Is God An Idiot?

Abraham, Moses and David were all warriors

True, Moses, David, and Abraham were all warriors and in the Old Testament, so was God. In the Old Testament God was also cruel, unjust, vengeful, and easily manipulated. The New Covenant did away with this God and replaced it with a just, caring and loving God. Yes, I know there is only one God and he is the same one of both testaments. I guess God's transformation is another one of His miracles. It has to be a miracle, because God never changes. Oh, what the hell! None of this makes any sense.

If you want to make sense out the Bible, then read my article, "God, the Bible, and Christianity by clicking on the following link.

God, the Bible, and Christianity
What Church do you attend?

I want to write your Church leader he is doing a lousy job teaching.
I am a non-denominational born again Christian who will be the first one to admit that my views and beliefs about Christianity are anything but mainstream. However, the same can be said for many Christian men of vision throughout history. I believe that today, Christian has died and the forces of evil rule the world. This is the point made in my lead post. I also discuss these issues in my book, "100 Years of Deception". Chapter 10 in this book is entitled, "What's Happening". The closing paragraph of this chapter reads:

"People came to the new world to be free so they could worship God in any manner of their choosing. To ensure freedom, these people joined together and created the United States of America. Unfortunately, Christianity once again has become an establishment religion. As a result, Christianity has died a second time and America, its stepchild, has died along with it. All this has come to pass as a result of passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The Pharisees or Zionists are now in control. Freedom is anathema to these people and as a result, Americans are no longer free. They want us under control and have us fighting wars which have nothing to do with us. God reached out to us once, but we let his love slip away. He reached out to us again, but because we were lazy and stupid, we let His love slip away a second time. As a result, the world has entered a new dark age where hell on earth once again is the order of the day. The question is who is going to save us this time?"

100 Years of Deception: A Blueprint for the Destruction of a Nation: Alan R Adaschik: 9781478753667: Books
You use the name Rothschild like it a bad thing. They had been backing every major nation in europe for centuries, now they wanted to back a homeland for the jews who were persecuted through time and across europe. They could not save the jews in germany or around the world, but they could contribute to building a place where jews could be safe and feel like they belongs, in the land of their historic and religious origins.

Christians support other christians and predominantly christian nations. Why should a wealthy family who happen to be jewish not support the jews in and around jerusalem?

Muslims today finance other muslim based nations and muslims in other nations that do not have a majority of muslims.

Jews had a right to be near there history and the center of their religion for more than 3000 years.[/QUOTE]

Yes, the Rothschild's have backed every major nation in Europe for centuries and they have also played a key role in bringing about most of the wars being fought in those centuries. The Rothschild's also bear responsibility for needlessly bringing America into WWI on the wrong side of the conflict, thus prolonging the war for two more years. They also played a key role in bringing on WWII. Now they have embroiled us in a renewed crusades, not being fought for Israel's sake, but for control of the oil fields of the Middle East. The truth is that over 50 million people have suffered horrible deaths in WWI & WWII because of the Rothschild's.

All the above being true, I apologize for using the name Rothschild like it is a bad thing. What I really should have done is point out how evil this family of criminals is.

P.S. The Jews have no moral, legal, or religious right to occupy Palestine. Their God dispersed them throughout the nations of the world thousands of years ago. To claim that they have any right to this land after all this time is lunacy of the first order.[/QUOTE]

On the wrong side??

US wanted no part of WWII till pearl harbor.
In a recent poll, it was determined that approximately 25% of Christians think that it is a Christian obligation to help and support the State of Israel. Unfortunately, such a warped view of Christian responsibility, flies in the face of the New Covenant established by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Last Supper. Most of the people who die in a war, including combatants, are innocent in the eyes of God. Therefore, no war is ever blessed by God. War is the providence of Satan alone and for a Christian to believe otherwise makes an idiot of himself and an idiot of God.

Is God an idiot?

Yes he made you after all


Yes, America had no good reason or business entering WWI and when did, we did so on the wrong side. During WWI, Germany was not the evil empire it was in WWII. Furthermore, WWI was the dumbest most stupid war in history because the reason it was being fought was to see who was going to be kind of the shit pile in Europe; the very kind of war George Washington warned us about his farewell address. America had no over-riding interest in which group of nation's won WWI.

