Is God punishing Republicans for their meanness and lack of heart?



Every time another tornado touches down in a Red State, I wonder if God is punishing Republicans for their meanness and hatred of gays, the poor, minorities, and those with an illness?

Falwell Suggests Gays to Blame for Attacks - ABC News

Maybe right wingers gave God the idea?

On 9/11:

Jerry Falwell initially said that the American Civil Liberties Union has "to take a lot of blame for" the tragedy. Pat Robertson agreed. Falwell then continued: "And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.' " Robertson responded: "Well, I totally concur..."

Verbal assaults against Pagans and others by Fundamentalist Christian leaders
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..
Is Rdean paid by the Koch Brothers to embarrass Liberals or is he just plain fucking nuts?
Just when you think R-Derp couldn't possibly start a string dumber than the ones he has before...BAM!!!!!!! He comes up with one like this!
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..
Really? God doesn't punish? Is this the same God that said,

Spare the rod, spoil the child?

The same God that kept Moses from ever reaching the promised land?

The same God that said,

Vengeance is MINE?

I think it is more likely that for every action, there is reaction....

Arabs attacked us on 9/11 because they hated us on their soil in Saudi Arabia, and hate that we are allies with Israel, and for our meddling in the Middle east, (and maybe because they think we are the New Whore of Babylon)...but probably not because we have abortions legal here....

or as the Iranian are supposedly saying their 'earthquakes' come from being punished by God for their promiscuous women....but more than likely, their earthquakes come, because their country resides on an active fault line...

in no way do I believe the Holy Spirit has departed from us...I still feel and know its presence.

The way Republicans used to think.
Actually, I think rdean has a point.

I don't see RWNJs condemning crazy-assed religious types when they go out of their way to demonize entire groups for somehow being responsible for catastrophes (that are absolutely beyond our mortal control) when they happen.

So, why not blame Republicans for tornados?

Actually, I think rdean has a point.

I don't see RWNJs condemning crazy-assed religious types when they go out of their way to demonize entire groups for somehow being responsible for catastrophes (that are absolutely beyond our mortal control) when they happen.

So, why not blame Republicans for tornados?


When you start thinking that R-Derp has a "point" it's usually time to turn on your "stupid filter", Statis! Just saying...
o stop being a fuck wad you sound like those idiots who say that god is punishing muslims, etc and so forth
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..

Who brought the tornado that killed Job's children after Satan petitioned God to attack Job? Satan did. On the other hand, a believer has the authority to turn it back according to Luke 10:19 but how many Christians are operating in the authority of Jesus name? That is where the problem lies.

God chastises his own children - certainly because God chastises those whom he loves. He is a good father - because after chastisement is restoration and greater understanding.
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..

Who brought the tornado that killed Job's children after Satan petitioned God to attack Job? Satan did. On the other hand, a believer has the authority to turn it back according to Luke 10:19 but how many Christians are operating in the authority of Jesus name? That is where the problem lies.

God chastises his own children - certainly because God chastises those whom he loves. He is a good father - because after chastisement is restoration and greater understanding.
Actually the wind was God's. See John 3:8., the other three were Satan however.
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..

Who brought the tornado that killed Job's children after Satan petitioned God to attack Job? Satan did. On the other hand, a believer has the authority to turn it back according to Luke 10:19 but how many Christians are operating in the authority of Jesus name? That is where the problem lies.

God chastises his own children - certainly because God chastises those whom he loves. He is a good father - because after chastisement is restoration and greater understanding.

If Christians can turn tornados around, does that mean there wasn't a single one in those four states yesterday that could be bothered to do that? Pretty shitty of them don't you think?
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..

Who brought the tornado that killed Job's children after Satan petitioned God to attack Job? Satan did. On the other hand, a believer has the authority to turn it back according to Luke 10:19 but how many Christians are operating in the authority of Jesus name? That is where the problem lies.

God chastises his own children - certainly because God chastises those whom he loves. He is a good father - because after chastisement is restoration and greater understanding.

If Christians can turn tornados around, does that mean there wasn't a single one in those four states yesterday that could be bothered to do that? Pretty shitty of them don't you think?

Maybe they were fake Christians?:confused:
Stop blaming God for the actions of Satan. Satan is the God of this world until the return of Christ. We ushered God out of this country, and when He left, the restrainer, the Holy Spirit, went with him. It's an immoral free for all now. And Satan doesn't care who gets "punished", as long as he is punishing.
A good Father doesn't punish his children. You have the players confused..

Who brought the tornado that killed Job's children after Satan petitioned God to attack Job? Satan did. On the other hand, a believer has the authority to turn it back according to Luke 10:19 but how many Christians are operating in the authority of Jesus name? That is where the problem lies.

