Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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The failure is yours. Your worldview is absurd and unsustainable.

You can currently find it in practice in some third world nether regions

Nowhere in the 1st world.

You fail.

Nope. The third world is composed entirely of oppressive dictatorships that enforce the policies you support.
No, not entirely and no, I dont support their policies.

You fail. Again. AGAIN.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
ask most of obamas cabinet and advisors. they all did it
oh so if they name it something completely different....................

its fine that they forcibly take the money in that case?

and im the retard?

take a break, dude

Well, the military and other such things used to be funded by other types of taxes before the existence of income tax, but that was a long, long time ago. I don't think other taxes alone could support the costs of having the most powerful military in the world. IMO, that is a GOOD expenditure. I feel good knowing that my country has the most powerful military presence in the world.

Maybe we could just have the best defensive military in the world and stop getting ourselves into everyone's shit

If what we are getting involved in will not benefit the United States in any way, then I would agree. The problem in the ME is that they have a lot of oil. When they act up and act like arses, they affect the entire world economy which we, unfortunately, are a part of . . . which sucks. Seems as if everyone else is too much of a pussy to stand up and do anything about it, so it's always left to the US to be everyone's daddy and take care of business so these insane asylum dwellers in the ME don't destroy everything, being the barbaric ignorant savages that they are.
Try selling "patriotic" at sentencing for FELONIES, and watch is drop like lead.
Just to be clear, I certainly am not advocating that people cheat on their taxes or to not pay them, and I am not against paying taxes. I understand that we have a lot of necessary expenses and that the government does need that revenue.

However, I am not willing to pay anymore than what I pay now until the out of control spending is demonstrated to be reigned in. I always agreed with the TEA party message of TAXED ENOUGH ALREADY! I feel that I am paying MORE than enough taxes to the government.
Seriously Kaz aren't you done with your libertarian bullshit yet? I promise you will not make any converts.
America used to be about integrity and honesty. Old fashioned values. Alas. America now is about exploiting and profit and amorality.
No, it isn't patriotic.

Everyone should pay their fair share.

My "fair share" is zero.

Do you drive on the roads?
Do you send your kids to our schools?
Do you depend on meteorological warning by our national weather service?
Do you like police and your neighborhood fire department? Do you use them?

If you use any of these = your fair share sure isn't zero.
Roads can be funded locally and by state no need to involve the feds.
Schools can be funded locally no need to involve the states or feds.
A national weather service makes sense, how much does that cost?
Police and fire are funded locally, no need to involve the feds.
Are you mentally handicapped?
America used to be about integrity and honesty. Old fashioned values. Alas. America now is about exploiting and profit and amorality.
That may be what you are about, but it's not what I'm about. You don't speak for America.
America used to be about integrity and honesty. Old fashioned values. Alas. America now is about exploiting and profit and amorality.
America is about freedom. However, liberals have always been about slavery, so they won't acknowledge that fact.
No, it isn't patriotic.

Everyone should pay their fair share.

My "fair share" is zero.

Do you drive on the roads?
Do you send your kids to our schools?
Do you depend on meteorological warning by our national weather service?
Do you like police and your neighborhood fire department? Do you use them?

If you use any of these = your fair share sure isn't zero.
Roads can be funded locally and by state no need to involve the feds.
Schools can be funded locally no need to involve the states or feds.
A national weather service makes sense, how much does that cost?
Police and fire are funded locally, no need to involve the feds.
Are you mentally handicapped?
How about the military? What do you owe to fund that?
Common law needs $$ to enforce is the point, genius

God damn

I was going to suggest you include the posts you are responding to so we know what you are talking about, but I recalled it doesn't help, so never mind. Pretend I said nothing....
Stupid yet cocky Ass holes by nature are libertarians? No no.. I wont broad brush.

Thanks! A hell of you are liberal, glad you realize that. Your post are either shallow or incoherent ... or both ...
Neither have anything to do with patriotism.

So your view is calculate and pay? What is patriotic about how they are spending our money? What is not patriotic about wanting to withhold that from them?

My view is that there is absolutely nothing patriotic about either decision.

I disagree completely. Here is how I described it to another poster.

Agreed. True capitalists and patriots are in a win-win relationship.

It's capitalist to earn a living, break up an inefficient company, make money in the stock market, start a business. You win, the market wins because you add to the market, and the market allows you to make money.

Same with patriotism. You have your own life, business, friends, family, community. A healthy relationship with government is win-win. You are a good patriot, support your country, make it stronger.

It is our government by allowing mob rule to trample our individual rights and depriving us of our property not for the common good but to plunder us for the selfish interests of the majority that has violated that trust, not us.

Our government is not acting in our interest. They have gone to mob rule, tyranny of the majority. Wealth redistribution is the focus of the message. As long as they are not acting in our interest, it is completely patriotic to fight their ability to do that.

It may be right and just, it still has nothing to do with love of country.

Nothing I said was about "love of country," so your point eludes me

Patriotism=love of country.

I see, so you think "country" = "government?" I don't, not at all.

Now you are further confused. Country is not government, that is part of my whole point.
Now you are further confused. Country is not government, that is part of my whole point.

I think I get that and you are the confused one. So if I love my country and my government is being run by mob rule, how is it not patriotism to try to deprive the mob of their loot, or at least some of it? That is the whole point of this thread.
t is our government by allowing mob rule to trample our individual rights and depriving us of our property not for the common good but to plunder us for the selfish interests of the majority that has violated that trust, not us.

That is what the left/liberals/proggressives/democrats don't don't fix a corrupt government filled with greedy corrupt politicians giving power to special giving them more money and more power to give starve the beast...and they just don't get it...
Now you are further confused. Country is not government, that is part of my whole point.

I think I get that and you are the confused one. So if I love my country and my government is being run by mob rule, how is it not patriotism to try to deprive the mob of their loot, or at least some of it? That is the whole point of this thread.

You are confusing justice and patriotism. It's something a patriot might do, but it's not patriotism.

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