Is homosexuality a choice or not

Given the amount of shit you just pulled out of your ass I’m gonna have to say that you fall pretty heavily on the gay side. Well done
you proved my point, but your also claimed you were born gay, now its a choice. you are mentally confused.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

This is simple.

If you believe sex is a choice, go have gay sex with at least 10 guys. Then compare it to having sex with 10 girls. (I doubt you could ever have sex with 10 girls.)

After you've had sex with 10 guys and 10 girls, come back to us with your conclusions.

Until then, STFU.
Of course it is a choice, a bad choice, but still a choice. Man has always been made to be with a woman, that is why they have the junk down there to make a baby with that woman. But it is Satan's will that men with men and women with women go against nature by doing illicit actions that can and will eventually cause all sorts of diseases. Yeah, i know Majic Johnson got Aides but i think he was whoring around with men and women.

An event somewhere in the lives of straight individuals, cause traumatic mental illness to said individual and then they turn away from the opposite sex....

How many men have you had sex with, Mikesuxenormouscok?
It is a matter of fact that the act between two same sex individuals has never produced a child. You are deeply disturbed to think otherwise.
So, you have boring child sex in the missionary position half dressed.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

Homosexuality is not a crime in America. In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual activity are unconstitutional, guaranteeing the right to engage in same-sex relationships.

However, it is important to note that while being homosexual is not a crime, discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals still exist in various forms.

So,trying to discriminate against LGBTers could be illegal. Who cares about those studies? I'm not against homosexuals. 😊
Homosexuality is not a crime in America. In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that state laws criminalizing consensual same-sex sexual activity are unconstitutional, guaranteeing the right to engage in same-sex relationships.

However, it is important to note that while being homosexual is not a crime, discrimination and prejudice against LGBTQ+ individuals still exist in various forms.
And that's ok... Or at least it should be.

Just say "no" to thought crime.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

Good day. I have been sorting through the link that is the basis of your OP for a couple of days now. I carefully analyzed it and resisting any temptation to react in knee jerk fashion and call it bullshit prematurely. However, now that I have done my homework, I am prepared, without reservation to call it for what it is: A boatload of bizarre and bigoted bovine excrement. I am will to bet that you did not bother to read the linked article and if you did, you did not understand it. You just seized on the tittle and ran with it. Not very smart

For starters, “Public Discourse” in which this piece was published is a publication of the anti gay Witherspoon institute.

“Born That Way” No More: The New Science of Sexual Orientation - Public Discourse (

Selected Excerpts

A new study adds to a growing body of evidence demonstrating that the dominant narrative about sexual orientation—that it is genetically determined—simply cannot be true. Instead, the science shows that a person’s sexual orientation and choice of partners depends heavily on the development and expression of personal autonomy regarding one’s own sexual possibilities. People with same-sex attractions should be legally and culturally free not to identify with or act on them.
So there you have the basic premise but the last line has me quite puzzled. Of course people are free not to identify or act on them More on this later along with some other strange passages

They go on:

The study contained two key findings. First, it found that the effect of the genes we inherit from our parents (known as “heritability”) on same-sex orientation was very weak,
Second, rebutting decades of widespread belief, the study established that “there is certainly no single genetic determinant (sometimes referred to as the ‘gay gene’ in the media)” that causes same-sex sexual behavior. Yet they conclude:
The logic of these two results—low heritability and high polygenicity—clearly demonstrate that the dominant cultural narrative about sexual orientation—which sees homosexual persons as a distinctly bounded biological class of people who were “born that way”—simply cannot be true.
So at this point they are saying what most of us already know and agrees with- that there is no “gay gene” or any single cause –neither biological or cultural for same sex attractions. However, that is a far cry from concluding that it is a choice as is often implied by those who emphasis the absence of a gay gene. There are many intervening variables to consider including other biological factors. And yet they continue to try to make the case against genetic “determinism”

They continue:

Low heritability, a consistent finding of prior genetic studies, has always suggested that determinism may not be true. But high polygenicity does much more: it affirmatively precludes the possibility of determinism
They clearly have an agenda –that of debunking determinism- and admit as much. They seem to be engaging in a strawman argument in that no one is arguing that sexuality is purely a result of genetics. But by emphasizing “cultural, political, social, legal and religious structures” while dumbing down the complexity of sexual attractions that are believed to include other biological factors, they are implying that it is a choice.

Then things get a little confusing , They pose the question:

Could Rejecting Sexual Orientation Determinism Increase Tolerance?

The scientists behind the study do not mince words regarding this conclusion. The study’s first author, Andrea Ganna, stated to the New York Times, “it will be basically impossible to predict one’s sexual activity or orientation just from genetics.” An essay accompanying the study acknowledges that its results counter the “inclination to reduce sexuality to genetic determinism,” instead confirming that “sexuality is . . . shaped and regulated by cultural, political, social, legal and religious structures.”
They acknowledge that there was disagreement among the researchers within their own group on the issue of determinism. In addition, the come to the bizarre conclusion that rejecting determinism would increase tolerance! (See below) First of all, given what we know about the Witherspoon Institute, we can conclude that their purpose is anything but to promote tolerance. Secondly, it is well known and easily observed that those it is those who wish to suppress gay rights consistently reject the “born that way” view. Rather they strive to portray homosexuality as a choice, and a frivolous and hedonistic choice at that, in order to justify marginalizing gay people. Their rejection of determinism is nothing less than a thinly veiled attempt to undermine tolerance
Other scientists involved in the study, who are themselves gay, publicly opposed its publication, voicing concern that the findings would be “misconstrued” to “advance agendas of hate.” These statements also express an awareness, albeit an unwelcome one, of the anti-determinist implications of the study’s findings.

