Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

  • Total voters
if you did win at the ballot box, the losers would still be "the mob," just like your loser ass is still the "mob" now.

I see, so if a woman doesn't consent to being raped, then she is a victim. If she says "no, don't rape me" then she's in league with the rapist. Your philosophy would do a lot for people reporting crimes, that makes them the criminal since they are objecting to the crime.

Just keep digging...


Liberals don't think your arguments through. Then again, if you did that, you would stop being liberals...
No, this is just your problem with reading comprehension. sorry, dipstick.

You said if I vote against being plundered by the mob, then I am part of the mob. I understand what you wrote just fine, you are too stupid to grasp your own argument. You are not a bright guy.
No, you just have a really really hard time with thinking.

You're fucking DUMB.

If you are calling our country "mob rule," you are saying the voters are the mob.

So if you vote, what are you?

fucking idiot.

No, moron, I am not calling the voters the mob, I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob. How stupid are you? Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know the truth, I can't handle the truth on that one...

Redistribution of wealth is a violation of the 10th amendment, in no way have I directly or indirectly consented to being plundered. However, you are willfully ignorant and without critical thinking skills.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.

LOL, even when the OP, me, puts it in my original post and in the poll, they can't grasp that I am talking about small government libertarians, not anarchists. There really is nothing I can do to explain it to them when they are that stupid.
oh so if they name it something completely different....................

its fine that they forcibly take the money in that case?

and im the retard?

take a break, dude

Well, the military and other such things used to be funded by other types of taxes before the existence of income tax, but that was a long, long time ago. I don't think other taxes alone could support the costs of having the most powerful military in the world. IMO, that is a GOOD expenditure. I feel good knowing that my country has the most powerful military presence in the world.

Maybe we could just have the best defensive military in the world and stop getting ourselves into everyone's shit

If what we are getting involved in will not benefit the United States in any way, then I would agree. The problem in the ME is that they have a lot of oil. When they act up and act like arses, they affect the entire world economy which we, unfortunately, are a part of . . . which sucks. Seems as if everyone else is too much of a pussy to stand up and do anything about it, so it's always left to the US to be everyone's daddy and take care of business so these insane asylum dwellers in the ME don't destroy everything, being the barbaric ignorant savages that they are.

We have plenty of energy here, why don't we put the effort into that instead of spending it on more military?

I agree with that and I wish we would use more of our own natural resources.

We actually get most of our oil from South America. We only get a small amount from the ME, but their oil supply is still an important global commodity.

Actually, we got a lot more from Canada than South America, though yes, we do import south american oil.
if you did win at the ballot box, the losers would still be "the mob," just like your loser ass is still the "mob" now.

I see, so if a woman doesn't consent to being raped, then she is a victim. If she says "no, don't rape me" then she's in league with the rapist. Your philosophy would do a lot for people reporting crimes, that makes them the criminal since they are objecting to the crime.

Just keep digging...


Liberals don't think your arguments through. Then again, if you did that, you would stop being liberals...
No, this is just your problem with reading comprehension. sorry, dipstick.

You said if I vote against being plundered by the mob, then I am part of the mob. I understand what you wrote just fine, you are too stupid to grasp your own argument. You are not a bright guy.
No, you just have a really really hard time with thinking.

You're fucking DUMB.

If you are calling our country "mob rule," you are saying the voters are the mob.

So if you vote, what are you?

fucking idiot.

No, moron, I am not calling the voters the mob, I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob. How stupid are you? Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know the truth, I can't handle the truth on that one...

Redistribution of wealth is a violation of the 10th amendment, in no way have I directly or indirectly consented to being plundered. However, you are willfully ignorant and without critical thinking skills.
You said

and I quote....

