Is homosexuality a choice or not

government employees of all kinds were forced or loose their jobs, so were medical people, teachers, and many more. Losing ones job is a kind or force, do you understand that?
Just like other vaccine want us to all be passing around whooping cough, smallpox, etc. Look at Your red state Florida and malaria... aren't you proud?
Why are you here pushing the gay agenda?
So being parents is "the gay agenda" ? Then being straight parents is pushing the "straight agenda" Right.? You are confused about whether gay is a choice or not, and now you seemed to be confused about what it means to be a parent.

Speaking of choice, it appears that there is no hope that you will even try to defend your idiotic and dishonest OP that I called you out on. Pathetic!
In bode's case she has no choice. She's so fat and ugly no man will touch her.
So being parents is "the gay agenda" ? Then being straight parents is pushing the "straight agenda" Right.? You are confused about whether gay is a choice or not, and now you seemed to be confused about what it means to be a parent.

Speaking of choice, it appears that there is no hope that you will even try to defend your idiotic and dishonest OP that I called you out on. Pathetic!
Why is it you only show up in faggot and pedo threads?
It was a scientific study but you are in denial about it.
It is bullshit for the numerous reasons that I identified, and which you either did not read or did not understand. Witherspoon has no credibilty and neither do you. Futhermore, no body besides the bigots are even talking about why people are gay. They just are. To speculate about it and make it an issue serves no social, moral or legal purpose. But casting doubt on the question of being "born that way" does serve the interest of those who seek to marginalize gas and to justify bigotry.
Ah...bringing Projection to the thread, I see.

I still fit my military you still fit your uniform? Did you even serve? I bet not.
I can serve your your fat ass.
It is bullshit for the numerous reasons that I identified, and which you either did not read or did not understand. Witherspoon has no credibilty and neither do you.
You are not a scientist so I have very little respect for your lame opinion. Why does the abscence of a gay gene upset you?
You are not a scientist so I have very little respect for your lame opinion. Why does the abscence of a gay gene upset you?
The absence of a gay gene does not upset me, but you seem to be upset that you are being called on your bullshit. . I documented that fact that there is plennty of other evidence to support the conclusion that gay is not a choice. Apparently you are not bright enough to understand that it is not a simple matter of there either being a gay gene , or it's a choice.

Getting back to the Witherspoon Institute.....they are a well know anti gay group with an agenda. They started out with the conclusion that they wanted and wrote a paper to support that conclusion , while leaving out anything that went against it such as epigenetics. Then have have the nerve to claim that the outcome ...."not born that way" ...encourages more tolerance. That is a lie and they know it

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