Is God An Idiot?


Living in Paradise
Mar 31, 2012
In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Last Supper. Most of the people who die in a war, including combatants, are innocent in the eyes of God. Therefore, no war is ever blessed by God. War is the providence of Satan alone and for a Christian to believe otherwise makes an idiot of himself and an idiot of God.

Can you post an English version of your video?
I suppose asking if God is an Idiot is offensive to some people. However, sometimes a shocking question needs to be asked to get someone’s attention. Why I want to do this is to find out how is it possible for any follower of Christ to think that, as a Christian, they have an obligation to help and support the State of Israel. This notion, from perspective tells me that such a person has no idea what it means to be Christian or what is required of us as being one.

The first requisite for a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Beyond this, the two most important requirements of Christianity are that we love God with every fiber of our being and that we love others as we do ourselves. Believing these things, how is it possible for a Christian to condone warring against innocent people just so Jews can return to living in a place which God had purposely taken from them many years ago. It does not make any sense at all and from my perspective, you have to really ignorant of your professed religion to believe such a thing.

I am sure there are many readers out there who believe we should be fighting or helping to fight Israel’s battles. Won’t you share with us why you believe this is a requisite for Christians? Surly, you have must have a good reason for forsaking your God.
I suppose asking if God is an Idiot is offensive to some people. However, sometimes a shocking question needs to be asked to get someone’s attention. Why I want to do this is to find out how is it possible for any follower of Christ to think that, as a Christian, they have an obligation to help and support the State of Israel. This notion, from perspective tells me that such a person has no idea what it means to be Christian or what is required of us as being one.

The first requisite for a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior. Beyond this, the two most important requirements of Christianity are that we love God with every fiber of our being and that we love others as we do ourselves. Believing these things, how is it possible for a Christian to condone warring against innocent people just so Jews can return to living in a place which God had purposely taken from them many years ago. It does not make any sense at all and from my perspective, you have to really ignorant of your professed religion to believe such a thing.

I am sure there are many readers out there who believe we should be fighting or helping to fight Israel’s battles. Won’t you share with us why you believe this is a requisite for Christians? Surly, you have must have a good reason for forsaking your God.

What war exactly is Israel engaged in that we are helping them fight?

Are you Greek? This is my church. Greek orthodox

I'm a Bavarian. Bavarians are in most cases Catholics ... and Protestants .. and we have also orthodox Christians here - most of them came from Russia, the Ukraine and Greece. Once the nobles of Europe sent one of our nobles to Greece to become the king of Greece. One of his sister translated the books of Shakespeare into the greek language and he brewed beer in Greece - so they threw him out, because they liked to drink his beer on their own. I don't know what they did with Shakespeare but as far as I heard Greece still brews bavarian beer.

Shakespeare Song - TeacherTube
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God, after making billions and billions of humans still can't get it right and continues to make deformed babies. So probably not the sharpest shoe in the closet.
Abraham, Moses and David were all warriors

True, Moses, David, and Abraham were all warriors and in the Old Testament, so was God. In the Old Testament God was also cruel, unjust, vengeful, and easily manipulated. The New Covenant did away with this God and replaced it with a just, caring and loving God. Yes, I know there is only one God and he is the same one of both testaments. I guess God's transformation is another one of His miracles. It has to be a miracle, because God never changes. Oh, what the hell! None of this makes any sense.

If you want to make sense out the Bible, then read my article, "God, the Bible, and Christianity by clicking on the following link.

God, the Bible, and Christianity
[/QUOTE] What war exactly is Israel engaged in that we are helping them fight?[/QUOTE]

Israel was created by the Rothschild's so as to destabilize the Middle East and bring war to the area so the New World Order can gain control of its oil. America was brought into this equation for these same purposes. A result of war is opportunity, the opportunity to realign and gain control. This is why Israel came into existence and this is why the United States is fighting in the Middle East. Our war on terrorism is nothing more than a war of aggression against the Arab world. Terrorism and Israel are the excuse; the motivation is greed and dominance, not by us, but by the Zionists who overthrew our government in 1913.
In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Last Supper. Most of the people who die in a war, including combatants, are innocent in the eyes of God. Therefore, no war is ever blessed by God. War is the providence of Satan alone and for a Christian to believe otherwise makes an idiot of himself and an idiot of God.
No, but you are.
In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Last Supper. Most of the people who die in a war, including combatants, are innocent in the eyes of God. Therefore, no war is ever blessed by God. War is the providence of Satan alone and for a Christian to believe otherwise makes an idiot of himself and an idiot of God.

No, but you are.


I have no problem with being called an idiot because I am not one, in the sense that I want what is best for all of us and the world we live in. The issue is; what about the idiots who think war is a way to solve problems and address issues? Jesus Christ does not condone war or want his followers to participate in war; especially wars of aggression. Does this make Him an idiot also? It does in your book because you think of me as being an idiot for believing in Jesus. Where does this leave us? From my perspective, it leaves the true idiot obvious for all to see.
In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Last Supper. Most of the people who die in a war, including combatants, are innocent in the eyes of God. Therefore, no war is ever blessed by God. War is the providence of Satan alone and for a Christian to believe otherwise makes an idiot of himself and an idiot of God.

No, but you are.