We are "mob rule"

And being that both r's and d's and libertarians, and green party, etc ALL win elections, the "mob" is every voter

you are seriously fucking retarded
Libertarian party plank on Government Finance and Spending

All persons are entitled to keep the fruits of their labor. We call for the repeal of the income tax, the abolishment of the Internal Revenue Service and all federal programs and services not required under the U.S. Constitution. We oppose any legal requirements forcing employers to serve as tax collectors. Government should not incur debt, which burdens future generations without their consent. We support the passage of a "Balanced Budget Amendment" to the U.S. Constitution, provided that the budget is balanced exclusively by cutting expenditures, and not by raising taxes.

Libertarian party plank on National Defense

We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.

So I am the only one who consented to the crime by objecting to it. Gotcha. And I thought you were a hypocrite, my bad.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.

So I am the only one who consented to the crime by objecting to it. Gotcha. And I thought you were a hypocrite, my bad.
This is yet another meaningless post from the brilliant mind of "kaz"
if you did win at the ballot box, the losers would still be "the mob," just like your loser ass is still the "mob" now.

I see, so if a woman doesn't consent to being raped, then she is a victim. If she says "no, don't rape me" then she's in league with the rapist. Your philosophy would do a lot for people reporting crimes, that makes them the criminal since they are objecting to the crime.

Just keep digging...


Liberals don't think your arguments through. Then again, if you did that, you would stop being liberals...
No, this is just your problem with reading comprehension. sorry, dipstick.

You said if I vote against being plundered by the mob, then I am part of the mob. I understand what you wrote just fine, you are too stupid to grasp your own argument. You are not a bright guy.
No, you just have a really really hard time with thinking.

You're fucking DUMB.

If you are calling our country "mob rule," you are saying the voters are the mob.

So if you vote, what are you?

fucking idiot.

No, moron, I am not calling the voters the mob, I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob. How stupid are you? Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know the truth, I can't handle the truth on that one...

Redistribution of wealth is a violation of the 10th amendment, in no way have I directly or indirectly consented to being plundered. However, you are willfully ignorant and without critical thinking skills.
You said

and I quote....

We are "mob rule"

And being that both r's and d's and libertarians, and green party, etc ALL win elections, the "mob" is every voter

you are seriously fucking retarded

Proof of your retardation is in your own quote. I'd asked why you didn't read it, but at this point it's clear you can't.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.

So I am the only one who consented to the crime by objecting to it. Gotcha. And I thought you were a hypocrite, my bad.
This is yet another meaningless post from the brilliant mind of "kaz"

Your stupidity isn't proof of anyone's intelligence, it's only proof of your own stupidity.
if you did win at the ballot box, the losers would still be "the mob," just like your loser ass is still the "mob" now.

I see, so if a woman doesn't consent to being raped, then she is a victim. If she says "no, don't rape me" then she's in league with the rapist. Your philosophy would do a lot for people reporting crimes, that makes them the criminal since they are objecting to the crime.

Just keep digging...


Liberals don't think your arguments through. Then again, if you did that, you would stop being liberals...
No, this is just your problem with reading comprehension. sorry, dipstick.

You said if I vote against being plundered by the mob, then I am part of the mob. I understand what you wrote just fine, you are too stupid to grasp your own argument. You are not a bright guy.
No, you just have a really really hard time with thinking.

You're fucking DUMB.

If you are calling our country "mob rule," you are saying the voters are the mob.

So if you vote, what are you?

fucking idiot.

No, moron, I am not calling the voters the mob, I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob. How stupid are you? Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know the truth, I can't handle the truth on that one...

Redistribution of wealth is a violation of the 10th amendment, in no way have I directly or indirectly consented to being plundered. However, you are willfully ignorant and without critical thinking skills.
You said

and I quote....

We are "mob rule"

And being that both r's and d's and libertarians, and green party, etc ALL win elections, the "mob" is every voter

you are seriously fucking retarded

Proof of your retardation is in your own quote. I'd asked why you didn't read it, but at this point it's clear you can't.
You're a retard.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.

So I am the only one who consented to the crime by objecting to it. Gotcha. And I thought you were a hypocrite, my bad.
This is yet another meaningless post from the brilliant mind of "kaz"

Your stupidity isn't proof of anyone's intelligence, it's only proof of your own stupidity.
you're proof that a thousand monkeys in a warehouse typing randomly can sometimes type actual words

where you located?
if you did win at the ballot box, the losers would still be "the mob," just like your loser ass is still the "mob" now.

