Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?

Do you advocate evading and cheating on your taxes?

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By evasion, I am referring to:

1) Doing legal maneuvers which are designed only to not pay taxes, such as setting up trusts, moving to Canada, lease/buyback deals, that sort of thing. They are legal, but are done only to not pay taxes and for no other reason.

2) Doing grey legal maneuvers which are judgement calls. If you fight the IRS and lose, you are going to pay back taxes and interest, but probably not penalties.

By cheating, I am referring to overtly illegal maneuvers such as not declaring income.

It's nice to see the IRS's posting on the USMB.

I reckon they don't have anything better to do, yes? :badgrin:
Surprise! YOU are a MOOCHER!!!

You and your fellow moochers are costing us $1.2 TRILLION A YEAR.
If two neighbors earn identical incomes, then in a balanced system they would be paying identical amounts of taxes. But if one is getting deductions, credits, or exemptions, then clearly the other person has to make up the difference to balance the budget.

Higher tax rates.

We give away $1.2 trillion per year in tax expenditures. That is an astronomical amount of mooching.

At some point, the people rebel at the tax rates that would be required to balance out that $1.2 trillion of giveaways, and so the government has to BORROW the difference.

Deficit spending.

Once again, this relies on the idea that the government spending is mandatory at levels above what they have to spend, rather than within what they have to do so. That because govt spending is out of control, it is the deductions from taxation that are ramping up the deficits and debt.

it relies on the notion that all money belongs first to govt. If you can't see that, you can't be helped.
Tax expenditures should be banned. They are costing $1.2 trillion a year, and special interests are paying big money to incumbent campaign troughs to preserve them. Ban them, and not only do you get the benefit of lower tax rates, you also get instant campaign finance reform!

Those who defend tax expenditures are moochers who want to stay moochers.
If two neighbors earn identical incomes, then in a balanced system they would be paying identical amounts of taxes. But if one is getting deductions, credits, or exemptions, then clearly the other person has to make up the difference to balance the budget.

Higher tax rates.

We give away $1.2 trillion per year in tax expenditures. That is an astronomical amount of mooching.

At some point, the people rebel at the tax rates that would be required to balance out that $1.2 trillion of giveaways, and so the government has to BORROW the difference.

Deficit spending.

Once again, this relies on the idea that the government spending is mandatory at levels above what they have to spend, rather than within what they have to do so. That because govt spending is out of control, it is the deductions from taxation that are ramping up the deficits and debt.

it relies on the notion that all money belongs first to govt. If you can't see that, you can't be helped.
Hello? Is this thing on?

Tax expenditures ARE spending.

Please read the study materials I provided.
I'm all for reducing other kinds of spending, too. I have frequently posted the reductions I would support. For instance, Defense spending, when adjusted for inflation, is at a level not seen since WWII. And we are not in a World War.

It is higher than during any period during the Cold War, when we faced an actual existential threat. So I am sure we can reduce Defense spending.

We should also raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70, at least, and then index the eligibility age to 9 percent of the population going forward.

And...ban tax expenditures.

Christ, with just the SS, Medicare, and tax expenditure thing, we would be awash in trillions of dollars of extra cash each year. Hear that, moochers?

Then we could reduce tax rates AND pay down the debt.
Where does govt. get its money?
You have not read the study materials, have you.

Tax expenditures are a transfer of wealth. You take five dollars from me, or borrow it from China if I resist too much, and give it to someone else as a tax credit.

That's how they work.

This is not me saying it. This is simple fact.

Read. The. Study. Materials.

They explain quite plainly that eliminating tax expenditures broadens the tax base and reduces tax rates.

You really need to shake off this moocher mentality you have that is making you willfully blind to the facts.
So you can not answer the simple question?

Where does ANY money, the govt. gives out on tax expenditures come from?

Then you go on to say that "we" would be awash in trillions of dollars if we'd just ban tax expenditures....not "we". The "we" is where the money comes from in the first pace. Saying that government wouldnt squander additional "revenues" by closing such expenditures. Which means you're either gullible or been sleeping for the last 100 years or more.
Eliminating tax expenditures is a Tea Party plank, kids. Wakey wakey!
So you can not answer the simple question?

Where does ANY money, the govt. gives out on tax expenditures come from?

I have answered it as plainly as can be. The money the government gives out on tax expenditures comes from other taxpayers or from borrowing.


Ban tax expenditures, and you no longer steal money from those other taxpayers or borrow it, moocher!

Just like if we ban Obamaphones, you no longer steal money from other taxpayers to pay for them!
The government gives you five dollars that came from someone else.

If we banned that practice, that five dollars would not be taken from someone else any more. What you moochers are upset about is that you would no longer get that five bucks!

See? You are a moocher whining about losing that money taken from other people!!! There is not one whit of difference between you and the Obamaphone lady.
Is evading and cheating on your taxes patriotic?
Is giving my tax money to foreign governments patriotic?
Is using my tax money to fight foreign wars patriotic?
Is using my tax money to rebuild schools in Iraq and Afghanistan patriotic when schools in the US are in shambles?
Is using my tax money to rebuild roads and bridges in Iraq and Afghanistan patriotic when our own roads and bridges are need of repair too?
Stop wasting my tax money overseas, reset your priorities and than we will talk what is patriotic
Now, if we ban the practice of taking five dollars from someone else and giving it to you, we have two choices.

We can keep taking that five bucks from the other person and re-allocate to something else (pay down the debt), or we can just stop taking that extra five bucks away from them altogether (lower tax rates).

Get it now?
The best part about banning tax expenditures is that everyone earning identical incomes pays identical taxes.

Tax expenditures are government social behavioral experiment programs. I honestly do not understand how anyone calling themselves a conservative could support them. They increase tax rates, add to the debt, and give government way too much influence over our lives.
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This is what I mean about the GOP having gone off the reservation. I am actually having to explain to people who think they are right wingers just how wrong they are about tax expenditures!!!

These dumbasses keeping thinking I am a liberal. BWA-HA-HA-HA!
The liberal approach to taxation seems to be along the lines of the much despised:

"When rape is inevitable relax and enjoy it."

Not sure which Democrat senator first postulated that but I think it was a dynastic thing.....
to be honest, I only skimmed it because I already know for a fact that the allocation of funds is published

the above sounds like squabbling over what to call an earmark and how hard it is to trace funds going to said earmarks because of how they're titled

Good Lord! You must be brainwashed or something. Maybe you're just a liberal with no common sense, I don't know, but go ahead and trust your masters. Lol!

Fortunately for you, I have to go to work now. :lol: Be warned, I will be back later . . . with links to support my allegations.
you can throw jabs and labels and blah blah

im rubber homey

youre glue

Let's get one thing clear, I don't live in the hood and I'm not anyone's "homey." I see when you're losing an argument you want to resort to ghetto speak. :rolleyes-41: A sure sign of intelligence.
Now, if we ban the practice of taking five dollars from someone else and giving it to you, we have two choices.

We can keep taking that five bucks from the other person and re-allocate to something else (pay down the debt), or we can just stop taking that extra five bucks away from them altogether (lower tax rates).

Get it now?

I've been reading your posts, but I don't understand how you can make these claims. For one thing, when you are "illegally" evading taxes, the government doesn't know this, therefore they are not taking more from another person to make up for what you aren't paying. Another point is that all taxes are pretty much pooled together. It usually takes them YEARS to catch up with a person who has been evading their taxes, and then it takes them more years to figure it out and dole out the punishment.

They raise taxes when they want more revenue, not because Johnny decided to cheat the tax system.

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