Is he even President anymore?

‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’

‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

Oh, the shithead liberal press is attacking Trump? Say it ain't so...
‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’


Well, is he? What is Trump doing to fight the virus? Send an ignorant Atlas out to tell people to have the whole family for Thanksgiving, including the elderly and do not wear masks? Real smart In the face of the resurgence of the virus.
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?

your political system. your credibility as a nation.
Well those examples are certainly general.
Specifically in reference to your first example - if a substantial amount of voter fraud is indeed proven, would you agree that its great that we can rectify and improve for future elections ?
Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’

Finally. A con that admits Biden won. See, wasn't that hard. Well done. If I was there I'd give you a biscuit and a pat on the head. :2up: :clap: :cheers2:
Well those examples are certainly general.
Specifically in reference to your first example - if a substantial amount of voter fraud is indeed proven, would you agree that its great that we can rectify and improve for future elections ?

I agree. But as has been proven over and over again over the past two weeks, none exists.
‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’


Well, is he? What is Trump doing to fight the virus? Send an ignorant Atlas out to tell people to have the whole family for Thanksgiving, including the elderly and do not wear masks? Real smart In the face of the resurgence of the virus.

You and this ignorant TDS-suffering meat-sac need to pick up a copy of the Constitution and laws regarding when President Trump relinquishes his position as President and stop embarrassing yourselves.

Your behavior should not surprise anyone, though - snowflakes have refused to accept the reality of the 2016 election results for 4 years now. Your doing so now in this thread is just proof you still refuse to accept reality.

Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’

Finally. A con that admits Biden won. See, wasn't that hard. Well done. If I was there I'd give you a biscuit and a pat on the head. :2up: :clap: :cheers2:
Another dumbass snowflake post. Millions of Conservatives have accepted that but also approve of the legal process of contesting an election being carried out - like Gore did in the 2000 election - and legal attempts to identify election fraud criminals and prosecute them. Such criminals have been identified, have been charged, and are going to jail.
Well those examples are certainly general.
Specifically in reference to your first example - if a substantial amount of voter fraud is indeed proven, would you agree that its great that we can rectify and improve for future elections ?

I agree. But as has been proven over and over again over the past two weeks, none exists.
We have a system, let it work. What is the hurry ? Joe knows the ropes all to well.
Voting is sacred and should remain that way.
‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

How unifying.

Fk unifying You f ers are the enemy and given the chance you'll put another ah in our WH

We'll have to vote your AH out first.

Awe, poor baby. :itsok:

Here, maybe this will help you...


Way to be unifying.

Where was the unity you're looking for while Clinton was president? Or while Obama was president?

Too young to care when Bill was President. I voted for Gore, first election I could legally vote in. Find one of my posts here criticizing Obama. Thanks.

You prove again to be too stupid. You were an adult (presumably) while Clinton was president and you weren't posting here while Obama was president; so who knows what you were saying about him.

Regardless, I wasn't talking about just you; but about conservatives in general.

I was born in 1980. I was a young adult I guess in October 1998 LOL. So there are no negative posts about BHO here post my joining? I am an Independent.

I don't know if you made negative comments about Obama of not; i didn't bother to look. Again, who knows what you said while he was president. I've seen plenty of people stop attacking a president after they're out of office.

I said Zippy (aka Obama) was a failed social experiment that doesn't bvear repeating and lo and behold, you liberals give us a short-term Biden with Zippy's (aka Obama) half-breed, different gender clone.


It's adorable how you say that as though anyone cares.


Thanks. Coming from a slug like you, it really means a lot

Aww, poor baby. :itsok:

Let's go back to talking about the economy....

Clinton ... +3.8%
Bush ........ +1.8%
Obama ... +1.9%
Trump ...... +1.0%

Unemployment Rate:
Clinton ... -3.1 points
Bush ....... +3.6 points
Obama ... -3.1 points
Trump .... +2.2 points

Employed (Establishment Data):
Clinton ... +22,904,000 jobs
Bush .......... +1,357,000 jobs
Obama ... +11,572,000 jobs
Trump ......... -3,254,000 jobs

And Impeached Trump is the only president to not have a year of real GDP exceed 3% or a single quarter exceed 4%.

