Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.
Paying taxes to a nation that is proactively encouraging an invasion of Illegal Immigrants seems like economic suicide. So, maybe that's the counter stroke we need. If the nation supports illegal activity, let it be ours this time

Besides Kimura and other Liberal economists tell us the only requirement for a strong economy are for the government to keep issuing debt, and paying out food stamps and unemployment. They don't really need our tax dollars
I'm sure you don't pay any taxes and aren't just huff puffing.

To answer thread title: "patriotic" or not doesn't even come into play in the situation, imo

Withholding money from the mafia that runs our government is completely in the interest of the people they use the money to oppress.
You can spin it however you like, these are our roads, these are our bridges - - - etc. etc.

You can fight paying taxes legally, go for it. It doesn't make you patriotic or non, it makes you fiscally responsible.

Once you cross into illegal territory, you're an ass.

When you advocate government plunder one citizen with force and give money they earned to another citizen who didn't, then YOU are the ass.

No one is objecting to roads, grow up, junior.
fair share... :lmao:

Who is asking the government to pay for anything? I could pay for all kinds of additional things if the State didn't rob me at every economic turn.
So you expect the gov to borrow for your kid's education? Should they borrow the money to fund the military that protects you? How about the highways you drive on? Should the gov just hand you those services? Shouldn't you do your part in funding them?
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
Taking someone's labor by force?

You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?"

Is their labor FREE? Do you want to take it by FORCE?

Completely ridiculous.

Go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting. The Earth is plenty big enough.

What part of taking someone's labor by force is slavery confused you? As for your discombobulated question... "You mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that "theft?" No I don't mean living in a country voluntarily and not wanting to pay the military with tax money, instead calling that theft. I mean taking someone's labor by force is slavery. Why is that confusing to you?

As to your question, "Is their labor FREE?" My labor is mine, my body, my actions, my liberty, my work, my reward. How much did you pay for the right to my labor? How much did you buy me for? Huh slaver?

As to your question, "do you want to take it by FORCE?" You'll need to be more specific as I'm not proposing to take anything by force, you are.

As to your recommendation for me to "go live off the grid somewhere if you don't want to contribute to humans coexisting." Why should I have to live off the grid I pay for my utilities, ya ass hole. What makes you think I don't want to contribute to humans coexisting? You must be one of those particular types of assholes that only contribute if you are forced to.

Your post doesn't make much sense. It's too incoherent to even discuss. Have a good one.

There goes that white flag again. Must suck to have to try to defend this shit and have to run every time someone turns the light on.
This isn't a "War," weirdo.

Your post had zero to do with the one it quoted, or you were too stuck in your own fantasy land to understand what it said and you made a book of a rant against what it didn't say.

It's safe to say you're not worth having a decent conversation with.

If you think tax is theft, then you do not want a military.

That's retarded because without one, you wouldn't be safe enough to WORK the job you're working genius. That's where your rant falls apart.

And if you DO want one, you seem to want THEIR labor for FREE, since taxes are theft remember?

You don't think too deeply about these things, you just see RED and say GRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrr and declare yourself superior.

Humble the fuck down and share ideas, don't be such a twat.
Evading is illegal and wrong. Same as cheating.

Avoiding is one's patriotic duty!

Avoiding simply means arranging one's affairs so as to NOT do things that might trigger taxation. Provided, of course, the arrangements are made BEFORE something is done that would be taxable IF it were done.

Make "avoiding" a crime and you have just created this situation:

You're driving your own car. You see a 25 MPH speed limit posted. You also see a sign warning of a $100 fine for speeding. You slow down before reaching the 25 MPH sign to AVOID the fine. You are immediately pulled over for having slowed down in order to AVOID the fine.

Yeah, I guess that would
The dirty little secret is that the knee jerk opinion left wing socialists is that all money belongs to the federal government and they only let us use it for a little while. How insane can it be for low information lefties to accuse Americans of being "unpatriotic" for taking advantage of the law (during a socialist democrat administration)?
As usual, GT is forced to completely side step the points and claim unintelligible because he can not defend with any logic the idea that taxation is not theft. You can call it slavery too if you like. Or even extortion. The main point is that taxation is immoral and unethical.
Keeping what belongs to you is not "mooching," asshole.
What so the government should borrow money to pay for the military that protects you? Should they borrow the money to pay for your kid's education? They should borrow the money to maintain our nation's highways? Shouldn't you earn those services rather than have them just given to you?

