Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.
I don't cheat on my taxes but I hate taxes. Taxes have become a huge monster and the money is wasted and given to other countries. It's like the government is the mafia, taxes are the shakedown and the American people are unfairly divided into slaves for one special interest group or another.
It's not that nefarious, unless you have evidence other than circumstantial conspiracy theories that all of our elections are rigged by some invisible hand and your vote does not count.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
I don't cheat on my taxes but I hate taxes. Taxes have become a huge monster and the money is wasted and given to other countries. It's like the government is the mafia, taxes are the shakedown and the American people are unfairly divided into slaves for one special interest group or another.
It's not that nefarious, unless you have evidence other than circumstantial conspiracy theories that all of our elections are rigged by some invisible hand and your vote does not count.

Well, there is the electoral college.

The United States Electoral College is the institution that officially elects the President and Vice President of the United States every four years. The President and Vice President are not elected directly by the voters. Instead, they are elected by "electors" who are chosen by popular vote on a state-by-state basis.[3] Electors are apportioned to each state and the District of Columbia, but not to territorial possessions of the United States, such as Puerto Rico andGuam. *The number of electors in each state is equal to the number of members of Congress to which the state is entitled,[4] while the Twenty-third Amendment grants the District of Columbia the same number of electors as the least populous state, currently three. In total, there are 538 electors, corresponding to the 435 members of the House of Representatives, 100 senators, and the three additional electors from the District of Columbia.
Yes I mean all of those things. You think that by making it personal that changes anything. But when someone believes it whoever does it doesnt matter. But since you didnt give your opinion I'm betting you are Pro-Evading taxes except when certain people do it then you like to reserve the right to cry about it.

Am I warm?

So you take no deductions on your taxes, not one? No exemptions, no tax credits, absolutely no write offs?

You know I'm not referring to Child Tax Credits and shit right?
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Anything that is legal is ok to republicans. Sorta like going to a foreign country and banging a underaged girl. Not against the law so no foul.

But if you step outside of the legal / illegal argument most would agree that it doesnt help the country. But thats also if one was being honest and not motivated by politics or worshiping the wealthy
You are a lying POS.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.

Yes they are. When our government cheats to classify certain things as a "tax" dishonestly, and when they use our money in order to benefit themselves because lobbyists will line their pockets illegally. Even Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that there was a LOT of corruption in government. What the hell?
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.
is it patriotic, honest or right to have these so called loop holes installed by those buying access to congress and making these holes for a select group with the most money? ie. congress gets in on it too. nice.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.

Yes they are. When our government cheats to classify certain things as a "tax" dishonestly, and when they use our money in order to benefit themselves because lobbyists will line their pockets illegally. Even Nancy Pelosi acknowledged that there was a LOT of corruption in government. What the hell?
That doesn't make taxes theft.

It makes those certain politicians nefarious and undeserving of their job, that's all.
Anything that is legal is ok to republicans. Sorta like going to a foreign country and banging a underaged girl. Not against the law so no foul.

But if you step outside of the legal / illegal argument most would agree that it doesnt help the country. But thats also if one was being honest and not motivated by politics or worshiping the wealthy

I advocate cheating on your taxes whenever you can get away with it. Every dollar that doesn't go to the federal government is a blow for freedom. Taxation is theft, so keeping as much of your money as you can anyway you can is perfectly moral and perfectly legitimate.

We all know people who do work "under the table." We even pay some people in cash, and we know those people aren't going to pay taxes on the money. So we are all guilty of tax evasion - all of us.

Democrat right?
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.

As an adult? :lmao:

You're bound by the imaginary social contract at birth. You know, the one no one has ever seen and no one ever signed?

Repeating the bullshit line "if you don't like it, leave" is no different than any other extortionist threatening you or your property for not complying to their demands. It's a terrible argument. One for folks with low IQs and basic info retention problems.
Our tax money ALSO goes to foreign countries, to help THEIR infrastructure and economy!!! Why the HELL is my money going to Pakistan?
Because if the Global economy is destabilized, YOUR money is devalued, can buy less goods here at home and abroad and your entire way of life changes for the worse.

I say we cut them off and be concerned with only OUR best interests. If a country doesn't cooperate with us, kills our citizens, elects a terrorist organization as their "leadership", then we should cut them off completely.

Only give to those who have proven to be our allies. The rest of them can shrivel up and die due to their own ignorance.
You misread my post.

Cutting them off would be the OPPOSITE of being concerned about OUR interests.

I disagree. Some of these countries do absolutely nothing for us and are nothing but a thorn in our side. We try to "buy" friendship, and it's quite pathetic. I'm tired of my money going to support terrorist dictator regimes who talk nice to our faces and then behind our backs, they are plotting against us. Cut them off from America's teat!!!
Your money isn't going towards buying friendship.

