Is Evil Bad?


Oct 26, 2017
I am going to assume that most of you will say it is. If so, why are you so EVIL! The vast majority of you are evil in too many ways to list in one setting. So in calling evil bad, you can add hypocrisy to your list of evils. Your response will likely be something like listening to the song "I'm an asshole" by Denis Leary.

But just in case you really think evil is bad, I will tell you what is the second greatest evil I can think of is. Because I don't think you could handle knowing the ultimate evil.

First, all species have a right to exist. (With the possible exception of things like mosquitoes or smallpox virus) Unless of course you are trying to take away the right of some other species to exist. To say otherwise, it would be difficult to be more vile. Do you disagree yet?

Now consider this. Both bobcats and lynx have a right to exist. Both mule deer and white tail deer have a right to exist. Both bottle nose dolphins and spotted dolphins have a right to exist. Etc. times zillions. Along with bobcats and lynx, white tail deer and mule deer can probably interbreed and have viable offspring. The same is probably true for the two species of dolphin that I mentioned.

Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.
Great :rolleyes:

another Stormfront site Trump supporter joins USMB.....

I'm sure you will feel right at home here with the other Stormfronters....

storming this place!

that aside, welcome aboard! :p
I am going to assume that most of you will say it is. If so, why are you so EVIL! The vast majority of you are evil in too many ways to list in one setting. So in calling evil bad, you can add hypocrisy to your list of evils. Your response will likely be something like listening to the song "I'm an asshole" by Denis Leary.

But just in case you really think evil is bad, I will tell you what is the second greatest evil I can think of is. Because I don't think you could handle knowing the ultimate evil.

First, all species have a right to exist. (With the possible exception of things like mosquitoes or smallpox virus) Unless of course you are trying to take away the right of some other species to exist. To say otherwise, it would be difficult to be more vile. Do you disagree yet?

Now consider this. Both bobcats and lynx have a right to exist. Both mule deer and white tail deer have a right to exist. Both bottle nose dolphins and spotted dolphins have a right to exist. Etc. times zillions. Along with bobcats and lynx, white tail deer and mule deer can probably interbreed and have viable offspring. The same is probably true for the two species of dolphin that I mentioned.

Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

So are you saying white people are evil?

Well, that's pretty racist I'd say.
Great :rolleyes:

another Stormfront site Trump supporter joins USMB.....

I'm sure you will feel right at home here with the other Stormfronters....

storming this place!

that aside, welcome aboard! :p

Yeah that went south pretty quick. Metaphorically speaking of curse.
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?

He just goose-stepped in from Sturmfront, and he thinks that's "novel".
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?

He's talking about the dumbest thing to base one's identity on, the color of skin.

Apparently he's like that Japanese soldier found still fighting WW2 in the jungle during the 70's even though the war was over a very long time ago.
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?

He's talking about the dumbest thing to base one's identity on, the color of skin.

Apparently he's like that Japanese soldier found still fighting WW2 in the jungle during the 70's even though the war was over a very long time ago.

Sounds kind of white supremacist to me. Would be nice if he'd jump back in to expound on his theories.
Great :rolleyes:

another Stormfront site Trump supporter joins USMB.....

I'm sure you will feel right at home here with the other Stormfronters....

storming this place!

that aside, welcome aboard! :p

I didn't come from stormfront. Besides, that place is secretly run by jews so they can keep track of those who are against them. Just like Lenin said. "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." As for supporting Trump, he just happened to be a better choice than "give'em amnesty" and globalization Hillary.
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I am going to assume that most of you will say it is. If so, why are you so EVIL! The vast majority of you are evil in too many ways to list in one setting. So in calling evil bad, you can add hypocrisy to your list of evils. Your response will likely be something like listening to the song "I'm an asshole" by Denis Leary.

But just in case you really think evil is bad, I will tell you what is the second greatest evil I can think of is. Because I don't think you could handle knowing the ultimate evil.

First, all species have a right to exist. (With the possible exception of things like mosquitoes or smallpox virus) Unless of course you are trying to take away the right of some other species to exist. To say otherwise, it would be difficult to be more vile. Do you disagree yet?

Now consider this. Both bobcats and lynx have a right to exist. Both mule deer and white tail deer have a right to exist. Both bottle nose dolphins and spotted dolphins have a right to exist. Etc. times zillions. Along with bobcats and lynx, white tail deer and mule deer can probably interbreed and have viable offspring. The same is probably true for the two species of dolphin that I mentioned.

Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

So are you saying white people are evil?

Well, that's pretty racist I'd say.

The white people why support the downfall of their own kind are evil. Beyond evil in fact. As for the 'racist" accusation, thank you. I appreciate it.
Great :rolleyes:

another Stormfront site Trump supporter joins USMB.....

I'm sure you will feel right at home here with the other Stormfronters....

storming this place!

that aside, welcome aboard! :p

Yeah that went south pretty quick. Metaphorically speaking of curse.

It may have "went south" for you. But that isn't the point. The point is if there is anything in my thread that you disagree with.
The insistence that everyone is evil is laughable.

I just TOLD you in my thread what is evil and why. So maybe when you're through laughing, you can tell me what it is in my thread that you disagree with and why.
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?

Isn't it clear enough? All species (a large portion of them that is) have a right to exist. Including the White species. To deny us that right is next to the ultimate evil. And don't try telling me that all humans are the same species of human. Or I will have to destroy your argument. Which you would probably enjoy. Because I can tell you what would happen next.

It would get me banned for "spamming." Then all the human cockroaches can scurry out from under the woodwork and parrot all the idiotic, moronic and evil crap they want to. And without having me around to reply, leaving such stupid statements to be the last word on the matter.
Next, consider this. White people have a right to exist. Furthermore, being White matters! To deny any of this is next to the ultimate evil I mentioned earlier. But being evil sin't good. Especially that level of evil! Keep this in mind the next time you are brain drug tripping out on "political correctness" or supporting a multi-ethnic society.

WTF are you talking about?

He just goose-stepped in from Sturmfront, and he thinks that's "novel".

You are wrong on both statements. I could imagine how you would do in trying to actually refute something in my thread.

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