Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?

February 25, 2013
By Daniel Greenfield


George Galloway is getting a lot of attention for stomping out during a debate with a student. Galloway claimed that he did it because he has a boycott on all “normal contacts with individuals or organisations in Israel”. The debate wasn’t taking place in Israel, but for all anyone knows George was too drunk to know that.

In response to criticism from boycotters who oppose Israel and expect Galloway to debate Israelis, George declared that he will define what a boycott is. “Secondly, an organisation calling itself “BDS” does not own the words or the concept of boycott, divestment or sanctions. They are entitled to their own interpretation of these words but they don’t own or control me. I will make my own interpretation.”

Let no one tell George Galloway how to boycott Israel. He will interpret his own boycott in an interpretive dance routine, especially when he’s losing a debate.

So now George has declared that he will boycott debates about Israel with people who support “the existence of the racist Apartheid creed of Zionism.” That’s a handy way of never finding himself in a debate again. Perhaps from now on George will limit himself to debating people who agree with him. That should significantly improve his chances of winning one of these things.


Thus continues the implosion of George Galloway who is now involved in fighting women and Jews at the same time. And then on top of everything else, Galloway’s Twitter account was hijacked by a weight loss spammer.

Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?

George is a very impressive speaker in any company and always a pleasure to listen to -- his breadth of vision and lateral perspectives often prove useful .And always interesting .
He lives in the great tradition of supporting the" under dog " and as such is a great part of our political mix .
You sound as though you have never seen and heard him " live " or in active discussion or debate .
I know he is a lunatic ranter and a scumbag.

His love of totalitarianism and intolerance combined with his anti semitism and socialist ideas put him in the nazi file as far as I am concerned.

And what an idiot you are !! .
The Topic is about George Galloway . Not some imaginary character that you have imagined .
Hes a NAZI scumbag !

[ame=]Israeli Minister "We always use the anti-Semitism trick or bring up the Holocaust" - YouTube[/ame]
I know he is a lunatic ranter and a scumbag.

His love of totalitarianism and intolerance combined with his anti semitism and socialist ideas put him in the nazi file as far as I am concerned.

And what an idiot you are !! .
The Topic is about George Galloway . Not some imaginary character that you have imagined .
George Galloway, ranting lunatic, lover of totalitarianism and anti Semite.
We are talking about the same socialist madman.

It's not rape if you have sex with a woman a second time, providing the first time was consensual!!!

That's right from the ranting lunatics mouth!

thats not what he said...

Some people believe that when you go to bed with somebody, take off your clothes, and have sex with them and then fall asleep, you're already in the sex game with them.

"It might be really bad manners not to have tapped her on the shoulder and said, 'do you mind if I do it again?'

"It might be really sordid and bad sexual etiquette, but whatever else it is, it is not rape, or you bankrupt the term rape of all meaning."

George Galloway sacked as political columnist for rape remarks | Politics |
Georgy Porgy Pudding ad Pie ,
Upset the Hilly Billy boys and made them cry .

Strange that George wins elections -- quite the opposite from the bigoted GOP and their extremist Tea Party jihadists .
Georgy Porgy Pudding ad Pie ,
Upset the Hilly Billy boys and made them cry .

Strange that George wins elections -- quite the opposite from the bigoted GOP and their extremist Tea Party jihadists .

George Galloway isn't doing too well in his home constituency!
Had to move from Scotland to England, Bradford to be exact, to get elected.
Bradford in W Yorkshire.
Guess who his constituents are?

Google " grooming in Keighley".
Keighley is a town in the Bradford metropolitan area.
So if you shag a bird once, with consent, you can assume consent later?
Rape apologist!!!

Mister Galloway M.P. -- to you -- has his home constituency in Bradford .
Resist rubbish and a tortured imagination .
The rest of your post was gobbledegook .
[ame=]george galloway vs american israeli aipac member - YouTube[/ame]
Nice to see George rip that guy to shreds .
And of course subsequent events have proved him right .
[ame=]George Galloway BLISTERING ATTACK on the U.S. SENATE - YouTube[/ame]
Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000

By David Brown
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
A team of American and Iraqi epidemiologists estimates that 655,000 more people have died in Iraq since coalition forces arrived in March 2003 than would have died if the invasion had not occurred.
Study Claims Iraq's 'Excess' Death Toll Has Reached 655,000
Let's start with one of his lies.
In the video he accused the American of killing a million Iraqis.
That's a lie on many levels, based on his desire to get re elected.

His total support for the eradication of Israel which can only be effected by killing all Jews, the stated desire of Hamas, an organisation that gollywog supports.
Galloway's use of the "million Iraqi deaths" estimate is not an original statement. I've heard the same estimate several times from others. If you wish to discount it as a lie, let's talk about the notorious estimate of "six million Jews" who were supposedly killed by the Nazis. Can you verify that figure? There is a book called, The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, by Karl Butz (available from Amazon), that goes to great statistical and historical length to disount that number. What are your thoughts about that?

Since we aren't paid by the pound for accuracy in casually discussing either of these issues there is no point in nit-picking the statistics. But if you wish to challenge Galloway's estimate of dead Iraqis I will ask where the famous "six million" number came from. Can you substantiate it?
Let's start with one of his lies.
In the video he accused the American of killing a million Iraqis.
That's a lie on many levels, based on his desire to get re elected.

You are absolutely right .
The figure is now much higher .
He called Bush and the Neo Cons what they are --- evil .
George tells it like it is , and Terrorist America hates it .
Ripped him to shreds?
With lies, propaganda and anti semitism!!
Subsequent events?

Georgie gollywog was, is and ever shall be...... Wrong!!

What lie and what anti-semitism?

Let's start with one of his lies.
In the video he accused the American of killing a million Iraqis.
That's a lie on many levels, based on his desire to get re elected.

His total support for the eradication of Israel which can only be effected by killing all Jews, the stated desire of Hamas, an organisation that gollywog supports.

How many Iraqis died from U.S. support of Saddam? from Reagan selling weapons to both sides in the Iran-Iraq war? How many died from sanctions? How many died in the Give US Your Oil Or We Will Starve Your Children program? How many died from 2 invasions and an occupation of Iraq?

He has never called for or supported the eradication of Israel. Israel help create Hamas.
George is a very impressive speaker in any company and always a pleasure to listen to -- his breadth of vision and lateral perspectives often prove useful .And always interesting .
He lives in the great tradition of supporting the" under dog " and as such is a great part of our political mix .
You sound as though you have never seen and heard him " live " or in active discussion or debate .

Forgive me if I don't respect the opinion of someone who's managed to accumulate 5 red splats in 188 posts.
[The six million number came from the accurate records the nazis kept.
Records that were captured by the allies after the war.
Galloway lied, the USA havnt killed 10% the number of Iraqis he claims,
Most of those were dangerous criminals endangering innocent lives.
But your anti American and genocidal anti Jewish hate cause you to get a hard on for galloways dishonest jihadist agenda.
I'm not going to argue with you because you're obviously paranoid and have been indoctrinated from birth with Zionist propaganda. But anyone who wishes to refer to a PDF version of Professor Butz's book, The Hoax Of The Twentieth Century, can access it here:

Please be advised I am not attempting to deny there was a pogrom in which the Nazis did indeed exterminate a large number of Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, communists, and habitual criminals. But I do take exception to the presumptive "six million Jews" assertion which so many contemporary Americans casually accept with absolutely no readily accessible and irrefutable evidence.

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