Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

  • Total voters
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

I called it as I saw it, which was you insinuating that the average American citizen is too stupid to be concerned with the actions of his/her government and the amount of tax money they are required to pay.
How do you want roads paid for?

And, if by taxes, then at which point is a tax theft and at which is it not? At your opinion? Just asking.

If you check, you will notice I did not vote for cheating on taxes under any circumstance, I said it's because our crrent system is so unfair.

The dividing line is that taxes for the common good are generally fine. Common good means everyone benefits. Police, roads, military, courts, ...

When government confiscates money from one citizen and gives it to another, that is not the common good, that is the specific good, and that is not OK because the specific good for one is the specific bad for another. Our government is transferring massive amounts of wealth, it's corrupt and should be replaced. Not the Constitution, the people. And we should replace them with people who follow the Constitution. Which is based on protecting the individual from mob rule, not mob rule.

Kay so when a creature is preserved with Federal funds to preserve an ecosystem and that in turn keeps that local economy flourishing - - - -- which in turn keeps Federal Taxes coming out of said local economy and not leaving a void to fill by cutting from the rest of the Country..............

is that common good?

just yes or no

You have to be more specific, give me an example of a creature being preserved that keeps an economy flourishing. You have presented a very vague scenerio then want a black and white answer.

The best I can give you on it is I would not reject it out of hand. But i would need a lot more to support it than what you gave me.

Here's a question for you, so the only solution you can think of to your scenario is government?

You don't need more info, it's a hypothetical. It's made up (not really, there are real cases, but for the sake of getting your view this one is made up).

In this hypothetical, the science says the ecosystem crashes if the particular creature is not preserved, and the taxes pay themselves back ten fold.

To your question: The Government is a collection of the people. It would be the people voting in the solution. They pay for the solution, too, voluntarily because if they do not want it they can vote it away.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

I called it as I saw it, which was you insinuating that the average American citizen is too stupid to be concerned with the actions of his/her government and the amount of tax money they are required to pay.

It's not a bloviation, it's reality.

Do you have all the classified intel pertinent to make foreign policy decisions?


Therefore, it's not bloviating it is fact.

further, is every American out there studying the implications of each tax they pay?

if you really think so, then I was bloviating. or, you're being absurd because you know that they don't.

most americans could give a fuck about politics. they barely even vote.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

No, you did not. You are claiming that there is a method to the government's madness, and there is, but it's not what you claim it is. If you honestly think that today's politician is concerned with YOU or US, then you are seriously fooling yourself. They care about money, lobbyists, power, and their respective parties. That is all.

406.7 billion dollars in one month is not enough? What is that in a year. I don't even think I can count that high!!! Where IS it all going? You think we should give them more and more, on a progressive based tax system? While our wages remain stagnant because of our unfriendly and highly taxed environment towards business here in America?

if you have to ask where it's all going.............

when the information is made public, and by law..............................

then what do we call that question?

a revelation. a revelation that you are mad about something you kind of don't know everything about so your kinda sorta in a way...............................being absurd.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

I called it as I saw it, which was you insinuating that the average American citizen is too stupid to be concerned with the actions of his/her government and the amount of tax money they are required to pay.

It's not a bloviation, it's reality.

Do you have all the classified intel pertinent to make foreign policy decisions?


Therefore, it's not bloviating it is fact.

further, is every American out there studying the implications of each tax they pay?

if you really think so, then I was bloviating. or, you're being absurd because you know that they don't.

most americans could give a fuck about politics. they barely even vote.

Thank you. That's just ANOTHER reason to be upset. Where is the transparency? The government needs to be held MORE accountable! Until then, I say they shouldn't get another DIME from us citizens. We have to work with a limited budget, and they need to learn how to do the same and cut out their unnecessary wasteful spending. Then, we'll THINK about giving them more.

I would LOVE it if everyone could just not pay taxes, but I know that the government could collapse under such stress. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to teach those leaches a lesson though. LOL!
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

No, you did not. You are claiming that there is a method to the government's madness, and there is, but it's not what you claim it is. If you honestly think that today's politician is concerned with YOU or US, then you are seriously fooling yourself. They care about money, lobbyists, power, and their respective parties. That is all.

406.7 billion dollars in one month is not enough? What is that in a year. I don't even think I can count that high!!! Where IS it all going? You think we should give them more and more, on a progressive based tax system? While our wages remain stagnant because of our unfriendly and highly taxed environment towards business here in America?

if you have to ask where it's all going.............

when the information is made public, and by law..............................

then what do we call that question?

a revelation. a revelation that you are mad about something you kind of don't know everything about so your kinda sorta in a way...............................being absurd.

