Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

  • Total voters
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.

Yes they are. When our government cheats to classify certain things as a "tax" dishonestly, and when they use our money in order to benefit themselves because lobbyists will line their pockets illegally. Even Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that there was a LOT of corruption in government. What the hell?
That doesn't make taxes theft.

It makes those certain politicians nefarious and undeserving of their job, that's all.

No, it is an example of how our government is out of control. Their spending is out of control. They are going to eventually bleed us all dry.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
Taking someone's labor by force?

You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?"

Is their labor FREE? Do you want to take it by FORCE?

Completely ridiculous.

Go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting. The Earth is plenty big enough.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.
Keeping what belongs to you is not "mooching," asshole.
What so the government should borrow money to pay for the military that protects you? Should they borrow the money to pay for your kid's education? They should borrow the money to maintain our nation's highways? Shouldn't you earn those services rather than have them just given to you?

Paying one's taxes is part of being an American citizen.
Then why is it that most American citizens don't pay a dime in income taxes?
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.

Yes you do need to worry about it. Do you think he is the ONLY one? :rolleyes-41:

I also posted numerous examples of other kinds of government waste. You're okay with all of this? Well, I am not okay with it at all. It doesn't matter WHO you vote for. You never know what you're going to get, and MOST politicians are dishonest. That is just a fact. They need to be kept on a short lease, accounting for every dollar spent with explanations as to why. They need to be made more accountable to us for their disgusting waste of our money, and until then I don't want to pay another DIME more than what I pay now. I just can't afford it.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.

Yes you do need to worry about it. Do you think he is the ONLY one? :rolleyes-41:

I also posted numerous examples of other kinds of government waste. You're okay with all of this? Well, I am not okay with it at all. It doesn't matter WHO you vote for. You never know what you're going to get, and MOST politicians are dishonest. That is just a fact. They need to be kept on a short lease, accounting for every dollar spent with explanations as to why. They need to be made more accountable to us for their disgusting waste of our money, and until then I don't want to pay another DIME more than what I pay now. I just can't afford it.
No, I'm not okay with all waste.

But if I'm really mad and feel like my income is way lower b/c of taxes that in large part are unfair, and all I do about it is sit on the internet and bark or yell at the television, then I am a contributing factor.

I'm quite content, that doesn't mean I agree with every tax lock step. Not at all.
The IRS is a gigantic confusing conflicted bureaucracy. The regulations are often so confusing that it takes an army of tax lawyers to wade through the mess. Actually it's unpatriotic to accuse Americans of being unpatriotic when they take advantage of so-called loopholes.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.

Yes you do need to worry about it. Do you think he is the ONLY one? :rolleyes-41:

I also posted numerous examples of other kinds of government waste. You're okay with all of this? Well, I am not okay with it at all. It doesn't matter WHO you vote for. You never know what you're going to get, and MOST politicians are dishonest. That is just a fact. They need to be kept on a short lease, accounting for every dollar spent with explanations as to why. They need to be made more accountable to us for their disgusting waste of our money, and until then I don't want to pay another DIME more than what I pay now. I just can't afford it.
No, I'm not okay with all waste.

But if I'm really mad and feel like my income is way lower b/c of taxes that in large part are unfair, and all I do about it is sit on the internet and bark or yell at the television, then I am a contributing factor.

I'm quite content, that doesn't mean I agree with every tax lock step. Not at all.

Oh please. We are having an internet discussion. Some of us have families to care for, work full time because we can't afford to live if we take time off to protest. Besides, that doesn't do any good either. It's been done.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.

Right, it's not the mob rule who take other people's money who are "moochers," It's the people who earned it wanting to keep it from the mob. LOL. That's exactly why I advocate cheats, you are the moochers, not them. They earned enough to pay taxes. They contributed to society. You don't, you suck the life out of society.
Let's see. What was the reason John Kerry slipped his wife's boat in a state other than MA?

You libs in addition to being stupid are very disingenuous to boot. And you know it.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.

Yes you do need to worry about it. Do you think he is the ONLY one? :rolleyes-41:

I also posted numerous examples of other kinds of government waste. You're okay with all of this? Well, I am not okay with it at all. It doesn't matter WHO you vote for. You never know what you're going to get, and MOST politicians are dishonest. That is just a fact. They need to be kept on a short lease, accounting for every dollar spent with explanations as to why. They need to be made more accountable to us for their disgusting waste of our money, and until then I don't want to pay another DIME more than what I pay now. I just can't afford it.
No, I'm not okay with all waste.

But if I'm really mad and feel like my income is way lower b/c of taxes that in large part are unfair, and all I do about it is sit on the internet and bark or yell at the television, then I am a contributing factor.

I'm quite content, that doesn't mean I agree with every tax lock step. Not at all.

Oh please. We are having an internet discussion. Some of us have families to care for, work full time because we can't afford to live if we take time off to protest. Besides, that doesn't do any good either. It's been done.
Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
Taking someone's labor by force?

You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?"

Is their labor FREE? Do you want to take it by FORCE?

Completely ridiculous.

Go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting. The Earth is plenty big enough.

What part of taking someone's labor by force is slavery confused you? As for your discombobulated question... "You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?" No I don't mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that theft. I mean taking someone's labor by force is slavery. Why is that confusing to you?

