Is Flynn's resignation enough?

The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.'re ruining the desired narrative
The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.

The biggest difference between now and the past 8 years is the press actually feels like doing its job now.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.

Finally, as most conservative pundits are spewing, further investigations are necessary and crucial.....BUT, who are there to facilitate such investigations, mindful that the republican leadership in congress may NOT want investigations that could reveal their own internal flaws.
How refreshing to hear of an administration official actually resigning. Where were the resignations the last eight years?

Apparently, leftists never resign no matter how bad their actions are.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.

Finally, as most conservative pundits are spewing, further investigations are necessary and crucial.....BUT, who are there to facilitate such investigations, mindful that the republican leadership in congress may NOT want investigations that could reveal their own internal flaws.

We now know that the CIA, FBI and NSA have been deliberately withholding certain information from the President, because they already knew that anything that is said to him will land at the Kremlin as well. This is how bad the situation is and I doubt that the only problem is Flynn. He is not the only mole in the Trump swamp.

That detail, that the POTUS does not even know some sensitive information because our own agencies do not trust him or his team - that detail is very scary. And the fact that the only way to convince Trump that Flynn did talk shop with the Russkis in December was for those agencies to go public - that is just mind-boggling. This is how sad things are since the Trump administration began. Just sad.
The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.

Wow way to compartmentalize the bigger picture of constant Russian controversies surrounding Trump.

How many people does Trump have to get rid off due to revelations of ties with the Kremlin, before you start asking yourself why Trump picked all of them?
You calling for the death of Flynn, nat? You want blood?

Moron, I NEVER stated that.......Flynn should be an important witness to future congressional investigations and some of our national security measures altered from what Flynn has knowledge of so that any possible blackmail of this guy would have little impact.
We now know that the CIA, FBI and NSA have been deliberately withholding certain information from the President, because they already knew that anything that is said to him will land at the Kremlin as well.

Much like how Democrats provided the Kremlin with their e-mails....or how Barry and Hillary shared info with Al Qaeda and ISIS, to go along with the supplies, funding, weapons, training, & protection they were giving them.

We know after the Paris terrorist attack and before the Russians and French launched their attack on the previously Obama protected ISIS black market oil facilities Obama warned ISIS the attacks were coming.
You calling for the death of Flynn, nat? You want blood?

Moron, I NEVER stated that.......Flynn should be an important witness to future congressional investigations and some of our national security measures altered from what Flynn has knowledge of so that any possible blackmail of this guy would have little impact.
What knowledge is that? You said he had access to THE MOST secret info - link?
You can always join your Jihadi Brethren and start beheading people you disagree with to satisfy your rage and hatred.
What do you mean, is it enough? He committed no crimes, unlike the festering vagina you worship. He stepped down and did the honorable thing simply because he was a distraction, unlike Hillary Clinton who should have resigned after she butchered Benghazi.

I should ask you, is Hillary Clinton being humiliated in the election enough, or should she face a firing squad for violating the Espionage Act, Lying To Congress, Gun Running Weapons to Terrorists, and getting people killed and ignoring their pleas for help.

If justice were served, she'd have a noose around her neck. So I have to ask you, if we hired you as her executioner, would you pull the lever?
You calling for the death of Flynn, nat? You want blood?

Moron, I NEVER stated that.......Flynn should be an important witness to future congressional investigations and some of our national security measures altered from what Flynn has knowledge of so that any possible blackmail of this guy would have little impact.
I think that US message Board ought to convene hearings on the OP's sanity.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.

Finally, as most conservative pundits are spewing, further investigations are necessary and crucial.....BUT, who are there to facilitate such investigations, mindful that the republican leadership in congress may NOT want investigations that could reveal their own internal flaws.

We now know that the CIA, FBI and NSA have been deliberately withholding certain information from the President, because they already knew that anything that is said to him will land at the Kremlin as well. This is how bad the situation is and I doubt that the only problem is Flynn. He is not the only mole in the Trump swamp.

That detail, that the POTUS does not even know some sensitive information because our own agencies do not trust him or his team - that detail is very scary. And the fact that the only way to convince Trump that Flynn did talk shop with the Russkis in December was for those agencies to go public - that is just mind-boggling. This is how sad things are since the Trump administration began. Just sad.
FDR was a Russian lover and lefties LOVE FDR. Why no love for Trump?
How refreshing to hear of an administration official actually resigning. Where were the resignations the last eight years?

"nice" spin.....but inane. Flynn did blatantly lie to the American public, placing our intelligence community at risk......Yeah, give Flynn another medal for his efforts..
The OP is a conspiracy nut. Per usual in DC, Flynn is in trouble not for the underlying deed, but for the subsequent coverup.

Flynn should of resigned because he apparently misled Pence. You do not do this. Flynn should of just admitted that he spoke to the Russians and that the topic of Obama's sanctions came up, then dare the Gov to initiate a silly Logan Act prosecution. But Flynn fucked up. He did the typical political move and lied. It is today's M.O. In DC. Neither the Obama nor Bill Clinton administrations could function without lies serving as the foundations for their respective presidencies.

There is no proof that Flynn did anything inappropriate except to mislead Pence. He is certainly above the petty nonsensical gripes suggested by the leftist scum like the OP notwithstanding his alleged lie.

Wow way to compartmentalize the bigger picture of constant Russian controversies surrounding Trump.

How many people does Trump have to get rid off due to revelations of ties with the Kremlin, before you start asking yourself why Trump picked all of them?
Don't be a douche. The "constant Russian controversies surrounding Trump" are media constructs.
We now know that the CIA, FBI and NSA have been deliberately withholding certain information from the President, because they already knew that anything that is said to him will land at the Kremlin as well.

Much like how Democrats provided the Kremlin with their e-mails....or how Barry and Hillary shared info with Al Qaeda and ISIS, to go along with the supplies, funding, weapons, training, & protection they were giving them.

Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
What knowledge is that? You said he had access to THE MOST secret info - link?

Flynn was the National Security Adviser.......what the fuck are you needing a link to prove his access to intelligence?
FDR was a Russian lover and lefties LOVE FDR. Why no love for Trump?

Hey, moron, Russia was an important ally in WWII....your attempt to redirect today's situation is as stupid as your usual stupid retorts.

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