Is homosexuality a choice or not

LOL - it takes a village. This is why I consider most of today's "conservatives" no better than their liberal counterparts. Each wants control of your children. Fuck 'em both.

There's very little DeSantis does that I'm OK with. It should be up to local school boards. DeSantis is just holding a circle jerk for the culture warriors.
so if a community/school board decides they want to teach children how to suck dick and have anal sex youre OK with it,,,

you are some sick mother fuckers,,
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

No it doesn't. It just means that no gene has been found for it. I am 100% confident that people are born that way. Especially those who don't want to be gay, want to have a traditional family, etc. but eventually have to admit they are gay. Do I think some people choose to have same sex relations but are naturally heterosexual? Yes. But those are anomalies compared to those who are born day.

I agree that homosexuality is not what nature intended, but it's a fact. And the world will be much better when those born as homosexual accept it and aren't in everybody's face with it. (Which by the way the vast majority of gay/lesbian people are just folks and aren't in everybody's face with it.
When did you choose to be whatever sexual orientation YOU are?

You don’t choose to be heterosexual. It is the only sexuality by default. You can only choose to opt out of it. When did you choose to breath?
You don’t choose to be heterosexual. It is the only sexuality by default. You can only choose to opt out of it. When did you choose to breath?
they dont call it an alternative lifestyles for nothing,,

I never had to teach my boys to like girls,, but I did have to warn them against the evil of girls
Homosexuality exists at about the same rate across the world regardless of how permissive or restrictive the society. Were it a choice there would barely be any gay people where they kill you for it.

That's actually not true at all.

The amount of gaiety is a lot greater in areas where its promoted, and less so where its not.

When I was youth, we had exactly zero Homos in my school , or in my neighborhood among my contemporaries. Some adults, of course, went for it. But us kids just didn't.

Same geographically. A lot more males in San Francisco and other homo-dominated communities are having their buttholes violated by other men, than those of us who live in other areas of the world where such behavior isn't glorified. In the Ivy League colleges, 40% of the student body are Homos in the modern age.

Look back at history, there used to be a lot of Straight people even in San Francisco.
No it doesn't. It just means that no gene has been found for it. I am 100% confident that people are born that way. Especially those who don't want to be gay, want to have a traditional family, etc. but eventually have to admit they are gay. Do I think some people choose to have same sex relations but are naturally heterosexual? Yes. But those are anomalies compared to those who are born day.

I agree that homosexuality is not what nature intended, but it's a fact. And the world will be much better when those born as homosexual accept it and aren't in everybody's face with it. (Which by the way the vast majority of gay/lesbian people are just folks and aren't in everybody's face with it.
It is a choice.
That's actually not true at all.

The amount of gaiety is a lot greater in areas where its promoted, and less so where its not.

When I was youth, we had exactly zero Homos in my school , or in my neighborhood among my contemporaries. Some adults, of course, went for it. But us kids just didn't.

Same geographically. A lot more males in San Francisco and other homo-dominated communities are having their buttholes violated by other men, than those of us who live in other areas of the world where such behavior isn't glorified. In the Ivy League colleges, 40% of the student body are Homos in the modern age.

Look back at history, there used to be a lot of Straight people even in San Francisco.


There were homosexuals in your school. You just didn't know it.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

“Is homosexuality a choice or not”

Irrelevant – either way it makes no difference; individuals have the right to conduct their private lives as they see fit.

It’s only an issue for ignorant, frightened, hateful bigots.

There were homosexuals in your school. You just didn't know it.

Au contraire, mick.

The school was 100% Normal. We didn't have any of the students dress in girls' clothes, ever. And there were no girls pretending to be boys either.

I grew up in a hardscrabble area where that kind of shit just wasn't glorified at all.
“Is homosexuality a choice or not”

Irrelevant – either way it makes no difference; individuals have the right to conduct their private lives as they see fit.

It’s only an issue for ignorant, frightened, hateful bigots.
your premise is a lie,,

its not about their private lives,, its about them recruiting children into their lifestyle,,
“Is homosexuality a choice or not”

Irrelevant – either way it makes no difference; individuals have the right to conduct their private lives as they see fit.

It’s only an issue for ignorant, frightened, hateful bigots.

The real question is whether society should be trying to groom young people into the Lifestyle of Gaiety or not. If adults want to violate each others buttholes, that's their own affair, sure.

But when they are recruiting teens and younger into perversion, I'm sorry I just don't go for that.
your premise is a lie,,

its not about their private lives,, its about them recruiting children into their lifestyle,,
The hateful, bigoted right of course fears expressions of individual liberty; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

The right’s attempt to demonize and vilify gay and transgender Americans in an effort to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
The hateful, bigoted right of course fears expressions of individual liberty; conservatives seek to compel conformity and punish dissent, diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

The right’s attempt to demonize and vilify gay and transgender Americans in an effort to keep the base ignorant, frightened, and going to the polls.
I will take the bigoted right over the child molesters on the left anyday of the week,,
As far as I'm concerned no sexuality should be taught. When one becomes an adult they can live the lifestyle they choose. Heck some wackos believe that young women should stay at home and have kids. That's ok if they want them but the growing number of young women who don't want them you know what? That's a courageous notable choice. And it has ZERO impact on the nation.

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