At the time WWI was being fought, Germany was one of most and advanced and sophisticated nations in the world. This being the case, while the war was stalemated in Europe, Germany was bringing England to its knees through submarine warfare. Late in 1916, recognizing there was nothing to be gained by continuing the war, Germany offered the warring nations a peace "with honor" proposal. England would had accepted this proposal, but didn't because the Zionists offered England a deal; they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies if England support and help establish a homeland for the Jews after the war. England agreed and because America entered the war, it raged for two more years. Had America refused to enter WWI or entered the war on the side of pro-peace Germany instead of pro-war England, the war would have even ended sooner saving millions of lives.

WWII was the result of the Allies defeating England in WWI. When England issued its Balfour Declaration this planted the see of hatred in German citizens. However, the Zionists, which now had the support of the allied nations to establish Israel, still need people for their new nation. To get them, they embarked on a program to make the Jews a hated and despised people in Europe so they would flee to Israel. They did this by engineering the imposition of the terrible and debilitating terms upon Germany in the treat of Versailles, by aiding and financing Hitler's rise to power, and by having world Jewry declare war on Germany at a world conference of Jews held in Amsterdam in 1933. The fact that America was drawn into this war was inevitable.

Bear513: May God bless and keep you.

C-Clayton-Jones: The point is not whether God exists or not. Instead it is that if a Christian thinks God endorses war, any war, then the god the Christian worships is an idiot. On the other hand, God is not an idiot and this being the case, the Christian in question is an idiot because he knows nothing about the religion he professes or the God he worships.

Yes, America had no good reason or business entering WWI and when did, we did so on the wrong side. During WWI, Germany was not the evil empire it was in WWII. Furthermore, WWI was the dumbest most stupid war in history because the reason it was being fought was to see who was going to be kind of the shit pile in Europe; the very kind of war George Washington warned us about his farewell address. America had no over-riding interest in which group of nation's won WWI.

At the time WWI was being fought, Germany was one of most and advanced and sophisticated nations in the world. This being the case, while the war was stalemated in Europe, Germany was bringing England to its knees through submarine warfare. Late in 1916, recognizing there was nothing to be gained by continuing the war, Germany offered the warring nations a peace "with honor" proposal. England would had accepted this proposal, but didn't because the Zionists offered England a deal; they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies if England support and help establish a homeland for the Jews after the war. England agreed and because America entered the war, it raged for two more years. Had America refused to enter WWI or entered the war on the side of pro-peace Germany instead of pro-war England, the war would have even ended sooner saving millions of lives.

WWII was the result of the Allies defeating England in WWI. When England issued its Balfour Declaration this planted the see of hatred in German citizens. However, the Zionists, which now had the support of the allied nations to establish Israel, still need people for their new nation. To get them, they embarked on a program to make the Jews a hated and despised people in Europe so they would flee to Israel. They did this by engineering the imposition of the terrible and debilitating terms upon Germany in the treat of Versailles, by aiding and financing Hitler's rise to power, and by having world Jewry declare war on Germany at a world conference of Jews held in Amsterdam in 1933. The fact that America was drawn into this war was inevitable.

Bear513: May God bless and keep you.

C-Clayton-Jones: The point is not whether God exists or not. Instead it is that if a Christian thinks God endorses war, any war, then the god the Christian worships is an idiot. On the other hand, God is not an idiot and this being the case, the Christian in question is an idiot because he knows nothing about the religion he professes or the God he worships.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.​
Arthur James Balfour

how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.

God is not an idiot

He is not human

he is beyond human characteristics and attributes....

He is The Source....He is Love and Life....all things good
God is not an idiot

He is not human

he is beyond human characteristics and attributes....

He is The Source....He is Love and Life....all things good

The universe works in balance.
If there is some force out there, it is either neutral or it is both good and bad.

The idea of god as many faiths tell it, is far to human with all out bad attributes working on controlling mankind with fear.

Obey that? Why? it is not worthy of love or devotion.

Why does god need our love or prayers? He created man just they could feed his vanity? As a play toy to torture and abuse? To smash in a tantrum?

Man is the idiot for it's desperate need to blame some other force and to believe that prayers will actually tip the scales in their favor over things like football games rather than the skills and effort of the players on the field

Instead if facts and truth man creates a god to fill in the missing pieces. It is like a child needing an invisible friend and as he grows and feels more comfortable in the world with other people his friend is no longer needed.

Time for man to let go of his invisible friend and stand on his own two legs and take responsibility for his own actions.