I see, so if a woman doesn't consent to being raped, then she is a victim. If she says "no, don't rape me" then she's in league with the rapist. Your philosophy would do a lot for people reporting crimes, that makes them the criminal since they are objecting to the crime.

Just keep digging...


Liberals don't think your arguments through. Then again, if you did that, you would stop being liberals...
No, this is just your problem with reading comprehension. sorry, dipstick.

You said if I vote against being plundered by the mob, then I am part of the mob. I understand what you wrote just fine, you are too stupid to grasp your own argument. You are not a bright guy.
No, you just have a really really hard time with thinking.

You're fucking DUMB.

If you are calling our country "mob rule," you are saying the voters are the mob.

So if you vote, what are you?

fucking idiot.

No, moron, I am not calling the voters the mob, I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob. How stupid are you? Don't answer that, I don't think I want to know the truth, I can't handle the truth on that one...

Redistribution of wealth is a violation of the 10th amendment, in no way have I directly or indirectly consented to being plundered. However, you are willfully ignorant and without critical thinking skills.
You said

and I quote....

We are "mob rule"

And being that both r's and d's and libertarians, and green party, etc ALL win elections, the "mob" is every voter

you are seriously fucking retarded

Proof of your retardation is in your own quote. I'd asked why you didn't read it, but at this point it's clear you can't.
You're a retard.

Which is why you can't think of your own insult and you have to use mine.

Also, you are unqualified to make that determination as you are functionally illiterate.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.
I've known bripat for a while on this forum. He's not libertarian and has stated such on numerous occasions. Takeastepback I don't know well but he explicitly stated that he is not a libertarian in this thread.
"I am calling the voters who are voting for government to use force to take someone else's money the mob."Weird how this is America, but any voter who ever voted in favor of a tax is "the mob."

No wonder libertarians have such a harsh stereotype as being pedantic babies.

But there are much saner and more intelligent ones out there.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.
I've known bripat for a while on this forum. He's not libertarian and has stated such on numerous occasions. Takeastepback I don't know well but he explicitly stated that he is not a libertarian in this thread.

Cool. They're still pussies for paying taxes if all taxes are theft.
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.
I've known bripat for a while on this forum. He's not libertarian and has stated such on numerous occasions. Takeastepback I don't know well but he explicitly stated that he is not a libertarian in this thread.

Yes, both of them are anarchists, they are clear about that. They oppose all government.

If GT could read, you know, like my OP post for example, he would know that this thread isn't about them. They are welcome to participate of course, but the thread isn't about them just like it's not about liberals, republicans or Maoris. Well, except small government libertarian Maoris...
umm, takeastepback and bripat both said it specifically
Yeah neither of those guys are libertarian.
You asked them, or you're defining them for themselves?

What they self identify as is all that matters to me in this context.

I dont give a shit about kaz's pseudointellectual mental masturbation.
I've known bripat for a while on this forum. He's not libertarian and has stated such on numerous occasions. Takeastepback I don't know well but he explicitly stated that he is not a libertarian in this thread.

Cool. They're still pussies for paying taxes is all taxes are theft.

So maybe you could start a thread saying that anarchists are pussies instead of being a dick in mine which isn't about anarchists, you think?

Small government libertarians are not against all taxes, but we are against taxes for wealth redistribution. You may now demonstrate your lack of reading comprehension by asking why I don't think I should have to pay for roads...
I'm not advocating libertarian ideals. because libertarians want the mythical creature known as limited government. Right. They want to have just a touch of social cancer and expect it not to metastasize. I'm advocating a voluntary society. Something .people like you, in your never ending quest to give all authority to some window dressing called 'we the people'. Which is nothing short of the monarchies and dictators and elites of old. You're a broken record both in real time and historically.

FYI... TakeAStepBack stating he's not libertarian.

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