I have no problem with being called an idiot because I am not one, in the sense that I want what is best for all of us and the world we live in. The issue is; what about the idiots who think war is a way to solve problems and address issues? Jesus Christ does not condone war or want his followers to participate in war; especially wars of aggression. Does this make Him an idiot also? It does in your book because you think of me as being an idiot for believing in Jesus. Where does this leave us? From my perspective, it leaves the true idiot obvious for all to see.
Takes a true moron to say people defending themselves are wrong. Your bigotry is noted.
Luke 22:36
I have a question for all of you.

At the turn of the previous century, there was a movement afoot within Judaism to establish a home for the Jews somewhere in the world. However, at the time, those who believed this were a minority within Judaism and considered to be outside the mainstream of Jewish thought. However, as fate would have it, the Rothschild's embraced this concept and threw the full weight of their wealth and power behind it. As a result, today we have the State of Israel and if not for the Rothschild's, Israel would not exist today. Israel is a religious state of Judaism! However, there is something not quite right here. The Rothschild's, while being of Jewish heritage, are not a religious family and in fact are not practicing Jews. Instead, they are primarily atheistic businessmen. This being true, the question I have is why would the Rothschild's spearhead the establish of a religious state in the Middle East if they themselves were not religious? Will someone please supply us with an answer to this question?
[/QUOTE] Takes a true moron to say people defending themselves are wrong. Your bigotry is noted. Luke 22:36 [/QUOTE]

Please note that I never said defending yourself or coming to the aide of others is wrong. What I said is that Jesus does not condone war because in war, more innocents are killed than anyone else. Wars are not fought for defense and even when they are fought in defense, the heart of Jesus still bleeds for all of us. Most wars are fought for a multitude of reasons which have nothing to do with defense. As far as America is concerned, this is true of WWI, WWII, and our wrongfully named war on terror.

As a former US Navy Officer and carrier based Fighter Pilot, I fully understand what defense is. However, the wars which have been fought for the past 100 years, have not been fought for defense and if you think otherwise, then moron is too nice a word to describe you.
Takes a true moron to say people defending themselves are wrong. Your bigotry is noted. Luke 22:36 [/QUOTE]

Please note that I never said defending yourself or coming to the aide of others is wrong. What I said is that Jesus does not condone war because in war, more innocents are killed than anyone else. Wars are not fought for defense and even when they are fought in defense, the heart of Jesus still bleeds for all of us. Most wars are fought for a multitude of reasons which have nothing to do with defense. As far as America is concerned, this is true of WWI, WWII, and our wrongfully named war on terror.

As a former US Navy Officer and carrier based Fighter Pilot, I fully understand what defense is. However, the wars which have been fought for the past 100 years, have not been fought for defense and if you think otherwise, then moron is too nice a word to describe you.[/QUOTE]
As Jesus would have said, you're full of shit now go pull your head out of your ass.
At no time did Jesus even hint in such absurdity. In fact, He said the exact opposite.
I have a question for all of you.

At the turn of the previous century, there was a movement afoot within Judaism to establish a home for the Jews somewhere in the world. However, at the time, those who believed this were a minority within Judaism and considered to be outside the mainstream of Jewish thought. However, as fate would have it, the Rothschild's embraced this concept and threw the full weight of their wealth and power behind it. As a result, today we have the State of Israel and if not for the Rothschild's, Israel would not exist today. Israel is a religious state of Judaism! However, there is something not quite right here. The Rothschild's, while being of Jewish heritage, are not a religious family and in fact are not practicing Jews. Instead, they are primarily atheistic businessmen. This being true, the question I have is why would the Rothschild's spearhead the establish of a religious state in the Middle East if they themselves were not religious? Will someone please supply us with an answer to this question?

You use the name Rothschild like it a bad thing. They had been backing every major nation in europe for centuries, now they wanted to back a homeland for the jews who were persecuted through time and across europe. They could not save the jews in germany or around the world, but they could contribute to building a place where jews could be safe and feel like they belongs, in the land of their historic and religious origins.

Christians support other christians and predominantly christian nations. Why should a wealthy family who happen to be jewish not support the jews in and around jerusalem?

Muslims today finance other muslim based nations and muslims in other nations that do not have a majority of muslims.

Jews had a right to be near there history and the center of their religion for more than 3000 years.
[/QUOTE] You use the name Rothschild like it a bad thing. They had been backing every major nation in europe for centuries, now they wanted to back a homeland for the jews who were persecuted through time and across europe. They could not save the jews in germany or around the world, but they could contribute to building a place where jews could be safe and feel like they belongs, in the land of their historic and religious origins.

Christians support other christians and predominantly christian nations. Why should a wealthy family who happen to be jewish not support the jews in and around jerusalem?

Muslims today finance other muslim based nations and muslims in other nations that do not have a majority of muslims.

Jews had a right to be near there history and the center of their religion for more than 3000 years.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the Rothschild's have backed every major nation in Europe for centuries and they have also played a key role in bringing about most of the wars being fought in those centuries. The Rothschild's also bear responsibility for needlessly bringing America into WWI on the wrong side of the conflict, thus prolonging the war for two more years. They also played a key role in bringing on WWII. Now they have embroiled us in a renewed crusades, not being fought for Israel's sake, but for control of the oil fields of the Middle East. The truth is that over 50 million people have suffered horrible deaths in WWI & WWII because of the Rothschild's.

All the above being true, I apologize for using the name Rothschild like it is a bad thing. What I really should have done is point out how evil this family of criminals is.

P.S. The Jews have no moral, legal, or religious right to occupy Palestine. Their God dispersed them throughout the nations of the world thousands of years ago. To claim that they have any right to this land after all this time is lunacy of the first order.
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