Are you Greek? This is my church. Greek orthodox

Thought you said you're an atheist.

I am now. There are athiests Jews too

If they're atheists then they're not Jewish.

Not true. If they were born into the Jewish faith and have Jewish relatives and went through a bah mitz va, then they are Jewish, even if they don't believe in God anymore. Jewish isn't just a religion, it is also a culture. You can be culturally Jewish and an atheist.

Did you hear about the Jew who told the Nazi's that he didn't really believe in God? They put him in the oven anyways. They said they didn't care what he believed, to them he was still a Jew.

Are you Greek? This is my church. Greek orthodox

Thought you said you're an atheist.

I am now. There are athiests Jews too

If they're atheists then they're not Jewish.

Not true. If they were born into the Jewish faith and have Jewish relatives and went through a bah mitz va, then they are Jewish, even if they don't believe in God anymore. Jewish isn't just a religion, it is also a culture. You can be culturally Jewish and an atheist.

Did you hear about the Jew who told the Nazi's that he didn't really believe in God? They put him in the oven anyways. They said they didn't care what he believed, to them he was still a Jew.

Using a Nazi analogy triggers Godwin's law. You lose. Better luck next time. :D
Are you Greek? This is my church. Greek orthodox
Thought you said you're an atheist.
I am now. There are athiests Jews too
If they're atheists then they're not Jewish.
Not true. If they were born into the Jewish faith and have Jewish relatives and went through a bah mitz va, then they are Jewish, even if they don't believe in God anymore. Jewish isn't just a religion, it is also a culture. You can be culturally Jewish and an atheist.

Did you hear about the Jew who told the Nazi's that he didn't really believe in God? They put him in the oven anyways. They said they didn't care what he believed, to them he was still a Jew.
Using a Nazi analogy triggers Godwin's law. You lose. Better luck next time. :D
I simply pointed out that to a Nazi, or me, a jew is a jew regardless of if they believe in gods or not. And I know many Jews who don't believe in God. They still consider themselves Jewish.

I even have a Jewish friend who goes to Christian church with his Christian wife. Try telling him he isn't Jewish and see what he says.

Hitler didn't care if a Jewish person believed in God. They were all Jewish to him.
Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.​
Arthur James Balfour
how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.


Germany was winning WWI and had graciously offered the warring nations peace with honor. However, England rejected Germany's peace initiative and with American help, won the war. At wars end, when the Balfour Declaration was made public, it was like a light bulb going off in the heads of most Germans. They suddenly realized what happened! England had cut a deal with the Zionists such that they would bring the United States into the war on England's side, if England supported and helped establish a homeland for the Jews in Palestine after the war. There was no anti-Semitism of note in Germany before issuance of the Balfour Declaration. However, after it was issued, the talk in German beer halls turned to how the Jews, especially German Jews had stabbed Germany in the back. From the Balfour Declaration forward, German Jews were considered to be traitors within their midst by many German citizens.
[/QUOTE] Thought you said you're an atheist. [/QUOTE]

No, I have always said I am a born again soldier of Jesus Christ.

Yes, America had no good reason or business entering WWI and when did, we did so on the wrong side. During WWI, Germany was not the evil empire it was in WWII. Furthermore, WWI was the dumbest most stupid war in history because the reason it was being fought was to see who was going to be kind of the shit pile in Europe; the very kind of war George Washington warned us about his farewell address. America had no over-riding interest in which group of nation's won WWI.

At the time WWI was being fought, Germany was one of most and advanced and sophisticated nations in the world. This being the case, while the war was stalemated in Europe, Germany was bringing England to its knees through submarine warfare. Late in 1916, recognizing there was nothing to be gained by continuing the war, Germany offered the warring nations a peace "with honor" proposal. England would had accepted this proposal, but didn't because the Zionists offered England a deal; they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies if England support and help establish a homeland for the Jews after the war. England agreed and because America entered the war, it raged for two more years. Had America refused to enter WWI or entered the war on the side of pro-peace Germany instead of pro-war England, the war would have even ended sooner saving millions of lives.

WWII was the result of the Allies defeating England in WWI. When England issued its Balfour Declaration this planted the see of hatred in German citizens. However, the Zionists, which now had the support of the allied nations to establish Israel, still need people for their new nation. To get them, they embarked on a program to make the Jews a hated and despised people in Europe so they would flee to Israel. They did this by engineering the imposition of the terrible and debilitating terms upon Germany in the treat of Versailles, by aiding and financing Hitler's rise to power, and by having world Jewry declare war on Germany at a world conference of Jews held in Amsterdam in 1933. The fact that America was drawn into this war was inevitable.

