Is Flynn's resignation enough?

Yeah, that's why he ran and won. I've never seen as many crybabies as there are here today.

It's that all you have on this and other issues - neener, neener, neener, we wun, u suk!!!

For adults, the purpose of an election is to put the best and most qualified people in place to manage the affairs of the country. For you, it's putting the team in place most likely to piss the rest of the country off. Is that really a sound strategy for good governance.

No wonder the US is dropping in every major category of good goverance. You want your government to fail because that would really piss off Democrats, now wouldn't it.
I sorry you could not understand my reply to the buttstain. However your reply, and the translation of my post, is nowhere near what I said. Continue to lie, please.
Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
I noticed in an attempt to attack me you deleted the FACT that Obama warned ISIS that the attack by the French and Russians on the oil facilities was coming. Unless you deleted / omitted THAT, your little attack doesn't work. :p

Obama was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years you fucking dolt. You have to be straight insane to claim that he wanted to somehow aid them.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
I noticed in an attempt to attack me you deleted the FACT that Obama warned ISIS that the attack by the French and Russians on the oil facilities was coming. Unless you deleted / omitted THAT, your little attack doesn't work. :p

Obama was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years you fucking dolt. You have to be straight insane to claim that he wanted to somehow aid them.
Obama did not "bomb the shit" out of anybody. Under Obama, the feel-Good, PC rules of engagement were so restrictive, and stupid, that our military's hands were tied. There is absolutely no good reason why ISIS should continue to exist today. We know where the caliphate is. We just have to go in there and kill them. But we don't. All Obama did was drop a few bombs here and there in the desert, rarely scoring a tactical success. That is not how you fight a fucking war. Fact is, other than Obama being the lucky serving president When Bin Laden was killed, he did nothing to substantively quell ISIS. And if you do not quell them, then you lose and ISIS wins.
My point was and is, that the situation is NOT like changing the locks after a common burglary...What Flynn knows is STILL a danger to our national security unless measures are taken to alter our current security apparatus.

He might show up soon as a accidental death soon..he knows too much.
I think that the OP needs to be reported to the Dept of Homeland Security for making terroristic threats against Flynn.

So how much to you get paid to troll and misdirect a thread to stay off topic..?

he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.
Perhaps we should shoot him just to be on the safe side. :rolleyes:

"Kill, kill kill the white man. Kill him until he is dead Kill the white man ...Thank you." -- Eugene Mamalookaboobooday, Private Parts
Wow you are crazy. I mean serious looney toons grade insanity.
I noticed in an attempt to attack me you deleted the FACT that Obama warned ISIS that the attack by the French and Russians on the oil facilities was coming. Unless you deleted / omitted THAT, your little attack doesn't work. :p

Obama was bombing the shit out of ISIS for years you fucking dolt. You have to be straight insane to claim that he wanted to somehow aid them.

yeah, right, that explains why ISIS now has control over more territory than when obozo came into office.

Obama never had any intention of "bombing the shit" out of his muslim brothers in ISIS and the muslim brotherhood, and Hamas, and Hexbollah.

Obama "the muslim call to prayer is the most beautiful sound on earth".

Are you really as stupid as you appear to be?
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Dead Ted, who is now drowning women in heaven, is worth considering. What he did with the Soviets was done with the intent to undermine Reagan's Soviet policy. This is about a million times worse than anything Flynn did, yet you want to forget about Teddy and put Flynn in jail. Hell, that whack job OP NAT wants him assassinated.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.

the point is that he was given a pass on murder or negligent homicide. We will never know which it was.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Dead Ted, who is now drowning women in heaven, is worth considering. What he did with the Soviets was done with the intent to undermine Reagan's Soviet policy. This is about a million times worse than anything Flynn did, yet you want to forget about Teddy and put Flynn in jail. Hell, that whack job OP NAT wants him assassinated.

Gnat and his cronies think that anyone who ever had a security clearance and then quit or retired should be executed.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a
I hope President Trump picks someone the leftist anti Americans really hate as flynns replacement. Someone that will round this anti American scum up
The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a
Trying to head off WWIII, which the last regime was spoiling for, is not a "love affair with Russia".

You warmongering schmendricks are worse than the neocons, and I didn't think that was possible
Yeah, that's why he ran and won. I've never seen as many crybabies as there are here today.

It's that all you have on this and other issues - neener, neener, neener, we wun, u suk!!!

For adults, the purpose of an election is to put the best and most qualified people in place to manage the affairs of the country. For you, it's putting the team in place most likely to piss the rest of the country off. Is that really a sound strategy for good governance.

No wonder the US is dropping in every major category of good goverance. You want your government to fail because that would really piss off Democrats, now wouldn't it.

My point was and is, that the situation is NOT like changing the locks after a common burglary...What Flynn knows is STILL a danger to our national security unless measures are taken to alter our current security apparatus.

So what would you suggest be done about it?
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BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a

There is absolutely no reason why we cannot have a mutually productive relationship with Russia.

Why do you libs want war? Why do McCrazy and Gramnesty want war?

The Russian people are just like us. They want security for themselves and their families, they want jobs. Putin and Trump could destroy ISIS in a week----------and they should.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a
Your assertion is factually incorrect. There is no "love affair" with Russia. Now, I know that is what you believe, and what you want to believe. I also know that it hurts to be called wrong. But you are just wrong. There is no evidence that Trump is in bed with Putin. That is patently absurd.
The Trump administration is having a love affair with Russia... your party thinks it is ok .. This high office general is involved and so is the rest of the administration..It is just a matter of time to bring them down , one at a
Trying to head off WWIII, which the last regime was spoiling for, is not a "love affair with Russia".

You warmongering schmendricks are worse than the neocons, and I didn't think that was possible

If Hillary had won, we'd be well on our way to WW3 right now. She was already talking "no fly zones" in Syria. Something that would have gone over like a lead balloon.

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