Is Flynn's resignation enough?

As always crooked democrat administrations set the bar too high. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn lied to the V.P. and was asked to resign. Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and stuffing them in his socks and fruit of the looms to be later destroyed. Neither the mainstream media nor the left wingers were the least bit curious about what was in the documents and Sandy Berger was let off with a slap on the wrist.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Dead Ted, who is now drowning women in heaven, is worth considering. What he did with the Soviets was done with the intent to undermine Reagan's Soviet policy. This is about a million times worse than anything Flynn did, yet you want to forget about Teddy and put Flynn in jail. Hell, that whack job OP NAT wants him assassinated.

I don't know if any of this is true, nor do I give shit (the year is 2017). Even if 100% true all you are doing is making an argument of convenience about how two wrongs make a right.

Stop the deflections and address topic head on.

he was pointing out democrat hypocrisy. Sorry if that was too deep for you.

He is claiming democrat hypocrisy no more than his own with these deflections.
Why the shit do we care what other countries do as long as it doesn't affect us?

Re-read what your wrote, moronic Tuna.......This whole discussion IS about the primary factoid that Russia DID affect our electoral process through their hacking.

Besides, nitwit, what Iran and North Korea are doing may not affect us..FOR NOW..but should we just shrug it off?

The DNC was hacked, that is true. wikileaks published the corruption and lying that the hacking revealed. Some voters may have changed their votes after knowing how corrupt Hillary and the DNC was.

There is absolutely no evidence that Russia had anything to do with it or that Russia had a motive to defeat Hillary.

Damn, deal with reality, you lost, the people chose Trump. The American voters, not Putin. your desperation makes you look like a fool
As always crooked democrat administrations set the bar too high. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn lied to the V.P. and was asked to resign. Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and stuffing them in his socks and fruit of the looms to be later destroyed. Neither the mainstream media nor the left wingers were the least bit curious about what was in the documents and Sandy Berger was let off with a slap on the wrist.
BTW, nobody got this upset over Teddy "Swim Master" Kennedy making direct contact with the USSR about resisting Reagan's policy toward the Soviets. There was actually proof of this treason yet Teddy "Breast Stroke" Kennedy was Lionized b the Senate and DNC.

BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Dead Ted, who is now drowning women in heaven, is worth considering. What he did with the Soviets was done with the intent to undermine Reagan's Soviet policy. This is about a million times worse than anything Flynn did, yet you want to forget about Teddy and put Flynn in jail. Hell, that whack job OP NAT wants him assassinated.

I don't know if any of this is true, nor do I give shit (the year is 2017). Even if 100% true all you are doing is making an argument of convenience about how two wrongs make a right.

Stop the deflections and address topic head on.

he was pointing out democrat hypocrisy. Sorry if that was too deep for you.

He is claiming democrat hypocrisy no more than his own with these deflections.

Did the dems demand that Berger resign or be prosecuted? Duh, no. That is the hypocrisy, dipshit.
I know you're excited about Flynn's scalp adorning the Democratic Party's cloakroom, but this is bad for the whole country. This is not a victory.

Had you read my (and others') posts you'd know that the entire thread was about how Flynn's short tenure was indeed "bad for the whole country".......
The DNC was hacked,

....and according to your half brain.....It was aliens from Neptune that hacked the DNC??? (what an asshole)

wikileaks has not revealed who they got the hacked info from. It could have been an honest person within the DNC.

If you have proof that it was Russia, please post it. Otherwise you are noting but a talking point parrot with no ability for rational thought.
As always crooked democrat administrations set the bar too high. Trump's National Security Adviser Flynn lied to the V.P. and was asked to resign. Bill Clinton's National Security Adviser became a thief stealing documents from the National Archives and stuffing them in his socks and fruit of the looms to be later destroyed. Neither the mainstream media nor the left wingers were the least bit curious about what was in the documents and Sandy Berger was let off with a slap on the wrist.
BTW Lets leave dead Ted alone and quit ridiculous deflection.
Dead Ted, who is now drowning women in heaven, is worth considering. What he did with the Soviets was done with the intent to undermine Reagan's Soviet policy. This is about a million times worse than anything Flynn did, yet you want to forget about Teddy and put Flynn in jail. Hell, that whack job OP NAT wants him assassinated.

I don't know if any of this is true, nor do I give shit (the year is 2017). Even if 100% true all you are doing is making an argument of convenience about how two wrongs make a right.

