Is homosexuality a choice or not

Then it’s not a judicial issue. Being black is genetics. Being female is genetic. Being gay or transgender is choice. Your choices do come with consequences.
There is no black gene either. The fact that there isn't a gay gene doesn't mean homosexuality is a choice it just means that sexuality is a multifaceted chemical process. That said even the choices we make have biological origins. If you stopped to think about it for a second, basically everything you do has biological origins. What other origins could they have? It's not as if angels are coming down and whispering in our ears. Making a choice involves biological processes not mythical ones. Even the choice to believe in religion belies some biological desire for the comfort or security belief brings, or a susceptibility to emotional explanations rather than objective ones.
Tomboy girls and sissy boys are not necessarily gay. Being gay is a choice made at puberty or later. Usually as a result of a failure with the opposite sex.
Given the amount of shit you just pulled out of your ass I’m gonna have to say that you fall pretty heavily on the gay side. Well done
This is a stupid argument from stupid people. If the only proof of homosexuality not being a choice is the existence of a gay gene then by that logic heterosexuality can only be proven to not be a choice by the existence of a straight gene.
There is no black gene either. The fact that there isn't a gay gene doesn't mean homosexuality is a choice it just means that sexuality is a multifaceted chemical process. That said even the choices we make have biological origins. If you stopped to think about it for a second, basically everything you do has biological origins. What other origins could they have? It's not as if angels are coming down and whispering in our ears. Making a choice involves biological processes not mythical ones. Even the choice to believe in religion belies some biological desire for the comfort of security belief brings, or a susceptibility to emotional explanations rather than objective ones.
Most humans are born heterosexual as evidenced by their genitals. This is NORMAL because nature wants us to procreate. There is no procreation between same sex partners.

You have a point about sexuality being a multifaceted chemical process because we know a human being isn't fully matured until adulthood. Immature humans can be influenced against their own welfare by adult humans wishing to groom them into choosing unnatural sexual proclivities. Most young children, raised in a heterosexual family will be heterosexual. Homosexuality is probably the result of abuse, grooming or other psychological trauma, there is no 'gay gene.'
This is a stupid argument from stupid people. If the only proof of homosexuality not being a choice is the existence of a gay gene then by that logic heterosexuality can only be proven to not be a choice by the existence of a straight gene.
'Straight' is genetically normal. How could you be so confused?
I might believe homosexuals are just 'born that way" if someone can explain why the high levels of homosexual activity in single sex environments like prisons

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