Is homosexuality a choice or not


Do you even understand what DUE PROCESS IS???

As a cocksucking CRT BIGOT, probably NOT....

David dePAPE is getting justice like Prince Imhotep did... live mummification.

Do you understand what due process is you dumb Bingo? He has pleaded not guilty to his charges and is currently awaiting trial.

Trial Date Set for David DePape in Pelosi Attack Case
Ask your heroes .... they know...


Big Mike, homO, and Jussie, three cocksucking cowards who hate hoax....
We know who YOUR heros are....;)
Oh look, the pathetic incel wants to cosplay that everyone is as pathetic as he is. 😄 Question is, do you have any evidence to support your claims? Wishful thinking won't make it so, Soy Boy.


You're the one fantasizing about male on male rape but we're to believe you're not closeted......
Ask him about the "Jewish con-spiracy" too. He's a piece of work.
So, do you support "pedophile normalization?"


So does Paul Pelosi's gay coke whore David dePape

I would like public education to teach math, English, science, and correct History.

You want public education to teach homosexuality, race baiting, communism, and Drag Queen shows.
Pedophilia is illegal.....if you can't distinguish the difference, you should not be allowed around children.....period.
NO, I am not. but age has nothing to do with understanding human biology and having common sense.
Is perversion a term from biology or one of ignorant religious dogma?
sometimes, but generally you are born with one hand dominant. you are also born with XY or XX chromosomes and they determine your sex. Same sex sexual activity if a perversion, not a choice or a genetic mistake. it is an abnormal mental condition
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

It shouldn’t matter. If someone wants to be gay, so be it. It’s no one’s business.
It shouldn’t matter. If someone wants to be gay, so be it. It’s no one’s business.
This thread is about a gay gene and not whether a person lives a gay lifestyle. Please stay on topic.

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