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Is Donald Trump sane? The evidence suggests he’s not

So, let me get this straight, a man who built a multi billion dollar empire, employs tens of thousands, has his insignia on first class structures and resorts all over the world, led one of the most successful reality shows in television history, defeated 17 highly talented and qualified candidates in a highly contested bloody primary to get the nomination and then defeated Hillary Clinton, who had the media, the Obama administration, the entire Democrat party and even the republican establishment, is actually insane? Ha ha ha...good one.
How do you know it's multi-billion? He doesn't employ 10s of thousands by any calculation available...get your facts right. While you're right in who he defeated, you're logic assuming that he couldn't do that and have a medically definable personality disorder is erroneous. Additionally, you assume that just because he was successful in duping the republican base and moderates implies he couldn't have a mental illness when all you've really proven is that both the republican base and some moderates in central states could be easily duped and sold a lie that gave them the mistaken impression he would do anything he claimed during his campaign (if you haven't been counting, he's caved...dropped or just folded on every campaign promise or declaration he's even had opportunity to make good on in the first month of his term and the one he actually is moving forward on will end up being tax payer funded one way or another....yeah his fence he says he'll make "Mexico" pay for without any answer as to how that is going to happen. President Reagan spent most of his second term suffering from the early onset symptoms of Alzheimer's and managed to not have it suspected by the American public
How do I know he's worth billions? Ha ha ha. Omg. Where do these nutjobs come from? His assets speak for themselves. One property, Trump Tower alone is worth over a billion. He won the nomination and then the election against all odds, despite the non stop media propaganda machine and having spent a fraction of what the corrupt Democrats and crooked Hillary did. :rofl:
To begin, just because his name is on the building and he lives in it does not mean he owns it outright or is the sole owner. You are assuming a lot. He can even be named as the owner of record for the property, doesn't mean he is the sole and only owner. Second, Trump Tower has a value of only $33m which despite your ignorant condescending response is a far cry from "billions". In fact, total value of his perceived owned property in NYC is less than $200m total or 1/5th of 1 billion to help you with the math. So park that pompous and arrogantly clueless attitude and try getting your facts straight. Obviously you cant complete basic internet research and obviously you can't add if you think $200m = billions. Additionally, because he has purposely tried to hide the truth of his financial status and based on out analysis as well as research, at best his worth might be 4-5 billion but that is highly debated and likely very inflated but actual worth is truly unknown so most is conjecture and his own tendency to over exaggerate would lend itself towards a smaller actual worth. As to the dead horse that you are beating regarding election spending....that is both a statistical load of crap and completely based on manipulated facts regarding actual campaign financial expenditures and sources of money spent. My suggestion would be to get your information straight, educate yourself so you don't look like a fool again (as you just managed to do spectacularly) and think for yourself instead of suckling at the teat of the conservative propoganda machine of Fox News and Breitbart
Crazy is some batshit boy starting the same racist troll thread 10,000 times a week...
Conservative red state republicans aren't SANE......Why would they vote for sanity in the WH?????

Well, the left wing has really come unhinged.

I guess that happens when:

1. You snatch defeat from the wide-open jaws of victory in the presidential election.
2. You don't take back the senate.
3. You continue to lose governorships and state houses.
4. Conservatives will be appointed to the SCOTUS
LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack.
Just because you're incapable of independent thought and don't recognize logic or reason does not mean I'm a hack, whatever that is supposed to mean anyways. Since your argument seems to rest solely on the fact that he won as indication of my previous response not being true..I'd say your argument is really weak. Yes, he did manage to pull off acquiring the most electoral votes so he won but that doesn't make conservatives or him any less prone to ignorance or manipulation. In fact the argument could be made that it makes the likelihood of them being susceptible to misinformation and prone to believe data that isn't true much higher.
You are a smear monger and fool nobody.

I said if Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox. You jumped in and started hurling shit at me so I backed it up with mentioning that he won and now you say that was my sole argument. You are too stupid to analyze a house fly, let alone a human being.

