Is he even President anymore?

Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
You alo so want him to wipe your ass and wash your binky?
He'd fuck up doing either. LOL
What hasn't he fucked up ?? The presidency is his greatest FU
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
You alo so want him to wipe your ass and wash your binky?
He'd fuck up doing either. LOL
What hasn't he fucked up ?? The presidency is his greatest FU
Two things. Imo Biden and the dems need to push the incompetence message. China did not sufferer from his embargos. Our trade position has not improved. Soc sec and medicare are closer to insolvency, in part because of the tax cuts and in part because the gop has done nothing to shore them up despite having total control for the first two years of his presidency. Educ and healthcare are also important to the middle class, but don't touch the two entitlements.

But really I don't see the angst over Trump's claims the election was stolen or not allowing the transition to transition. We're not in the cold war. 30% of Americans will believe Trump is Jesus. Brave Brave Sir Lindsey and Ghoulini LOL. I watched most of the new Borat last weekend, and like the first, I thought it was mean spirited towards avg Joe biblebangers and rednecks, but damn, Cohen should have kept his powder dry

I dunno about you, but I'm not lining up for a vaccine that has to be stored 90*below F. And is engineered with reverse DNA. I don't need my science student kid to tell me that's weird stuff. Do I think Trump's admin is capable of distributing that? LOL And I'm not sure that the second vaccine is capable of producing long term antibodies. I'm all for science, but I'm good making one trip for a small thanksgiving and hunkering down for winter. And I'll wait for a new team at the CDC and FDA
Good grief. The lengths a liberal will go to have something to complain about with Trump. I don't know how they will be able to harness all that hatred when he's gone. I guess they will take it out on innocent people that don't think like they do.
Dude....they're communists.
They lie compulsively.
Everything they say is 180 from the truth.

Dude, your hero Steve Bannon is an avowed think twice when you call someone a communist...unless your looking in a mirror!
Isn't he up for fraud? No wonder he works for trump
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
You alo so want him to wipe your ass and wash your binky?
He'd fuck up doing either. LOL
What hasn't he fucked up ?? The presidency is his greatest FU
Screenshot_20201119-154122_Samsung Internet.jpg
Well he plays golf, watches TV and tweets a lot

Has he ever done anything else?
I submit that a fairly large % of those job gains you attribute to him are federal government hirees who produce $0.00 in GDP.

You're wrong about that too. Here are the numbers from the private sector...

Employed (Private Sector)

Clinton ... +20,970,000
Bush ............... -387,000
Obama ... +11,849,000
Trump ......... -2,481,000

Public sector...

Clinton ....... +1,934,000
Bush ............ +1,744,000
Obama ............ -277,000
Trump .............. -773,000
You're cherry picking numbers without context.

Black males make up 6% of the US population. NBA is 85% black. So is the NBA racist?

By "cherry-picking," you mean posting the actual numbers for the entirety of each respective presidency.
By cherry picking I mean doing it at a point in time vs. what really happened and what led to those results. No COVID and Trump's numbers are great and he likely wins a 2nd term. Context matters. Any president in his position would look bad as we had to shut down the economy.

Trump's pre-covid numbers were abysmal. They actually went up with COVID....and then back down when his incompetence really began to shine.

If Trump hadn't suppressed his own votes by shitting on mail in ballots and hadn't been so wildly incompetent in his response to COVID, he may have won.

Alas, he did. And he was.
What? His numbers on how he ran the economy were abysmal? LOL

I am tired of your one way conspiracy theory diatribe. Troll someone else, fat boy.

His approval ratings before the Marchi 16th lockdowns marked the nation taking COVID very seriously were absymal. Just before the lock down his job approval ratings were hovering around 42%.

No president has ever been relected with numbers that low.
Polls....yeah they were excellent. Those ratings were run low by the biased media. What was his approval rating on the economy? High 50s. Stop your trolling, fat boy. He nearly won again with COVID. Without COVID he definitely wins as there are fewer mail in ballots as well.

You're the one citing 'his numbers'. And when 'his numbers' don't support your narrative, you attack the validity of 'his numbers'.

If you're gonna wipe your ass with your own argument, just give me a head's up in advance. It will save us both time.
You can't see well with your head inside your grocery exit.

