Is Fox News a net positive or negative for the GOP?

In the age we live in, does that even mean anything anymore. Who really cares about Cable News? My generation is plugged into the internet and the Daily Show.

then you aren't any better... you need to read everything or you will think in sound bites. jon stewart never wanted to be 'real' news

I'm saying that's what the majority of people 35 and under do. I personally am a news junkie and frequent several news groups/ I also like watching Fox News for the entertainment factor. It's so over the top usually I can't take it seriously.

List one prime example of what you consider to be "over the top" We'll wait patiently.
Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Okay, let's try this: I'll assume you feel Fox is clearly a net positive for the GOP. Fine, that answers my question. Now, do you feel that Fox damages the GOP in any way whatsoever?

Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Remember when obamarevengeguy tried to cut Fox News out of theNational Press corp? America deserves a dick tater that's what they voted for.
then you aren't any better... you need to read everything or you will think in sound bites. jon stewart never wanted to be 'real' news

I'm saying that's what the majority of people 35 and under do. I personally am a news junkie and frequent several news groups/ I also like watching Fox News for the entertainment factor. It's so over the top usually I can't take it seriously.

List one prime example of what you consider to be "over the top" We'll wait patiently.

Karl Rove losing his mind was entertaining as hell lady.
Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Okay, let's try this: I'll assume you feel Fox is clearly a net positive for the GOP. Fine, that answers my question. Now, do you feel that Fox damages the GOP in any way whatsoever?


Actually it damages assholes like yourself who try to shut it down. when free speech is gone in this country you only will have yourself to blame you commie bastard.
I think FOX news is great for the GOP. I hope Rush Limpballs become the on air host of the prime time news slot. I think Karl Rove should be the news director. I think that anyone that can bring down the once proud and useful Republican party should be given the biggest voice they can.

FOX and Rush. A marriage made in ...................fantasy land. Where most rethugs live.
In the age we live in, does that even mean anything anymore. Who really cares about Cable News? My generation is plugged into the internet and the Daily Show.

then you aren't any better... you need to read everything or you will think in sound bites. jon stewart never wanted to be 'real' news

I'm saying that's what the majority of people 35 and under do. I personally am a news junkie and frequent several news groups/ I also like watching Fox News for the entertainment factor. It's so over the top usually I can't take it seriously.

yeah yeah, and you probably think PMSnbc is the channel with the most HONEST news

no one takes your fox news is entertainment serious either
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I'm saying that's what the majority of people 35 and under do. I personally am a news junkie and frequent several news groups/ I also like watching Fox News for the entertainment factor. It's so over the top usually I can't take it seriously.

List one prime example of what you consider to be "over the top" We'll wait patiently.

Karl Rove losing his mind was entertaining as hell lady.

Karl Rove didn't lose his mind. He still has his mind Try again. List a prime example of what you consder to be "over the top:
I think the racism against white people on MSNBC is over the fucking top. Now that's racism!
I cannot believe a libtard here actually confessed to using Jon Stewart as a news source and this same brain dead individual bashes Fox News. It's hilarious. God help this country. But that's who you voted for. :badgrin::badgrin:
Did Karl Rove say he was glad for a storm that killed people because it helped re-elect Obama?

they said he was losing his mind
Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Okay, let's try this: I'll assume you feel Fox is clearly a net positive for the GOP. Fine, that answers my question. Now, do you feel that Fox damages the GOP in any way whatsoever?


Actually it damages assholes like yourself who try to shut it down. when free speech is gone in this country you only will have yourself to blame you commie bastard.

Wonderful, let's examine this.

Shut it down? As I stated in a post above, I'm a First Amendment purist. I want all sides heard freely, which is why I'm so passionately against Political Correctness. So let's drop that little game into the shitter, because it's not going to work with me.

I have asked an honest, sincere question, and you folks are getting very emotional. My question -- as you damn well know -- is whether Fox is a net positive or a net negative. And, for those of you who are so upset by such a direct question, I've even toned it down - does Fox damage the GOP in any way whatsoever? If my first question is too difficult, perhaps you could answer that one.

Calm down and try some civil, mature, honest conversation. Just for fun.

Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Okay, let's try this: I'll assume you feel Fox is clearly a net positive for the GOP. Fine, that answers my question. Now, do you feel that Fox damages the GOP in any way whatsoever?


well, libtards hate the GOP and they hate FOX news so what's your fucking point?. Why don't you just take a moment to list the ass kissing activities that the GOP must engage in in order to win your love. That would be much easier than asking stupid ass questions.
Fox news is hated by the democrats much as Radio Free America was hated in its day too.

Okay, let's try this: I'll assume you feel Fox is clearly a net positive for the GOP. Fine, that answers my question. Now, do you feel that Fox damages the GOP in any way whatsoever?


well, libtards hate the GOP and they hate FOX news so what's your fucking point?. Why don't you just take a moment to list the ass kissing activities that the GOP must engage in in order to win your love. That would be much easier than asking stupid ass questions.

I don't know why a reasonable question has to make you so angry. If you like the GOP, if you like Fox News, I would think that you would want what's best for both of them. And if Fox News is -- if, I said -- causing damage to the GOP I would think you would want to rectify that.

Instead you've chosen to get emotional and blow up. That was not the intent of my direct question.

I think it's honestly a bad thing for them. It's so disingenuous and anti-intellectualism that it has become a meme in modern society for dishonesty and lies. And while there's a minority of people who'll subscribe to anything Fox News says, it definitely turns the majority off. I also think Fox News has progressively gotten worse over time turning off more and more people.

When FOX was first available in Europe, some people thought that it was a brilliant political satire. Then they were shocked to discover that it was real.
Fox is the only media outlet that does not follow the propaganda line from the democrats. That's why obama declared his little war on Fox, and it follows that the little obamabots would continue to moan and groan about Fox.
Fox is the only media outlet that does not follow the propaganda line from the democrats. That's why obama declared his little war on Fox, and it follows that the little obamabots would continue to moan and groan about Fox.

I think that Fox can provide a valuable service in providing balance to what is clearly a left-leaning (and "leaning" is being charitable) mass media. The point I'm trying to get to (and failing so far) is whether they're doing, on balance, a good job of it, or whether they're actually hurting themselves and conservatism.

I don't think they are doing a good job, and Tuesday night is a shining example of that.


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