You just joined and you start out like this? Who's sock puppet are you? Tired of everybody ignoring you? Boohoo, poor baby.
Exactly what is a smear monger and how do I fit the definition? You posted a response, while you may consider yourself "all conservatives" I didn't hurl "shit" at you regardless of your paranoid perspective on it. Additionally, I didn't say it was your sole argument, if you ACTUALLY read what I said, I said it seems....as in there is nothing else to base your statement on. While you may find it empowering to refer to others as asshole and ignore the facts as written or deal with views that aren't completely in agreement with yours, you are posting in a forum that allows for alternate perspectives and acting like a child doesn't negate my view nor does it validate yours. While you might not understand the idea of independent thought, it's kind the opposite of being a sockpuppet which might be why you're struggling with it......I think for myself and yes, I start out like this...addressing foolish thought process and blind acceptance of behavior that is both illogical and without reason.
I explained it to you once. I'm not going to repeat myself. I'm not struggling at all, I'm calling you a dishonest piece of shit.
Please, where have I been dishonest and seriously, when have you explained diddly squat? If you're suffering from some psychotic break then I apologize for expecting you to make sense or deal in actual reality but since that's unlikely....have you read your own posts or just typing the first random crazy that enters your brain? I dare you to actually use one reply and provide a shred of content that isn't all smoke and mirror attacks at me as a strategy for supposedly proving a point you've yet to support. Please, for once I'd love it if you actually made a cogent argument worthy of attention. However, if you're going to continue to respond like a 12yo then don't bother because it's boring and only serves to prove my original point, oh and if you aren't struggling (I'm still waiting for content that isn't BS and isn't personally attacking me or my character) then what would you call the fact that you've yet to actually address any of the issues and points made in our very one sided discussion of the original post.
You cry like a little hungry baby. Quoted below is what I said and all you have for a response is one snivel after the other claiming I didn't say anything related to the stupid topic. Fuck you, you immature turd.

"LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack."
Crazy is some batshit boy starting the same racist troll thread 10,000 times a week...
Conservative red state republicans aren't SANE......Why would they vote for sanity in the WH?????

Well, the left wing has really come unhinged.

I guess that happens when:

1. You snatch defeat from the wide-open jaws of victory in the presidential election.
2. You don't take back the senate.
3. You continue to lose governorships and state houses.
4. Conservatives will be appointed to the SCOTUS
Just because you're incapable of independent thought and don't recognize logic or reason does not mean I'm a hack, whatever that is supposed to mean anyways. Since your argument seems to rest solely on the fact that he won as indication of my previous response not being true..I'd say your argument is really weak. Yes, he did manage to pull off acquiring the most electoral votes so he won but that doesn't make conservatives or him any less prone to ignorance or manipulation. In fact the argument could be made that it makes the likelihood of them being susceptible to misinformation and prone to believe data that isn't true much higher.
You are a smear monger and fool nobody.

I said if Trump is crazy he's crazy like a fox. You jumped in and started hurling shit at me so I backed it up with mentioning that he won and now you say that was my sole argument. You are too stupid to analyze a house fly, let alone a human being.

You just joined and you start out like this? Who's sock puppet are you? Tired of everybody ignoring you? Boohoo, poor baby.
Exactly what is a smear monger and how do I fit the definition? You posted a response, while you may consider yourself "all conservatives" I didn't hurl "shit" at you regardless of your paranoid perspective on it. Additionally, I didn't say it was your sole argument, if you ACTUALLY read what I said, I said it seems....as in there is nothing else to base your statement on. While you may find it empowering to refer to others as asshole and ignore the facts as written or deal with views that aren't completely in agreement with yours, you are posting in a forum that allows for alternate perspectives and acting like a child doesn't negate my view nor does it validate yours. While you might not understand the idea of independent thought, it's kind the opposite of being a sockpuppet which might be why you're struggling with it......I think for myself and yes, I start out like this...addressing foolish thought process and blind acceptance of behavior that is both illogical and without reason.
I explained it to you once. I'm not going to repeat myself. I'm not struggling at all, I'm calling you a dishonest piece of shit.
Please, where have I been dishonest and seriously, when have you explained diddly squat? If you're suffering from some psychotic break then I apologize for expecting you to make sense or deal in actual reality but since that's unlikely....have you read your own posts or just typing the first random crazy that enters your brain? I dare you to actually use one reply and provide a shred of content that isn't all smoke and mirror attacks at me as a strategy for supposedly proving a point you've yet to support. Please, for once I'd love it if you actually made a cogent argument worthy of attention. However, if you're going to continue to respond like a 12yo then don't bother because it's boring and only serves to prove my original point, oh and if you aren't struggling (I'm still waiting for content that isn't BS and isn't personally attacking me or my character) then what would you call the fact that you've yet to actually address any of the issues and points made in our very one sided discussion of the original post.
You cry like a little hungry baby. Quoted below is what I said and all you have for a response is one snivel after the other claiming I didn't say anything related to the stupid topic. Fuck you, you immature turd.