As to your question, "Is their labor FREE?" My labor is mine, my body, my actions, my liberty, my work, my reward. How much did you pay for the right to my labor? How much did you buy me for? Huh slaver?

As to your question, "do you want to take it by FORCE?" You'll need to be more specific as I'm not proposing to take anything by force, you are.

As to your recommendation for me to "go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting." Why should I have to live off the grid I pay for my utilities, ya ass hole. What makes you think I don't want to contribute to humans coexisting? You must be one of those particular types of assholes that only contribute if you are forced to.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.

Right, it's not the mob rule who take other people's money who are "moochers," It's the people who earned it wanting to keep it from the mob. LOL. That's exactly why I advocate cheats, you are the moochers, not them. They earned enough to pay taxes. They contributed to society. You don't, you suck the life out of society.
Lol me advocating for paying taxes makes me the mooch? You people crack me up. It's interesting how you people demonize the government yet you expect them to pay for everything for you. How about you grow a pair and pay your fair share? Quit being a taker.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
Taking someone's labor by force?

You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?"

Is their labor FREE? Do you want to take it by FORCE?

Completely ridiculous.

Go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting. The Earth is plenty big enough.

What part of taking someone's labor by force is slavery confused you? As for your discombobulated question... "You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?" No I don't mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that theft. I mean taking someone's labor by force is slavery. Why is that confusing to you?

As to your question, "Is their labor FREE?" My labor is mine, my body, my actions, my liberty, my work, my reward. How much did you pay for the right to my labor? How much did you buy me for? Huh slaver?

As to your question, "do you want to take it by FORCE?" You'll need to be more specific as I'm not proposing to take anything by force, you are.

As to your recommendation for me to "go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting." Why should I have to live off the grid I pay for my utilities, ya ass hole. What makes you think I don't want to contribute to humans coexisting? You must be one of those particular types of assholes that only contribute if you are forced to.

Your post doesn't make much sense. It's too incoherent to even discuss. Have a good one.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.

Good thing he's one of hundreds and not SOLELY in charge, and also VERY fire-able.

Yes, I believe he was "censured." Ha-ha!! :lol: WHAT do you think would happen to you in that situation? Hmmm?

I don't need to worry about it, I'm not responsible for voting him in and I don't commit fraud.

Yes you do need to worry about it. Do you think he is the ONLY one? :rolleyes-41:

I also posted numerous examples of other kinds of government waste. You're okay with all of this? Well, I am not okay with it at all. It doesn't matter WHO you vote for. You never know what you're going to get, and MOST politicians are dishonest. That is just a fact. They need to be kept on a short lease, accounting for every dollar spent with explanations as to why. They need to be made more accountable to us for their disgusting waste of our money, and until then I don't want to pay another DIME more than what I pay now. I just can't afford it.
No, I'm not okay with all waste.

But if I'm really mad and feel like my income is way lower b/c of taxes that in large part are unfair, and all I do about it is sit on the internet and bark or yell at the television, then I am a contributing factor.

I'm quite content, that doesn't mean I agree with every tax lock step. Not at all.

Oh please. We are having an internet discussion. Some of us have families to care for, work full time because we can't afford to live if we take time off to protest. Besides, that doesn't do any good either. It's been done.
Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
fair share... :lmao:

Who is asking the government to pay for anything? I could pay for all kinds of additional things if the State didn't rob me at every economic turn.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
Taking someone's labor by force?

You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?"

Is their labor FREE? Do you want to take it by FORCE?

Completely ridiculous.

Go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting. The Earth is plenty big enough.

What part of taking someone's labor by force is slavery confused you? As for your discombobulated question... "You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?" No I don't mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that theft. I mean taking someone's labor by force is slavery. Why is that confusing to you?

As to your question, "Is their labor FREE?" My labor is mine, my body, my actions, my liberty, my work, my reward. How much did you pay for the right to my labor? How much did you buy me for? Huh slaver?

As to your question, "do you want to take it by FORCE?" You'll need to be more specific as I'm not proposing to take anything by force, you are.

As to your recommendation for me to "go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting." Why should I have to live off the grid I pay for my utilities, ya ass hole. What makes you think I don't want to contribute to humans coexisting? You must be one of those particular types of assholes that only contribute if you are forced to.

Your post doesn't make much sense. It's too incoherent to even discuss. Have a good one.

There goes that white flag again. Must suck to have to try to defend this shit and have to run every time someone turns the light on.
Filing your taxes in compliance with the tax code and taking all legal exemptions and deductions is patriotic.

moving a company to a more tax friendly country is good business. Having a tax code that encourages businesses to leave the country is STUPID AND UNPATRIOTIC.

Agreed. True capitalists and patriots are in a win-win relationship.

It's capitalist to earn a living, break up an inefficient company, make money in the stock market, start a business. You win, the market wins because you add to the market, and the market allows you to make money.

Same with patriotism. You have your own life, business, friends, family, community. A healthy relationship with government is win-win. You are a good patriot, support your country, make it stronger.

It is our government by allowing mob rule to trample our individual rights and depriving us of our property not for the common good but to plunder us for the selfish interests of the majority that has violated that trust, not us.

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