Paying one's taxes is part of being an American citizen.

Once again, the brain dead left. When you have to defend government, you defend the tiniest parts of it that even a libertarian supports because you don't have the gonads to defend the massive plunder and redistribute part of it that comprises most of it and is what we object to.

The incredibly low bar you set for your empty pants is that if you can justify any government, that justifies all government. You want roads! You want the military! Well, then we can take your money for that, and we can take as much more of it we want and do anything we want with it!

A liberal defending things that libertarians support. Empty pants, that's all you have.
Where is your post stating your opinion? We can talk about me and what you think about me later....Whats your opinion?

LOL, now that's just funny. Got lost in the woods, did you? Do you see the [OP] after my name under my avatar? Do you know what that means? What an airhead.
I just read an article about the pot black market still going strong in Colorado. The article mentions the millions of tax dollars lost when a person uses black market pot instead of going through the new legal channels.

Now that it's legal, it's unpatriotic for Colorado potheads who do duck the marijuana tax.
Too bad most of our tax money probably goes to special interest groups (cue lobbyists) instead of to our infrastructure. I do NOT approve of the way the government is spending my hard earned money.

Wasteful Spending List Congressman Bill Posey Representing the 8th District of Florida

Top 10 Examples of Government Waste in 2013

Your personal disapproval is matched against others' each election cycle, and if you're not liking your level of recourse THERE, you can put in the work and become proficient at public speaking and sharing ideas and run to become a leader yourself.

Until then, it's the whole deaf ears thing. Nature of the beast, each person's opinion doesn't speak for that of all others kind of thing.

I see, so all we have to do to end mob rule is persuade the mob to stop voting to plunder us for their own benefit. Great argument. You know what's funny is how when liberals talk about how you respect people, you are civil libertarians, you aren't like Republicans.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.
I find it hilarious that pundits seem so gleeful of the idea that by legalizing a fucking plant, the State is going to make sooo much revenue!
That's what it is really all about, isnt it? The State making money off the economic affairs of what they consider to be nothing more than cattle.

Moooo, MFers. Moooo
Taxes are not theft.
The accompanying myth is that they are voluntary.

I've read that there were no federal income taxes before the Great Depression.
fair share... :lmao:

Who is asking the government to pay for anything? I could pay for all kinds of additional things if the State didn't rob me at every economic turn.
So you expect the gov to borrow for your kid's education? Should they borrow the money to fund the military that protects you? How about the highways you drive on? Should the gov just hand you those services? Shouldn't you do your part in funding them?

I posted where the government collected 407 BILLION dollars off taxes in just ONE month. WHY don't they have enough money? It's because they misspend it and abuse our tax payer money.
I see, so all we have to do to end mob rule is persuade the mob to stop voting to plunder us for their own benefit. Great argument. You know what's funny is how when liberals talk about how you respect people, you are civil libertarians, you aren't like Republicans.

Is there something closer to preserving liberty than the "mob rule" this country was set up as?

Edit: mob rule is in quotes because those are your words, not mine.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!
Keeping what belongs to you is not "mooching," asshole.
What so the government should borrow money to pay for the military that protects you? Should they borrow the money to pay for your kid's education? They should borrow the money to maintain our nation's highways? Shouldn't you earn those services rather than have them just given to you?

Paying one's taxes is part of being an American citizen.

Once again, the brain dead left. When you have to defend government, you defend the tiniest parts of it that even a libertarian supports because you don't have the gonads to defend the massive plunder and redistribute part of it that comprises most of it and is what we object to.

The incredibly low bar you set for your empty pants is that if you can justify any government, that justifies all government. You want roads! You want the military! Well, then we can take your money for that, and we can take as much more of it we want and do anything we want with it!

A liberal defending things that libertarians support. Empty pants, that's all you have.
Lol you're so transparent. Feeble post. You have no argument because you know I am right. You are just too much of a pussy to admit it.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.

Right, it's not the mob rule who take other people's money who are "moochers," It's the people who earned it wanting to keep it from the mob. LOL. That's exactly why I advocate cheats, you are the moochers, not them. They earned enough to pay taxes. They contributed to society. You don't, you suck the life out of society.
Lol me advocating for paying taxes makes me the mooch? You people crack me up. It's interesting how you people demonize the government yet you expect them to pay for everything for you. How about you grow a pair and pay your fair share? Quit being a taker.

Mental retardation sucks. Is there a charity I can donate to on your behalf?

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