The revelation is, if you'd been looking at the links, that our government (and that includes many state and local governments as well) are very corrupt and spend our money like a 16-year-old girl with daddy's credit card at the mall.
[QUOTE="Dwelling on things that are negative isn't conducive to a positive life.

I don't dwell on it, but we are having a discussion and the question was asked, therefore I am participating in the thread and giving my opinions on the subject matter. This is what we do here on political websites, we exchange ideas and opinions. Otherwise, they wouldn't exist at all. Lol.
I hear you. Just seems really tense between "sides" and usually it's a bunch of hub bub over nothing and I'm just really glad that saner minds are prevailing as they age.

Well, when I think about it, or hear something on the news or here or elsewhere online, it pisses me off, but I certainly don't "dwell" on it. I'm much too busy for that! I have a million OTHER things on my mind! Lol!

But yes, things are tense because people are pissed off.
But they're mainly pissed off for reasons they don't understand, haven't studied, or because they're listening to casts DESIGNED to make them pissed off.

For instance - - - - - -

Would you be able to complete this math equation, solving for each letter?:

2 + x = y

No. You wouldn't be able to. Bear with me.

The reason you cannot solve 2 + x = y is because you do not have all of the pertinent information to form the logical conclusion.

How does this relate?

Well, the Military, for instance.

There are levels of clearance, yes?

There is such thing as "classified," which is heavily used and where much of our intel is born.



So which part of the CLASSIFIED (read: unknown to you and I) debriefings that a President and his Commanders receive is the Country using exactly, to debate between each other whether or not our Foreign policy is sound?

They are solving for x and y illogically. Magically. Irrationally.

The same goes for the knee jerk reaction about certain taxes that appear to be waste at first, but after study actually SAVE money.

Not all fit into that category, but if you ARGUE against them without doing the due diligence, study, and algorithms, then you are irrationally solving for x and y without all of the necessary variables.

It's what the vast majority of political debate IS. It's why it's nonsense. People think they're so smart and brilliant with their opinions, but they're just another angry knee-jerk reacting person tending towards mean spiritedness, because of the shell game that is POLITICS. iT'S A DISGUSTING part of human nature.

This is nothing but you bloviating. The American taxpayer has PLENTY to complain about!!!

yea, have a nice day

Yes, because you know darn well that the things I posted in the earlier link do NOTHING to benefit the American economy. Lol. It is politicians who will do what it takes to keep their lobbyists happy. EVERYBODY knows this, but some choose to look the other way and not even make a PEEP.
I addressed it and everything else in this thread in my summation which you dismissed and called bloviating.

That ends the conversation, I'm not here today to troll people or get trolled into meaningless back and forth blah blah

I called it as I saw it, which was you insinuating that the average American citizen is too stupid to be concerned with the actions of his/her government and the amount of tax money they are required to pay.

It's not a bloviation, it's reality.

Do you have all the classified intel pertinent to make foreign policy decisions?


Therefore, it's not bloviating it is fact.

further, is every American out there studying the implications of each tax they pay?

if you really think so, then I was bloviating. or, you're being absurd because you know that they don't.

most americans could give a fuck about politics. they barely even vote.

Thank you. That's just ANOTHER reason to be upset. Where is the transparency? The government needs to be held MORE accountable! Until then, I say they shouldn't get another DIME from us citizens. We have to work with a limited budget, and they need to learn how to do the same and cut out their unnecessary wasteful spending. Then, we'll THINK about giving them more.

I would LOVE it if everyone could just not pay taxes, but I know that the government could collapse under such stress. Doesn't mean it wouldn't be nice to teach those leaches a lesson though. LOL!

Every dollar is accounted for and made public.

That's pretty transparent.

If you're talking about wanting classified intel - there's different views on that. One being it would hurt our security, the other being that they can use it to hide corruption.
Every dollar is accounted for and made public.

That's pretty transparent.

If you're talking about wanting classified intel - there's different views on that. One being it would hurt our security, the other being that they can use it to hide corruption.

Oh really? Well read it and weep because you have been suckered by the government.

2014 Congressional Pig Book Citizens Against Government Waste

The 2012 Pig Book noted that although there were fewer earmarks than in prior years, the projects involved larger amounts of money and included fewer details. This is also true in 2014. For instance, a $25 million earmark for the National Predisaster Mitigation Fund appearing in the FY 2014 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act corresponds to 58 earmarks totaling $24.6 million for the same program in the FY 2010 DHS bill. The 2010 earmarks appeared in the “Congressionally Directed Spending” section at the end of the bill, which contained the names of the members of Congress requesting each project and its location, as required by the pertinent transparency rules. This is in stark contrast to the FY 2014 earmark, which contains no such information.