Stop the deflections and address topic head on.

he was pointing out democrat hypocrisy. Sorry if that was too deep for you.

He is claiming democrat hypocrisy no more than his own with these deflections.

Did the dems demand that Berger resign or be prosecuted? Duh, no. That is the hypocrisy, dipshit.

gnat thinks its funny when democrat hypocrisy is pointed out. either that or he/she/it doesn't understand what the word 'hypocrisy' means.
Since Democrats effectively aided and abetted Russian attempts to hack into US computer servers, accessing e-mails, documents, etc, by engaging in piss-poor cyber / computer security practices, ignoring / refusing to adhere to security training / regs, their password BEING 'password', etc...Democrats should be 'monitored', they should be punished as well.

Recently it was revealed that Democrats in Congress actually hired 3 Muslim Brothers, with potential ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, who illegally accessed highly classified documents / information (espionage?) ... but don't worry. These Democrats 'fixed the problem' by reportedly FIRING them.....


:wtf: You have potential espionage, and these 3 are not detained, questioned, and the Democrats who hired these 3 potential spies are not punished, either?!

Holy Crap!

Way t go,'re on FIRE! Just freakin' BRILLIANT display of protecting our National Security.


(Could 'you' F* Up anymore if you SERIOUSLY tried?!)
so if flynn only mislead pence, then Trump was in on flynn's talk on sanctions with the russians?

did flynn give the russians this message on Trump reneging the obama sanctions when he gets in to office, AT THE REQUEST OF TRUMP?

Get a life. You libs lost the election. Hillary was a terrible candidate and a corrupt lying bitch. Trump won, Trump is president for at least the next 4 years.

Obama and Clinton have destroyed the party of Truman and Kennedy. Until you dems wake up to that fact, you will continue to lose.
Without partisan rancor and as American citizens, we should all ask ourselves a couple of crucial questions that a mere resignation by Flynn do NOT settle the matter.

The first question regards whether there exists a cabal within the Trump WH that plots strategy unbeknownst by Trump......or a group that simply keeps information FROM Trump....
Of course we have all heard that the DOJ had warned the incoming administration that Flynn could be subject to Russian blackmail...........which then leads to the second question...

Flynn has had the MOST secret of intelligence on our nation's tactics in protecting all of us.......The fear of Flynn being blackmailed into sharing those secrets with our enemies, however, DOES NOT STOP with his resignation.......he is still a walking and breathing LIABILITY to our security and Flynn should be carefully watched or some of our security measure be quickly changed.

Finally, as most conservative pundits are spewing, further investigations are necessary and crucial.....BUT, who are there to facilitate such investigations, mindful that the republican leadership in congress may NOT want investigations that could reveal their own internal flaws.
You need to calm down and stop huffing whatever paint you have in your garage.

I know you're excited about Flynn's scalp adorning the Democratic Party's cloakroom, but this is bad for the whole country. This is not a victory.

Get some perspective, for chrissakes.
This has nothing at all to do with the election, but if you insist, she did win the vote of the People in this nation by 3 million voters....

Trump was aware of Flynn's lie, and still appointed him as National Security advisor, AFTER he was told about it....and he, AS IN Trump, did NOT notify Pence of the lie. It was not until Fbruary 10th when intelligence finally had enough of the lies being told by the trump team, leaked it to the American people....that the Trump team has now said, becaus Flynn lied to Pence they have to lt him go or he resigned.

Has ANYONE SAID that Flynn lied to Trump on this.....>?????

NO, no one has said such, which means Trump was not lied to, and Trump was aware of what Flynn said to the Russians about sanctions, which undermined President Obama..and it means Trump was aware on January 15th (and more than likely since December 29th when Flynn called the Russian ambassador) when Flynn lied on meet the press....

Trump can not say he was unaware, because they have Flynn on tape telling the ambassador that Trump was aware and would not keep the Obama sanctions in my bet!

Trump has NOT ONCE stated that he was unaware of Flynn's actions, not ONCE!
Why the shit do we care what other countries do as long as it doesn't affect us?

Re-read what your wrote, moronic Tuna.......This whole discussion IS about the primary factoid that Russia DID affect our electoral process through their hacking.