"LOL, coming from an asshole that has none. He's doing what he ran on. The lying lefties claimed we were being duped back then and are still stuck on stupid.

The fact is he won, it's you who can't handle reality. Oh, btw, when I see a name like independent centrist I know right away I'm dealing with a hack."
Well coming from a halfwit moron who can't manage to follow his own statements and can't seem to formulate a thought that isn't complete gibberish, I'll take your reply as a compliment. Thankful I'm not you since being that stupid has got to be painful. You should be proud, you're a perfect specimen for DeVoss to show how our educational system has failed...miserably. You can be proud of your stellar demonstration of the saying, "You can't fix stupid". Go put your helmet on, ask someone to wipe the drool off your face and go wait for the short bus. I'm sorry for making you think, should have known all along...you don't do that. Oh and whatever hack means ...you're repeating content...get a bigger script. If that's your response, Im not surprised I missed it...it's hard defining a level past stupid...but not surprised you're using the same idiotic puke that all the rest of the comatose conservatives use...you just can't pull it off without proving your inability to use real words resortin to 5th grade response and gutter language. Keep up that support, you did a great job of proving my point all on your own.
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Lol, seriously? Now you're just trying to be stupid. Go back to your hole... leave the conversation to adults and people with intelligence. You're only going to fry those last few brain cells proving your ignorance and childish mental capacity, dont embarrass yourself further.
Well coming from a halfwit moron who can't manage to follow his own statements and can't seem to formulate a thought
I'm not even going to read your baby poop.
Like you could, doubt youre literate enough, dumbass.

You might want to check your spelling before making that kind of claim.