The 2014 omnibus package was certified as earmark-free by Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio). Members of Congress will argue that their standards differ from the earmark criteria used in the Pig Book, but that has been true since the first Pig Bookin 1991. The pork-free claim can also be challenged based on the inclusion of projects that have appeared in past appropriations bills as earmarks. In addition to meeting CAGW’s long-standing seven-point criteria, to qualify for inclusion in the2014 Pig Book a project or program must have appeared in prior years as an earmark. The total number and cost of earmarks are, therefore, quite conservative.

The question for Senate and House leaders and the few individual members who can be directly identified as having requested earmarks in FY 2014 is: why were these projects previously considered earmarks, but not in 2014?

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably.

Edit: Had to clean that up a little bit! :D
Every dollar is accounted for and made public.

That's pretty transparent.

If you're talking about wanting classified intel - there's different views on that. One being it would hurt our security, the other being that they can use it to hide corruption.

Oh really? Well read it and weep because you have been suckered by the government.

2014 Congressional Pig Book Citizens Against Government Waste

The 2012 Pig Book noted that although there were fewer earmarks than in prior years, the projects involved larger amounts of money and included fewer details. This is also true in 2014. For instance, a $25 million earmark for the National Predisaster Mitigation Fund appearing in the FY 2014 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act corresponds to 58 earmarks totaling $24.6 million for the same program in the FY 2010 DHS bill. The 2010 earmarks appeared in the “Congressionally Directed Spending” section at the end of the bill, which contained the names of the members of Congress requesting each project and its location, as required by the pertinent transparency rules. This is in stark contrast to the FY 2014 earmark, which contains no such information.

The 2014 omnibus package was certified as earmark-free by Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio). Members of Congress will argue that their standards differ from the earmark criteria used in the Pig Book, but that has been true since the first Pig Bookin 1991. The pork-free claim can also be challenged based on the inclusion of projects that have appeared in past appropriations bills as earmarks. In addition to meeting CAGW’s long-standing seven-point criteria, to qualify for inclusion in the2014 Pig Book a project or program must have appeared in prior years as an earmark. The total number and cost of earmarks are, therefore, quite conservative.

The question for Senate and House leaders and the few individual members who can be directly identified as having requested earmarks in FY 2014 is: why were these projects previously considered earmarks, but not in 2014?

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably.

Edit: Had to clean that up a little bit! :D

Ugh, what part of a story about senators asking for earmarks means that the Federal Spending is not publicly published, every fiscal year?

You're either reading my posts too fast or......I dunno.
Every dollar is accounted for and made public.

That's pretty transparent.

If you're talking about wanting classified intel - there's different views on that. One being it would hurt our security, the other being that they can use it to hide corruption.

Oh really? Well read it and weep because you have been suckered by the government.

2014 Congressional Pig Book Citizens Against Government Waste

The 2012 Pig Book noted that although there were fewer earmarks than in prior years, the projects involved larger amounts of money and included fewer details. This is also true in 2014. For instance, a $25 million earmark for the National Predisaster Mitigation Fund appearing in the FY 2014 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act corresponds to 58 earmarks totaling $24.6 million for the same program in the FY 2010 DHS bill. The 2010 earmarks appeared in the “Congressionally Directed Spending” section at the end of the bill, which contained the names of the members of Congress requesting each project and its location, as required by the pertinent transparency rules. This is in stark contrast to the FY 2014 earmark, which contains no such information.

The 2014 omnibus package was certified as earmark-free by Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio). Members of Congress will argue that their standards differ from the earmark criteria used in the Pig Book, but that has been true since the first Pig Bookin 1991. The pork-free claim can also be challenged based on the inclusion of projects that have appeared in past appropriations bills as earmarks. In addition to meeting CAGW’s long-standing seven-point criteria, to qualify for inclusion in the2014 Pig Book a project or program must have appeared in prior years as an earmark. The total number and cost of earmarks are, therefore, quite conservative.

The question for Senate and House leaders and the few individual members who can be directly identified as having requested earmarks in FY 2014 is: why were these projects previously considered earmarks, but not in 2014?

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably.

Edit: Had to clean that up a little bit! :D

Ugh, what part of a story about senators asking for earmarks means that the Federal Spending is not publicly published, every fiscal year?

You're either reading my posts too fast or......I dunno.

Did you not read it or something? You were saying that every dime is accounted for, were you not? Well you are wrong. See below. For 2014, "transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably." It also states it takes "substantial detective work" to even discover special "projects."

