Is homosexuality a choice or not

Keep throwing up smoke screens for hetero males and religious leaders being the prime groomers and molesters.
You just can't stop throwing up smoke screens yourself. Give us PROOF there is a 'gay gene' or SFTU.
You SHOULD be embarrassed about how many girls and women are sexually abused by hetero males...but you aren't, are you?
You should be embarrassed about how many young boys are sexually abused by hetero females.
I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve written many times that child molesters should be hung in the public square. I’ve even offered my services as the hangman.

Then again, I’ve seen a group, during an LBGTQ pride event, chanting “we’re here, we’re queer, and we’re coming for your children”, without any outrage from the left.

If you saw a group of heterosexuals, marching down the street chanting “we’re here, we’re straight and we’re coming for your daughters”, well those would be sleeping with the fishes within hours.

See the difference?
They are coming for our daughters...1 in 4 girls sexually abused before 18.
Stop that. Seriously, that kind of horseshit just ends the conversation. You won't persuade anyone that way, you'll only alienate them.

I actually agree with the notion that we should push back on using public education to indoctrinate society. That's why my kids didn't go to public schools. That's why I think public education should be abolished.

But that doesn't seem to be what you're after. From what I'm reading, you just want to control the indoctrination. This is why I keep saying that the left and the right, in this country, are simply two sides of the same statist coin.
so you didnt say that if a school board wants to teach those things thats their business and you would just remove your child??

thats what you said,,

to me that means youre OK if other peoples children are abused and its none of your business,,,

you are either for child abuse or against it,,
youve made it clear what you are for and it aint against it,,

but go ahead and post your cute little emojis,, it shows your age and mentality,,

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