Explains why brain-dead zombies vote Republican for president.


Here's another fun stat to demonstrate how retarded the right is...

Sum of all jobs added under the last 3 Democrat presidents...

44,819,000 (2,240,950 annual average)

Sum of all jobs added under the last 3 Republican presidents...

736,000 (46,000 annual average)

Source: BLS

Not much difference there.
Well those examples are certainly general.
Specifically in reference to your first example - if a substantial amount of voter fraud is indeed proven, would you agree that its great that we can rectify and improve for future elections ?

I agree. But as has been proven over and over again over the past two weeks, none exists.
We have a system, let it work. What is the hurry ? Joe knows the ropes all to well.
Voting is sacred and should remain that way.
And should never be polluted by fear mongering and distortion.
Well those examples are certainly general.
Specifically in reference to your first example - if a substantial amount of voter fraud is indeed proven, would you agree that its great that we can rectify and improve for future elections ?

I agree. But as has been proven over and over again over the past two weeks, none exists.
We have a system, let it work. What is the hurry ? Joe knows the ropes all to well.
Voting is sacred and should remain that way.
And should never be polluted by fear mongering and distortion.
You mean like the China virus ?
‘Is he even president anymore?’ Loser Trump ‘more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House’

rump has basically given up on doing the job that he’s hoping to hang onto through legal challenges, according to multiple reporters.
The president has been largely holed up inside the White House with no public events on his schedule and focusing on efforts to challenge his election loss to Joe Biden and punish disloyal officials.
“The administration is not talking about a coronavirus relief package at all,” Politico’s Jake Sherman told MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “There needs to be money to distribute this vaccine, legislation, laws in place, a mechanism to inoculate our country from this horrible virus and this administration, I wrote this in ‘Playbook’ this morning, is he even president anymore? He’s not in public, not on Capitol Hill, not doing any of the things he needs to do even from a bare bones level.”
“I’m in the Capitol every day,” he added. “I haven’t seen a member of the administration in talks with Congress with the leadership for days, weeks, since before the election. So it’s just a stunning level of kind of just silence. It’s like when bars go up on the TV. It’s stunning. I don’t know if it’s ever going to end, and frankly, the president is pushed along by people like Lindsey Graham, who offered 15 different excuses for why Donald Trump might be president. Kevin McCarthy said yesterday we don’t know the results of the election, but allowed it’s driving towards a Joe Biden victory. He’s in a bubble, alternate reality.”

Associated Press reporter Jonathan Lemire agreed, and he said Republicans are growing nervous that this dereliction of duty could cost their Senate majority in Georgia’s runoff elections.
“There is a concern that this utter inaction, this now two weeks of the president more or less abandoning his job to sulk in the White House, is maybe hurting them,” Lemire said, “is going to hurt their voters, depress excitement there, that are not sure this is going to animate them like so many Republicans on Capitol Hill believe.”

Even after Biden wins the election snowflakes are so unable to purge themselves of irrational, never-ending hatred of our current President that he has to expose his stupidity by asking the question, Is he even president anymore?’


Is it possible we have good reason for despising Trump?
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
You alo so want him to wipe your ass and wash your binky?
Its refreshing to sit and watch an outsider like Trump, to systematically expose and destroy the Democrat Machine.
BS..he almost destroyed your country and himself. Yet you lap it up.

You dont have to go into great detail, but just a couple of examples of what he's destroyed ?
Trying to destroy our election process for one and hasn't done too well in protecting the population from the virus
You alo so want him to wipe your ass and wash your binky?
He'd fuck up doing either. LOL
Good grief. The lengths a liberal will go to have something to complain about with Trump. I don't know how they will be able to harness all that hatred when he's gone. I guess they will take it out on innocent people that don't think like they do.
Dude....they're communists.
They lie compulsively.
Everything they say is 180 from the truth.

Dude, your hero Steve Bannon is an avowed think twice when you call someone a communist...unless your looking in a mirror!

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