Your money is going toward your money.

You are on their teat co-equally as they're on yours. If you read about the petro dollar and the stabilization of the world economy, perhaps you'll see that just letting it fall into chaos actually HURTS YOUR MONEY.

That's because we have too much invested in foreign interests.

Here is an example of someone who is in charge of writing the tax codes for the rest of us!!!! Or WAS anyways.

When we have people like this (and HE isn't the only one), then it is STEALING tax payer money.

In January 2007 Rangel became chairman of the powerful House Ways and Means Committee, which writes the U.S. tax code. In October 2007, Rangel and this Committee unveiled a proposal for the single largest tax increase -- on all income strata -- in American history. Dubbed the “mother of all tax bills” by Rangel, the legislation not only contained $1.3 billion in new taxes, but it also called for the repeal of the major tax cuts that Congress had enacted in 2001 and 2003; all told, the bill would have resulted in a tax hike of $3.5 trillion.

In September 2008 the House Ethics Committee launched an investigation into Rangel's failure to report (and pay taxes on) $75,000 in rental income which he had earned from his beach property in the Dominican Republic. Moreover, Rangel owed back taxes for at least three years, and he was illegally renting four rent-subsidized apartments in New York City -- at less than half of their market value -- while claiming his Washington, DC home as his primary residence for tax purposes. Though Rangel's income was too high to legally qualify him for any rent-subsidized units, he nonetheless rented three adjacent 16th-floor apartments which combined to make up his 2,500-square-foot home in New York, as well as a fourth unit on the 10th floor of the same building, which served as his campaign office. State and city laws stipulated, however, that rent-subsized apartments could only be used as primary residences.

In December 2008, reporters learned that Rangel had paid $80,000 in campaign funds to an Internet company run by his son for the creation of the congressman's Political Action Committee website.

In August 2009, reported that Rangel had "failed to report at least $500,000 in assets on his 2007 Congressional disclosure form." Newsmax added:

"[A]mong the dozen newly disclosed holdings revealed in the amended forms are a checking account at a federal credit union with a balance between $250,0000 and $500,000; three vacant lots in Glassboro, N.J., valued at a total of $1,000 to $15,000; and stock in PepsiCo worth between $15,000 and $50,000. The new [disclosure] forms report that Rangel’s total net worth is between $1,028,024 and $2,495,000 — about twice the amount listed in the original disclosure statement, filed in May 2008, which declared assets totaling between $516,015 and $1,316,000."

Rangel was also accused of:

  • taking a $1 million contribution to the Rangel Center at City College from a wealthy businessman whose company sybsequently received a lucrative tax break; and
  • accepting a Citigroup-funded trip to the Caribbean in November 2008, when the bank was in the midst of squandering much of the bailout money it had received from the federal government.
Do individuals attempt to mitigate the damage from any other type of theft? Of course they do. Selling tax "evasion" as patriotic is as ridiculous as selling paying them as patriotic. It doesn't mean anything to say it.
Taxes are not theft.

As an adult, you are free to leave to another Country. When you stay, you agree to abide by the Law or you are Lawless. Simple as that, and it being YOUR choice makes it the exact opposite of theft. If you think taxes are wrong and you stay, you're giving a gift. Good job. You're quite generous.
Taking someone's labor by force is slavery, indentured servitude at best. Taking a person's assets to give to someone else, esp. against that person's will, is theft.
There was a bug, or maybe it was a turtle. It was years ago.

It was living in a bay where the local economy flourished because of the local ecosystem.

The bug, turtle, (I honestly forget) was preserved by some program where we spent like 10million dollars to do so.

It was all the rage.

"My tax dollars going to support this WASTE! What a WASTE! ROARRRrrrrrr."

Makes sense to protest.

Until you studied the issue and found that the species was conducive to keeping said ecosystem in tact and the funds spent actually SAVED everyone money, hardship, jobs, etc.

These are some of the things that ignorant people always looking for shit to complain about cannot see, because they are too bitter and spiteful. They are no longer intellectual beings, they are emotional twats.

There are plenty of egregious taxes, but then, there are plenty of Elections.

I am glad I live in America 2014 rather than America 1950, or Afghanistan present day. Optimism keeps me healthy and I'm quite capable of managing my own destiny while mitigating whatever un-pleasantries our Government (ever changing) has to offer at any moment.

Our older Gen. today in America seems like there are a lot of people who have lost their ability to view things reasonably. When you talk about issues with someone 40 and younger, they're much more researched and level headed about things and don't do a super sprint to take things out of context or with half the story JUST TO bicker about something.

The future is bright, IMO.

& science is doing AWESOME things right now.

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