tax return ... for number sake I'm using 5000 just as a reference ... you find out you get back 250.00 that means they paid in taxes that year 4750 dollars so how do you come to the conclusion they paid no taxes... oh that's right your handler told you ...
. Do you pay taxes on money given to you by government (your only source of income), and if so are you the one forking it over (the taxes), back to government after you have received the entire amount or is it being deducted out of the welfare as a pre-tax thing, therefore leaving nothing but the remainder to spend for the one in need ?? Not sure how it works for people who are totally dependent on government to survive. Do they contribute anything or are they just takers ? What actual percentage of the American electorate are out there like this ???

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