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably
Every dollar is accounted for and made public.

That's pretty transparent.

If you're talking about wanting classified intel - there's different views on that. One being it would hurt our security, the other being that they can use it to hide corruption.

Oh really? Well read it and weep because you have been suckered by the government.

2014 Congressional Pig Book Citizens Against Government Waste

The 2012 Pig Book noted that although there were fewer earmarks than in prior years, the projects involved larger amounts of money and included fewer details. This is also true in 2014. For instance, a $25 million earmark for the National Predisaster Mitigation Fund appearing in the FY 2014 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act corresponds to 58 earmarks totaling $24.6 million for the same program in the FY 2010 DHS bill. The 2010 earmarks appeared in the “Congressionally Directed Spending” section at the end of the bill, which contained the names of the members of Congress requesting each project and its location, as required by the pertinent transparency rules. This is in stark contrast to the FY 2014 earmark, which contains no such information.

The 2014 omnibus package was certified as earmark-free by Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.) and Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-Ohio). Members of Congress will argue that their standards differ from the earmark criteria used in the Pig Book, but that has been true since the first Pig Bookin 1991. The pork-free claim can also be challenged based on the inclusion of projects that have appeared in past appropriations bills as earmarks. In addition to meeting CAGW’s long-standing seven-point criteria, to qualify for inclusion in the2014 Pig Book a project or program must have appeared in prior years as an earmark. The total number and cost of earmarks are, therefore, quite conservative.

The question for Senate and House leaders and the few individual members who can be directly identified as having requested earmarks in FY 2014 is: why were these projects previously considered earmarks, but not in 2014?

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably.

Edit: Had to clean that up a little bit! :D

Ugh, what part of a story about senators asking for earmarks means that the Federal Spending is not publicly published, every fiscal year?

You're either reading my posts too fast or......I dunno.

Did you not read it or something? You were saying that every dime is accounted for, were you not? Well you are wrong. See below. For 2014, "transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably." It also states it takes "substantial detective work" to even discover special "projects."

Unfortunately, the earmark moratorium has not only failed to eliminate earmarks, but also made the process patently less transparent. Since earmarks were deemed to be non-existent in the FY 2014 omnibus bill, there are no names of legislators, no list or chart of earmarks, and limited information on where and why the money will be spent. Earmarks were scattered throughout the legislative and report language, requiring substantial detective work to unearth each project. While the lower number and cost of earmarks are an improvement over prior years, transparency and accountability have regressed immeasurably
to be honest, I only skimmed it because I already know for a fact that the allocation of funds is published

the above sounds like squabbling over what to call an earmark and how hard it is to trace funds going to said earmarks because of how they're titled
Oh really? So you would be content in letting these companies charge as much as they want for you to drive on it? It would be for profit afterall....

Highways and roads were private until 1916. They didn't cost even a quarter of what the State and Fed charge to maintain or use them.

You're a moron.

to be honest, I only skimmed it because I already know for a fact that the allocation of funds is published

the above sounds like squabbling over what to call an earmark and how hard it is to trace funds going to said earmarks because of how they're titled

Good Lord! You must be brainwashed or something. Maybe you're just a liberal with no common sense, I don't know, but go ahead and trust your masters. Lol!

Fortunately for you, I have to go to work now. :lol: Be warned, I will be back later . . . with links to support my allegations.
to be honest, I only skimmed it because I already know for a fact that the allocation of funds is published

the above sounds like squabbling over what to call an earmark and how hard it is to trace funds going to said earmarks because of how they're titled

Good Lord! You must be brainwashed or something. Maybe you're just a liberal with no common sense, I don't know, but go ahead and trust your masters. Lol!

Fortunately for you, I have to go to work now. :lol: Be warned, I will be back later . . . with links to support my allegations.
you can throw jabs and labels and blah blah

im rubber homey

youre glue
Oh really? So you would be content in letting these companies charge as much as they want for you to drive on it? It would be for profit afterall....

Highways and roads were private until 1916. They didn't cost even a quarter of what the State and Fed charge to maintain or use them.

You're a moron.


BTW- roads were not 8 lanes wide in each direction in 1916 either. Glad to help :)
Anything that is legal is ok to republicans. Sorta like going to a foreign country and banging a underaged girl. Not against the law so no foul.

But if you step outside of the legal / illegal argument most would agree that it doesnt help the country. But thats also if one was being honest and not motivated by politics or worshiping the wealthy
Interesting that YOURE FIRST THOUGHT on this subject is fucking under age girls.

Seek help pig

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