Commendably, the lead authors of the study, some of whom are also gay, resisted the impulse to suppress scientific evidence for the sake of political expediency. They are right to do so, for the decline of the idea of a false belief in determinism in sexual orientation and related behaviors may well lead to greater tolerance and acceptance.

Then they descend even furth into the abys of twisted logic and distorted reality

In many parts of the world, as the accompanying essay points out, legal sanctions seek to impose heterosexuality on the unwilling. But in the United States and other liberal Western societies, we presently tend toward the opposite problem. In many such places, the struggle for freedom today is not primarily for people who want to identify themselves as gay or lesbian, but for people who want to avoid or resist such an identification for themselves.
Really? I would like to know where it is written that anyone who does not wish to come out or to identify as other than heterosexual and Cisgender is being forced to do so. Their credibility is fading fast

It gets worse They continue:

The 2015 Supreme Court decision constitutionalizing same-sex marriage was based, in part, on the belief that same-sex orientation reflected an “immutable nature [that] dictate[d] that same-sex marriage is their only real path to this profound commitment.” The determinist logic of this decision has empowered those who formerly advocated that homosexual persons may marry someone of the same sex to now advocate that, if they marry, homosexual persons must marry someone of the same sex.
Let’s think about that . It is true that the decision was based on the assumption that homosexuality is immutable but the rest of the paragrapgh is pure garbage.

But the Obergefell decision, in it’s most basic interpretation simply said something to the effect that the respective genders of the two parties who wish to marry will no longer be a factor in determining who can marry who. Nowhere is sexual orientation even mentioned. This statement is either a bold faced lie, an indication of shameless dishonesty or mind boggling incompetence. In any case , this one paragraph alone destroys any and all credibility that Witherspoon may have had.

They then go on to reiterate the evidence that homosexuality has a low heritability rate “ while ignoring any evidence that might indicate that the biological seeds of homosexuality may be present at birth, despite the absence of a “gay gene”. The fact is that there is plenty of data that points to biological determinism . Case in point:

Study Finds Epigenetics, Not Genetics, Underlies Homosexuality
KNOXVILLE – Epigenetics - how gene expression is regulated by temporary switches, called epi-marks - appears to be a critical and overlooked factor contributing to the long-standing puzzle of why homosexuality occurs.
According to the study, published online today in The Quarterly Review of Biology, sex-specific epi-marks, which normally do not pass between generations and are thus "erased," can lead to homosexuality when they escape erasure and are transmitted from father to daughter or mother to son.

Epi-marks constitute an extra layer of information attached to our genes' backbones that regulates their expression. While genes hold the instructions, epi-marks direct how those instructions are carried out - when, where and how much a gene is expressed during development. Epi-marks are usually produced anew each generation, but recent evidence demonstrates that they sometimes carry over between generations and thus can contribute to similarity among relatives, resembling the effect of shared genes.

The final paragraph shown below of this bogus “study entitled Coercing Sexual Behavior Is Wrong “ is a real mind blower. This is clearly unabashed anti gay fear mongering. Just read the bolded parts. They actually make no sense at all. Thay shit is not happening. Prohibiting “normal people from refusing to engage in homosexual behavior? Tolerance of homosexual behavior requires intolerance of heterosexual behavior? Where do they get this shit from? I rest my case.

The congruent findings of Ganna and Polderman sharply rebut the impulse to constrain or coerce such persons’ choices about same-sex identity and behavior. If gay and lesbian persons are genetically normal, what basis is there for prohibiting other genetically normal persons from refusing to engage in same-sex behavior? As these studies have both found, most persons with a genotype comparable to that of gay or lesbian persons end up, for various reasons of social environment or development or personal principle, not engaging in same-sex relations. Shouldn’t this majority have equal freedom and legitimacy to do so?
Why is the same coercive imposition acceptable on a social level? If it ever did Civilized persons condemn the attempt to impose sexual behavior on the unwilling on a personal level. make sense on the premise that gay persons were genetically determined, in the absence of a compelling genetic difference, it is impossible reasonably to maintain that tolerance of homosexual behavior requires intolerance of heterosexual behavior.

It is not accepted on any level! End of story
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While all those hetero males who touch minors get what? A cookie?


Their definition of "touch" is a bit different. You HOMOS see kids as potential homos to be, just in need of an "initialization."

Their definition of "touch" is a bit different. You HOMOS see kids as potential homos to be, just in need of an "initialization."
You Bingos don't seem bright enough to realize that your argument that homosexuality needs a homosexual to jump start the whole process begs the question, where did the first homosexual come from?
You Bingos don't seem bright enough to realize that your argument that homosexuality needs a homosexual to jump start the whole process begs the question, where did the first homosexual come from?

Ask your heroes .... they know...


Big Mike, homO, and Jussie, three cocksucking cowards who hate hoax....

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