Bear513: May God bless and keep you.

C-Clayton-Jones: The point is not whether God exists or not. Instead it is that if a Christian thinks God endorses war, any war, then the god the Christian worships is an idiot. On the other hand, God is not an idiot and this being the case, the Christian in question is an idiot because he knows nothing about the religion he professes or the God he worships.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.​
Arthur James Balfour

how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.

how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.
aris2chat, in 1933 jews started a worldwide boycott of german goods. This obviously was looked at unfavorably by the Nazi regime. One response to the boycott was an agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists called the Haavara Agreement, which was an agreement to transfer jews out of germany that was curtailed after the war broke out.
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yes, America had no good reason or business entering WWI and when did, we did so on the wrong side. During WWI, Germany was not the evil empire it was in WWII. Furthermore, WWI was the dumbest most stupid war in history because the reason it was being fought was to see who was going to be kind of the shit pile in Europe; the very kind of war George Washington warned us about his farewell address. America had no over-riding interest in which group of nation's won WWI.

At the time WWI was being fought, Germany was one of most and advanced and sophisticated nations in the world. This being the case, while the war was stalemated in Europe, Germany was bringing England to its knees through submarine warfare. Late in 1916, recognizing there was nothing to be gained by continuing the war, Germany offered the warring nations a peace "with honor" proposal. England would had accepted this proposal, but didn't because the Zionists offered England a deal; they would bring the United States into the war on the side of the allies if England support and help establish a homeland for the Jews after the war. England agreed and because America entered the war, it raged for two more years. Had America refused to enter WWI or entered the war on the side of pro-peace Germany instead of pro-war England, the war would have even ended sooner saving millions of lives.

WWII was the result of the Allies defeating England in WWI. When England issued its Balfour Declaration this planted the see of hatred in German citizens. However, the Zionists, which now had the support of the allied nations to establish Israel, still need people for their new nation. To get them, they embarked on a program to make the Jews a hated and despised people in Europe so they would flee to Israel. They did this by engineering the imposition of the terrible and debilitating terms upon Germany in the treat of Versailles, by aiding and financing Hitler's rise to power, and by having world Jewry declare war on Germany at a world conference of Jews held in Amsterdam in 1933. The fact that America was drawn into this war was inevitable.

Bear513: May God bless and keep you.

C-Clayton-Jones: The point is not whether God exists or not. Instead it is that if a Christian thinks God endorses war, any war, then the god the Christian worships is an idiot. On the other hand, God is not an idiot and this being the case, the Christian in question is an idiot because he knows nothing about the religion he professes or the God he worships.

Foreign Office
November 2nd, 1917
Dear Lord Rothschild,
I have much pleasure in conveying to you. on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet
His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.
I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.​
Arthur James Balfour

how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.
how did this letter plant the seed of german hate against the jews?
If anything it would have led to the jewish migration out of germany. Hateful germans should have been tickled pink for jews to leave germany. Ahhhhh, they would have taken their money they worked for with them and invest it in desert land and in hopes of making it bloom.

Jews did not make germany hate them, germany and hitler already hated them, which is why they would have left, and did before hitler stopped them.
aris2chat, in 1933 jews started a worldwide boycott of german goods. This obviously was looked at unfavorably by the Nazi regime. One response to the boycott was an agreement between the Nazis and the Zionists called the Haavara Agreement, which was an agreement to transfer jews out of germany that was curtailed after the war broke out.
Haavara Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

>>The Anti-Nazi Boycott of 1933 was a boycott of German products by foreign critics of the Nazi Party in response to antisemitism in Nazi Germany following the rise of Adolf Hitler,<<

Hitler was the cause of the boycott

the hahvara agreement did not stop the persecution of jews
We are getting a little far afield of the point of this thread by getting so heavy in Hitler's Nazi Germany. The original point of this tread is that Christians who think helping the Zionists in their wars of conquest against the Muslims are not really Christians because they understand nothing of the New Covenant, nothing about what it means to be a Christian, think that being a good Christian means bowing down to the Jews, and finally, the worst travesty of all, thinking the coming of the Jewish Messiah will be the second coming of Christ. I am incredulous that there are people who think like this. It is beyond stupid and borders upon lunacy.

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