Or.....Trump's numbers were abysmal before COVID.
He thinks I was discussing poll numbers. I keep forgetting that the leftists here are illiterate when it comes to the economy. JEEEZUS.

Do you really want to take a look at Trump's economic record? The job losses on his watch, the damage to the economy, the closed businesses, the massive deficits?

Because like his COVID response, its a record of spectacular failure.
So you would have preferred 2 million deaths by keeping the economy open. That's insane.

Goodness no. I would have preferred a competent COVID response from the President and some actual leadership.

It looks like I'll have to wait until mid January for that.
So what should Trump have done?
they have no idea but they feel compelled to bash what he did do. Remember he was a racist xenophobe according to the left for stopping travel to China. Imagine how many more would have died if he hadn't taken that measure in JANUARY

I'm sure New York appreciated that while it was getting infected from Europe. :banghead:

Can you imagine the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the left if that had happened? Whoa Nellie!!!!

Ummmmmmmmm.... "the left"?

No no, not the obvious Composition Fallacy where "the left" is some kind of monolith organization, I mean far more basically..... you actually think this is about POLITICS?

:laughing0301: :
With the left, it sure isn't about reality.

With Composition Fallacies it never is.

Ever heard of "character"? Or do I need to drop another link to edumacate you on that as well?
Liberal please. Character? Character is a product of morals and ethics. Dim's have none of either. Don't lecture me on character.

Nobody brought up "Dim's [sic]", whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean. It ain't even a word. "Dim is"? "Dim is" what? A display setting on your phone? What a cretin.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
You are just a troll now I get it.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
So Trump was right about project warp speed and keeping schools open. Sucks eh Lesh. If the data on vaccines we have now is released sooner aka before the election he wins. Now we have a walking corpse as a future president.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
I'm sure he'll do everything he can, regardless of how many obstacles are thrown in his way. As flawed as he is, he loves his country.

This will be a very, very nice change.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
So Trump was right about project warp speed and keeping schools open. Sucks eh Lesh. If the data on vaccines we have now is released sooner aka before the election he wins. Now we have a walking corpse as a future president.
"Walking corpse"?

You're not worth the effort to respond to you.

Fuck off
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
So Trump was right about project warp speed and keeping schools open. Sucks eh Lesh. If the data on vaccines we have now is released sooner aka before the election he wins. Now we have a walking corpse as a future president.
"Walking corpse"?

You're not worth the effort to respond to you.

Fuck off
Ahhhh don’t like the taste of your own medicine eh?
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
Lesh......Lesh. The legendary Lesh. Sup man??
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
You are just a troll now I get it.

No, that happened. You don't follow the news? Hell I don't follow the news much myself and I knew that.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
You are just a troll now I get it.

No, that happened. You don't follow the news? Hell I don't follow the news much myself and I knew that.
“An adult” funny coming from a poster who acts like a petulant child. Pigo, I cannot take a man seriously who doesn’t own a TV.
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
So Trump was right about project warp speed and keeping schools open. Sucks eh Lesh. If the data on vaccines we have now is released sooner aka before the election he wins. Now we have a walking corpse as a future president.
"Walking corpse"?

You're not worth the effort to respond to you.

Fuck off
Ahhhh don’t like the taste of your own medicine eh?
Lesh is actually an internet legend. And for a really good thing. I cannot disclose it and only I and he know it.

But trust me from a Con, Lesh should be bowed to. He is a legend. Known him since about ot 5 I believe
That's okay. Our President Elect, an adult, met with the bipartisan National Governors Association leadership council today.

They met about the deadly and highly contagious virus that is at all time highs, and talked about strategies.

Positive reports all around, and our President Elect is beginning to re-build bridges.

Two months. We'll get there.
It'll be a long and deadly two months...but yea
So Trump was right about project warp speed and keeping schools open. Sucks eh Lesh. If the data on vaccines we have now is released sooner aka before the election he wins. Now we have a walking corpse as a future president.
"Walking corpse"?

You're not worth the effort to respond to you.

Fuck off
Ahhhh don’t like the taste of your own medicine eh?
Lesh is actually an internet legend. And for a really good thing. I cannot disclose it and only I and he know it.

But trust me from a Con, Lesh should be bowed to. He is a legend.
Herr Lesh a legend? I must Know more

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