Is homosexuality a choice or not

Except heterosexuals are not arguing we should be a protected group.

But we are. The law says you cannot discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It protects straight people as much as gay people
But we are. The law says you cannot discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. It protects straight people as much as gay people

Is "normal" really a "sexual orientation"?

But the problem is that people aren't discriminated against for what they do behind closed doors. If they are discriminated against, its because they are doing their orientation in public, or offending the public by discussing their sexual practices.

Its about "too much information". If someone wants to go out on the weekend dressed in ladies' clothes and getting their cheeks busted by other men, that's their own affair. The only problem is when they share it with people who don't want to hear it.

I have no problem at all with Homos , She Males, Tranvestites, whatever. As long as they only reveal their information to people on a "need to know" basis.

Do you really need to know about Petey Buttigieg's sexual preferences? I know I don't.
but the results will,,

but as you said,, you dont care if other children are abused just not yours,,
Stop that. Seriously, that kind of horseshit just ends the conversation. You won't persuade anyone that way, you'll only alienate them.

I actually agree with the notion that we should push back on using public education to indoctrinate society. That's why my kids didn't go to public schools. That's why I think public education should be abolished.

But that doesn't seem to be what you're after. From what I'm reading, you just want to control the indoctrination. This is why I keep saying that the left and the right, in this country, are simply two sides of the same statist coin.
Is "normal" really a "sexual orientation"?

But the problem is that people aren't discriminated against for what they do behind closed doors. If they are discriminated against, its because they are doing their orientation in public, or offending the public by discussing their sexual practices.

Its about "too much information". If someone wants to go out on the weekend dressed in ladies' clothes and getting their cheeks busted by other men, that's their own affair. The only problem is when they share it with people who don't want to hear it.

I have no problem at all with Homos , She Males, Tranvestites, whatever. As long as they only reveal their information to people on a "need to know" basis.

Do you really need to know about Petey Buttigieg's sexual preferences? I know I don't.
Part of the transgender fetish is to display oneself in front of people. The younger the better and the more sexual pleasure they get. Grooming a young heterosexual into homosexuality is the peak of sexual pleasure to them.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

Homosexuality is a mental illness.
Part of the transgender fetish is to display oneself in front of people. The younger the better and the more sexual pleasure they get. Grooming a young heterosexual into homosexuality is the peak of sexual pleasure to them.
Link? I've never read anything, outside of screeching nonsense, that suggests this behavior is part of being transgender. Are there any actual studies that shows transgender people are more likely to be exhibitionists? Or are you just going by the lurid pictures the trolls post?

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