God chastises his own children - certainly because God chastises those whom he loves. He is a good father - because after chastisement is restoration and greater understanding.

If Christians can turn tornados around, does that mean there wasn't a single one in those four states yesterday that could be bothered to do that? Pretty shitty of them don't you think?

Maybe they were fake Christians?:confused:

Carnal, not fake. If a Christian is living in known sin and is unrepentant there is no protection for them. They are open season for an enemy attack. You should already know this. Have you not read the testimonies I've posted of ex-satanists who say the only Christians they could not touch were those living holy lives? I would think you had read at least one.

Even a new Christian who is living holy unto the LORD and doesn't know yet of spiritual warfare / authority / binding and loosing would still know how to call upon the LORD to rescue them and He would. Never in the history of America have we had so many who call themselves Christians but live like the world. They have to suffer like the world because of this. It is part of what disobedience does. It is as if the believer tears down the hedge of protection about them with their own hands.
Actually, I think rdean has a point.

I don't see RWNJs condemning crazy-assed religious types when they go out of their way to demonize entire groups for somehow being responsible for catastrophes (that are absolutely beyond our mortal control) when they happen.

So, why not blame Republicans for tornados?

God is punishing the entire country because of its idol worship. The simple fact is that tornadoes happen as a result of Satan, and it is a miracle they don't kill many more people than they do. Like the schools where the teachers were praying that the students would be kept safe and none were killed.
The story of the tornado reminds me of a prophetic dream a prayer warrior had some years ago. It was about the end of America. I'm going by memory so this isn't word for word.......

She said, in the dream she was sitting in her living room chair reading her bible and sitting by the window. The wind was blowing the curtains with a strong breeze and the weather radio suddenly reported there is an F 5 tornado headed for such and such an area.

She said, she then looked out the window and saw the sky was darkening and off in the distance she could see the F5 was headed straight for her house. Suddenly she noticed there was a young person out there in the yard playing in the storm!

She yelled to the youngster! There is an F 5 Tornado coming! Come! Get inside my house and we'll go to the cellar! The youngster stuck out his tongue at her and said, I don't have to listen to you!!! I can do whatever I want!

She pleaded and pleaded with him and begged him to come in and seek shelter from the destruction that was fast approaching........but the young rebel refused to listen!

At this point she could do nothing as the F5 was now dangerously close - she barely made it to the cellar and shut the cellar door. The F5 destroyed everything above ground. Her house was gone and so was the young rebel. He was found later dead with a stick run through his eyeball.

In her dream the next scene was of her standing before a Judge. The Judge asked her what had happened. She told him and said, I did everything I could do! I warned him and warned him and he would not come! The Judge said, I believe you. I find you not guilty. You warned him.

Then she woke up.

The LORD revealed to her the young rebel represented those in the world who refuse to come out of the world and give themselves to Jesus Christ. They will not seek refuge in Christ who is the ark of safety because they want to do what they want to do. They enjoy their sin and do not believe that it will destroy them one day. The Christian woman represents the church that is obedient to call the lost to come in and seek refuge in Christ. She survived the storm because Christ was her refuge. The LORD didn't hold her accountable for the death of the rebellious one she warned and bid to come in - because she warned him and offered to help him.

Some days this board feels like that dream. You rebellious people need to come in while there is still time and stop playing in the storm! You need to repent of your sins and come to Jesus Christ while you can! How much longer will you wait? Today is the day of Salvation! TODAY!
Actually, I think rdean has a point.

I don't see RWNJs condemning crazy-assed religious types when they go out of their way to demonize entire groups for somehow being responsible for catastrophes (that are absolutely beyond our mortal control) when they happen.

So, why not blame Republicans for tornados?

God is punishing the entire country because of its idol worship. The simple fact is that tornadoes happen as a result of Satan, and it is a miracle they don't kill many more people than they do. Like the schools where the teachers were praying that the students would be kept safe and none were killed.

Amen! And God bless you!
Every time another tornado touches down in a Red State, I wonder if God is punishing Republicans for their meanness and hatred of gays, the poor, minorities, and those with an illness?

Falwell Suggests Gays to Blame for Attacks - ABC News

Maybe right wingers gave God the idea?

On 9/11:

Jerry Falwell initially said that the American Civil Liberties Union has "to take a lot of blame for" the tragedy. Pat Robertson agreed. Falwell then continued: "And, I know that I'll hear from them for this. But, throwing God out successfully with the help of the federal court system, throwing God out of the public square, out of the schools. The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the Pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way - all of them who have tried to secularize America - I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.' " Robertson responded: "Well, I totally concur..."

Verbal assaults against Pagans and others by Fundamentalist Christian leaders

I'm not sure who's the bigger idiot... You or Falwell... Falwell is dead, you win by default.
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