Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.
Keeping what belongs to you is not "mooching," asshole.
What so the government should borrow money to pay for the military that protects you? Should they borrow the money to pay for your kid's education? They should borrow the money to maintain our nation's highways? Shouldn't you earn those services rather than have them just given to you?

Paying one's taxes is part of being an American citizen.

Government shouldn't pay for any of those things. It should be abolished. People should pay for their children to be educated, not expect the government to do it.. Highways should be built by private companies, just like cell phone towers or grocery stores.
[Another thread with ridiculously long quotes - which I have completely ignored] :Boom2:

Our current tax system is so convoluted, unfair, and full of loop-holes that evading taxes is the only way to go. However, doing so required $$$ to hire the experts to show how to do it.

We must have a major revision of the tax code designed to eliminate the IRS as it is currently in existence.

Which system? That needs an extensive debate. I almost wish for a User Tax where it is included when you buy goods - other than basic necessities.
kaz said:
You have to be more specific, give me an example of a creature being preserved that keeps an economy flourishing. You have presented a very vague scenerio then want a black and white answer.

The best I can give you on it is I would not reject it out of hand. But i would need a lot more to support it than what you gave me.

You don't need more info, it's a hypothetical. It's made up (not really, there are real cases, but for the sake of getting your view this one is made up).

In this hypothetical, the science says the ecosystem crashes if the particular creature is not preserved, and the taxes pay themselves back ten fold.

How are the taxes going to "pay themselves back ten fold?" I still don't understand that.

And you didn't answer my question.

kaz said:
Here's a question for you, so the only solution you can think of to your scenario is government?
I don't cheat on my taxes but I hate taxes. Taxes have become a huge monster and the money is wasted and given to other countries. It's like the government is the mafia, taxes are the shakedown and the American people are unfairly divided into slaves for one special interest group or another.

I cheat on my taxes whenever I can get away with it. For instance, one consulting company I worked for never bothered to get my Social Security number. That meant they couldn't report the money they paid me to the IRS. I didn't pay a cent of taxes on that income.

Screw all the leaches and moochers!
Anything that is legal is ok to republicans. Sorta like going to a foreign country and banging a underaged girl. Not against the law so no foul.

But if you step outside of the legal / illegal argument most would agree that it doesnt help the country. But thats also if one was being honest and not motivated by politics or worshiping the wealthy
Interesting that YOURE FIRST THOUGHT on this subject is fucking under age girls.

Seek help pig

Yeah if you skip the first sentence
if the grey/loopholes are there to take, then I don't see it as cheating....

the loopholes that were put in there, just need to be closed, in many cases.

And taxes flattened and simplified and I'm with you
...which won't happen 'til after the mid-terms if it ever happens at all given the party of no's record the past 5+ years.

So you think Democrats are going to "flatten and simplify" taxes? That's so naive it's just adorable.

Give me some examples of things the Democrats are offering to do Republican's way since they are not the party of no.
kaz said:
You have to be more specific, give me an example of a creature being preserved that keeps an economy flourishing. You have presented a very vague scenerio then want a black and white answer.

The best I can give you on it is I would not reject it out of hand. But i would need a lot more to support it than what you gave me.

You don't need more info, it's a hypothetical. It's made up (not really, there are real cases, but for the sake of getting your view this one is made up).

In this hypothetical, the science says the ecosystem crashes if the particular creature is not preserved, and the taxes pay themselves back ten fold.

How are the taxes going to "pay themselves back ten fold?" I still don't understand that.

And you didn't answer my question.

kaz said:
Here's a question for you, so the only solution you can think of to your scenario is government?
The ecosystem sustains the income growth, which is taxed. That's how.

I did answer your question: my solution is the people. Which is the Gov't. I cant think of anyone other than the people to solve it, no.
Oh really? So you would be content in letting these companies charge as much as they want for you to drive on it? It would be for profit afterall....

Highways and roads were private until 1916. They didn't cost even a quarter of what the State and Fed charge to maintain or use them.

You're a moron.

Lol so you expect 1916 prices on 2014 roads? No sir you're the moron. They would fuck you over much more than the gov would.
So you have a comprehension problem you compound with logical fallacies...that's an interesting case of pure, unadulterated stupid right there.

Best of luck.
By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.
It is very wrong. People who cheat on their taxes are the real moochers in this country.
Keeping what belongs to you is not "mooching," asshole.
What so the government should borrow money to pay for the military that protects you? Should they borrow the money to pay for your kid's education? They should borrow the money to maintain our nation's highways? Shouldn't you earn those services rather than have them just given to you?

Paying one's taxes is part of being an American citizen.

Government shouldn't pay for any of those things. It should be abolished. People should pay for their children to be educated, not expect the government to do it.. Highways should be built by private companies, just like cell phone towers or grocery stores.
So kids with parents who can't afford such education shouldn't have the right to go to school?

Oh yeah. Privatized roads. Let companies charge whatever they want for you drive on them. You think toll roads are expensive now just wait til companies for profit get ahold of them...
Oh really? So you would be content in letting these companies charge as much as they want for you to drive on it? It would be for profit afterall....

Highways and roads were private until 1916. They didn't cost even a quarter of what the State and Fed charge to maintain or use them.

You're a moron.

Lol so you expect 1916 prices on 2014 roads? No sir you're the moron. They would fuck you over much more than the gov would.

All the evidence runs entirely in the other direction. No private company ever fucked anyone over as bad as the government fucks you over on a daily basis.
Cheating, no.

I object to the word "evading" as it connotes something unethical.

I do think any rational person is perfectly justified in paying the minimum taxes he can under the tax code. The fact that it is so byzantine and riddled with loopholes, penalties, and favoritism makes the overall system quite corrupt.

It would be better to lower taxes and enact simplification.
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Anything that is legal is ok to republicans. Sorta like going to a foreign country and banging a underaged girl. Not against the law so no foul.

False analogy. It is not our laws which make it legal to bang an underaged girl in another country. It is the other countries' laws which do.

But it is our laws which make tax "evasion" legal.
Oh really? So you would be content in letting these companies charge as much as they want for you to drive on it? It would be for profit afterall....

Highways and roads were private until 1916. They didn't cost even a quarter of what the State and Fed charge to maintain or use them.

You're a moron.

Lol so you expect 1916 prices on 2014 roads? No sir you're the moron. They would fuck you over much more than the gov would.

All the evidence runs entirely in the other direction. No private company ever fucked anyone over as bad as the government fucks you over on a daily basis.

If it weren't for government regulations, private companies would have fucked you over long ago...

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