Just a suggestion.
Im typing on my phone and failing to proof completely everytime, my apologies. Thanks for your interest you pompous arrogant blowhard.
Fine, since all the conservatives seem to be sharing a brain today, I made the brief exception to step over to my computer and send this final response. While it must give you great pleasure in both commenting about and point out the pathetic typos that have been made in my posts as indication that I am somehow incapable or without justification in making the statements that I've made it only indicates your inability to respond with cogent and logical dialog on the subject of this thread. Mind you, that's not a surprise as most of the content being posted by Trump flunkies consists of the same repetitive lines of "He won, get over it" and "Yes, but better than the last one and the lying bitch" line that's become oh so familiar and tired. Of course, there's always the fallback position of personal attacks and changing subjects to keep the dialog from staying on topic since you and I both know that is a fast road to failure for those zombie brained conservative legions committed to Trump regardless of fact, evidence or proof that he's proving to be nothing more than a bunch of hot air that isn't willing or can't defend or follow through on any of his campaign claims. So while I'm sure that it's fun participating in "Share the brain" day for all of you, it's really boring and frankly sad to witness the complete lack of anything resembling a cogent thought or logical argument. Even more important is how frustrating to know that the lack of reason, logic or awareness that the conservatives are so willing to demonstrate is being used to create a new generation of voters with even less skill in independent thought and lacking even greater ability to view their world with critical thinking and analytical perspectives. Wholly unaware of the need for a logical, reasoned and well supported view that isn't fed to them from Fox News and Breitbart. While you may be ok with lame pathetic and baseless assertions and claims as tools to prove your view...please know that for the majority of this nation, as well as the globe are not so easily duped and find the constant reuse of the same stupid lines and "data" (aka whatever crap you can think up or have heard from Trump) to be boring, mentally unworthy and disrespectful of those who use their brains and eyes to determine truth for themselves as man was intended to do. Oh and to save you the trouble....I probably still have a typo or two....that's the price of multitasking.
So, let me get this straight, a man who built a multi billion dollar empire, employs tens of thousands, has his insignia on first class structures and resorts all over the world, led one of the most successful reality shows in television history, defeated 17 highly talented and qualified candidates in a highly contested bloody primary to get the nomination and then defeated Hillary Clinton, who had the media, the Obama administration, the entire Democrat party and even the republican establishment, is actually insane? Ha ha ha...good one.
How do you know it's multi-billion? He doesn't employ 10s of thousands by any calculation available...get your facts right. While you're right in who he defeated, you're logic assuming that he couldn't do that and have a medically definable personality disorder is erroneous. Additionally, you assume that just because he was successful in duping the republican base and moderates implies he couldn't have a mental illness when all you've really proven is that both the republican base and some moderates in central states could be easily duped and sold a lie that gave them the mistaken impression he would do anything he claimed during his campaign (if you haven't been counting, he's caved...dropped or just folded on every campaign promise or declaration he's even had opportunity to make good on in the first month of his term and the one he actually is moving forward on will end up being tax payer funded one way or another....yeah his fence he says he'll make "Mexico" pay for without any answer as to how that is going to happen. President Reagan spent most of his second term suffering from the early onset symptoms of Alzheimer's and managed to not have it suspected by the American public
How do I know he's worth billions? Ha ha ha. Omg. Where do these nutjobs come from? His assets speak for themselves. One property, Trump Tower alone is worth over a billion. He won the nomination and then the election against all odds, despite the non stop media propaganda machine and having spent a fraction of what the corrupt Democrats and crooked Hillary did. :rofl:
To begin, just because his name is on the building and he lives in it does not mean he owns it outright or is the sole owner. You are assuming a lot. He can even be named as the owner of record for the property, doesn't mean he is the sole and only owner. Second, Trump Tower has a value of only $33m which despite your ignorant condescending response is a far cry from "billions". In fact, total value of his perceived owned property in NYC is less than $200m total or 1/5th of 1 billion to help you with the math. So park that pompous and arrogantly clueless attitude and try getting your facts straight. Obviously you cant complete basic internet research and obviously you can't add if you think $200m = billions. Additionally, because he has purposely tried to hide the truth of his financial status and based on out analysis as well as research, at best his worth might be 4-5 billion but that is highly debated and likely very inflated but actual worth is truly unknown so most is conjecture and his own tendency to over exaggerate would lend itself towards a smaller actual worth. As to the dead horse that you are beating regarding election spending....that is both a statistical load of crap and completely based on manipulated facts regarding actual campaign financial expenditures and sources of money spent. My suggestion would be to get your information straight, educate yourself so you don't look like a fool again (as you just managed to do spectacularly) and think for yourself instead of suckling at the teat of the conservative propoganda machine of Fox News and Breitbart
He has many properties in NY and Trump Tower Aline is just one of them. He purchased it about a 100 million and it is now worth 1.5 billion of which he has a 500 million stake. Fact is, he's a successful businessman with street smarts who went against the republican establishment, the Democrats, and the biased leftie media, and ended up winning the presidency after having spent a fraction of the money that was thrown at crooked Hillary. Deal with it.
Donald Trump is clearly nuts.

You mean President Donald Trump is clearly nuts.
Is there another Donald Trump as well as the so-called president?

There is one president of the United State of America

Maybe you have not reached that point in school.

He is not a so-called president.

He signs bills..they pass.

You sigh bills.....they laugh at you.

That your butthurt has to make it out this way isn't our issue.
Crazy is some batshit boy starting the same racist troll thread 10,000 times a week...

So says shit for brains. ;)

I've seen the worst the bipolar among us have to offer and president trumps behavior is very similar. They always maintain an ongoing shitstorm around themselves stupidly thinking it provides them some kind of cover for whatever unlawful behavior they're engaged in. Maybe a quick peek behind the curtain is in order
Donald Trump is clearly nuts.

You mean President Donald Trump is clearly nuts.
Is there another Donald Trump as well as the so-called president?

There is one president of the United State of America

Maybe you have not reached that point in school.

He is not a so-called president.

He signs bills..they pass.

You sigh bills.....they laugh at you.

That your butthurt has to make it out this way isn't our issue.
Any president who calls a federal judge "a so-called judge" deserves to be called a so-called president.
Donald Trump does not actually run the government of the United States because he keeps himself busy tweeting, watching FOX News and campaigning.
He does not sign bills but prefers to sign executive orders.
There is nothing but chaos in the Oval Office these days.
The assrash rages on...^^^^

So says shit for brains

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