Is George Galloway the Dumbest Politician in the UK?


Galloway lied, the USA havnt killed 10% the number of Iraqis he claims,

Most of those were dangerous criminals endangering innocent lives.
Including this dangerous little fellow.


George is a very impressive speaker in any company and always a pleasure to listen to -- his breadth of vision and lateral perspectives often prove useful .And always interesting .
He lives in the great tradition of supporting the" under dog " and as such is a great part of our political mix .
You sound as though you have never seen and heard him " live " or in active discussion or debate .

Forgive me if I don't respect the opinion of someone who's managed to accumulate 5 red splats in 188 posts.

forgive me but I cant respect a person who bases his opinions on a brownie point system of little colored dots
George is a very impressive speaker in any company and always a pleasure to listen to -- his breadth of vision and lateral perspectives often prove useful .And always interesting .
He lives in the great tradition of supporting the" under dog " and as such is a great part of our political mix .
You sound as though you have never seen and heard him " live " or in active discussion or debate .

Forgive me if I don't respect the opinion of someone who's managed to accumulate 5 red splats in 188 posts.

forgive me but I cant respect a person who bases his opinions on a brownie point system of little colored dots

If you were much smarter than you clearly are , you would read posts instead of being directed by labels and not judging on content .
The IQ standard here as a Forum average is low and American opinions tend to most reflect that position , being insular and invariably uninformed .
Of course they do not like this being continually highlighted .
And naturally I am not going to dumb down my ow contributions by pretending to accept material which is often fifth rate .
Forgive me if I don't respect the opinion of someone who's managed to accumulate 5 red splats in 188 posts.

forgive me but I cant respect a person who bases his opinions on a brownie point system of little colored dots

If you were much smarter than you clearly are , you would read posts instead of being directed by labels and not judging on content .
The IQ standard here as a Forum average is low and American opinions tend to most reflect that position , being insular and invariably uninformed .
Of course they do not like this being continually highlighted .
And naturally I am not going to dumb down my ow contributions by pretending to accept material which is often fifth rate .

You probably should proof read your posts for spelling and punctuation errors before calling other people stupid. It makes you look, well, "stoopid".
Oh a photo, no proof of anything, just a photo.
Pardon the careless oversight. This link should satisfy your need for authentication. WikiLeaks: Iraqi Children In U.S. Raid Shot In Head, U.N. Says

Last part, UN says!!!!
Had me in stitches!!
The UN is simply passing out this propaganda to divert attention from their workers sexually perverted activities in Darfhur and the Congo.

That and the fact that the UN is the most virulently anti American entity on earth.

united nations known for its rape and murder - Google Search
I don't think there are any countries left with any respect or great liking for America .
The world's greatest Terrorist nation is by definition despised as a Bully .

Which us why you, haters flew planes into American buildings killing thousands of innocent Americans.
You hate and attack America, America will fuck you up.

It's all good!
Galloway would be a great candidate for waterboarding!!

As a white Caucasian I can only despair at the falling standards of gun and violence crazed America .Your ignorance is self evident .
I don't think you will last the proverbial five minutes when the riff -raff are consigned to the camps by your own elite .
There are no elites in the USA.

There is no violence or gun crazed America, that's an invention of European government controlled media.

First statement just promotes laughter . You must have invented that dribble because it has never been seen in print before .

America is the most violent nation in the developed world .
The Stats on that are irrefutable and suggest that the American psyche is now dangerously flawed .
There are no elites in the USA.

There is no violence or gun crazed America, that's an invention of European government controlled media.

First statement just promotes laughter . You must have invented that dribble because it has never been seen in print before .

America is the most violent nation in the developed world .
The Stats on that are irrefutable and suggest that the American psyche is now dangerously flawed .

So blackhole where are you from, N Korea...:wink_2:
[ame=]George Galloway debates Philip Gardner - 27th February 2013 - YouTube[/ame]

No Justice No Peace !

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