Besides, nitwit, what Iran and North Korea are doing may not affect us..FOR NOW..but should we just shrug it off?

prove that something that Russia did changed one American vote.
Trump has no boundaries. He has appointed a shitload of people who also have no boundaries. The problem is that they assume that they were appointed because they have no boundaries, and will act accordingly. What they do not understand is that Trump will throw them under the bus in a New York second, if they act in a way that is not in his best interest. They don't get that, and even when the heads really start to roll, won't get it, until it is too late for them. Nixon was exactly the same way.
Trump has no boundaries. He has appointed a shitload of people who also have no boundaries. The problem is that they assume that they were appointed because they have no boundaries, and will act accordingly. What they do not understand is that Trump will throw them under the bus in a New York second, if they act in a way that is not in his best interest. They don't get that, and even when the heads really start to roll, won't get it, until it is too late for them. Nixon was exactly the same way.

every president in history has fired people who did not do his bidding. There is nothing new here.

what really scares you dems and libs is that Trump is being successful and bringing jobs to America, increasing our security, and improving international relations.

Him doing what he said he was going to do has you fools scared shitless. Because his success means that the dem party will continue to shrink and lose what little power it still has. and you idiots have Obama and Clinton to thank for your party's demise.
Trump has no boundaries. He has appointed a shitload of people who also have no boundaries. The problem is that they assume that they were appointed because they have no boundaries, and will act accordingly. What they do not understand is that Trump will throw them under the bus in a New York second, if they act in a way that is not in his best interest. They don't get that, and even when the heads really start to roll, won't get it, until it is too late for them. Nixon was exactly the same way.

every president in history has fired people who did not do his bidding. There is nothing new here.

what really scares you dems and libs is that Trump is being successful and bringing jobs to America, increasing our security, and improving international relations.

Him doing what he said he was going to do has you fools scared shitless. Because his success means that the dem party will continue to shrink and lose what little power it still has. and you idiots have Obama and Clinton to thank for your party's demise.
wikileaks has not revealed who they got the hacked info from. It could have been an honest person within the DNC.

Well, pressure is MOUNTING for republicans in congress to NOT let the possibility of Russian hacking go by the wayside and to thoroughly investigate even if it'll royally piss off the Trumpster...... "Thanks" to Flynn's mess, its likely that they know, like they did with the never-ending Benghazi probes.
Trump has no boundaries. He has appointed a shitload of people who also have no boundaries. The problem is that they assume that they were appointed because they have no boundaries, and will act accordingly. What they do not understand is that Trump will throw them under the bus in a New York second, if they act in a way that is not in his best interest. They don't get that, and even when the heads really start to roll, won't get it, until it is too late for them. Nixon was exactly the same way.

every president in history has fired people who did not do his bidding. There is nothing new here.

what really scares you dems and libs is that Trump is being successful and bringing jobs to America, increasing our security, and improving international relations.

Him doing what he said he was going to do has you fools scared shitless. Because his success means that the dem party will continue to shrink and lose what little power it still has. and you idiots have Obama and Clinton to thank for your party's demise.

truth too much for you, care4?
Trump has no boundaries. He has appointed a shitload of people who also have no boundaries. The problem is that they assume that they were appointed because they have no boundaries, and will act accordingly. What they do not understand is that Trump will throw them under the bus in a New York second, if they act in a way that is not in his best interest. They don't get that, and even when the heads really start to roll, won't get it, until it is too late for them. Nixon was exactly the same way.

every president in history has fired people who did not do his bidding. There is nothing new here.

what really scares you dems and libs is that Trump is being successful and bringing jobs to America, increasing our security, and improving international relations.

Him doing what he said he was going to do has you fools scared shitless. Because his success means that the dem party will continue to shrink and lose what little power it still has. and you idiots have Obama and Clinton to thank for your party's demise.

Trump did not win the election because Americans liked his fucking weird Kremlin fondling agenda, he won in SPITE of it. Now that he is a President those of his voters with at least half a brain won't sustain the compartmentalization under this constant drip of revelations, the distrust will eventually take root.
wikileaks has not revealed who they got the hacked info from. It could have been an honest person within the DNC.

Well, pressure is MOUNTING for republicans in congress to NOT let the possibility of Russian hacking go by the wayside and to thoroughly investigate even if it'll royally piss off the Trumpster...... "Thanks" to Flynn's mess, its likely that they know, like they did with the never-ending Benghazi probes.

Great, go for it. If it can be proven that the Russians caused one American to change their vote or manipulated voting machines, then we are entitled to know it.

As to Flynn, he screwed up, he is gone. See, that's the difference between us and you. We acknowledge it when our guys screw up, you just keep lying about them for years and years and years.

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