Is homosexuality a choice or not

Makes no difference. It is not homosexuality that is protected, it is sexual orientation

Then it’s not a judicial issue. Being black is genetics. Being female is genetic. Being gay or transgender is choice. Your choices do come with consequences.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

All sin is a choice:

I can choose to be a murderer or choose not to be.
I can choose to be a thief or choose against it.
I can choose to dishonor my parents or choose to honor them.
I could choose to be a queer or choose to be normal. (I've chosen the latter, thank God).
I understand you want to hide all the girls and women being molested.

I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve written many times that child molesters should be hung in the public square. I’ve even offered my services as the hangman.

Then again, I’ve seen a group, during an LBGTQ pride event, chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children”, without any outrage from the left.

If you saw a group of heterosexuals, marching down the street chanting “we’re here, we’re straight and we’re coming for your daughters”, well those would be sleeping with the fishes within hours.

See the difference?

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