Is homosexuality a choice or not

They don't want to acknowledge the fact that homosexuality can be influenced upon someone. Especially a young pre-teen.

Sexuality is like anything else, irregardless of how permissive or restrictive a society no matter how wrongly WinterBorn claims otherwise: Within every society there are variables at the individual level, and just as one person in your family or circle who likes hunting or curried food may influence you to love hunting or Indian food as well, all it takes is the right person or influence at the right time and place to sway a predispositioned person as well to swing gay.

Same mechanism as living in California or attending a California university greatly increases your chance of ending up choosing to be a progressive.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

When did you choose your sexuality?
Sexuality is like anything else, irregardless of how permissive or restrictive a society no matter how wrongly WinterBorn claims otherwise: Within every society there are variables at the individual level, and just as one person in your family or circle who likes hunting or curried food may influence you to love hunting or Indian food as well, all it takes is the right person or influence at the right time and place to sway a predispositioned person as well to swing gay.

Same mechanism as living in California or attending a California university greatly increases your chance of ending up choosing to be a progressive.
True and a sexual deviant likes to start influencing kids as young as they can. We usually are enraged and disgusted at this practice in heterosexuals but, for some reason, homosexuals can get away with it.
Gender and sex are the same. Your weasel word 'sexuality' is really meaningless. Human beings are overwhelmingly heterosexual so, homosexuals are on the fringes of the population.
Your arguments do not follow any logical thought process and you are confused about what mathematical probability means.

Just because you are mathematically more likely to be straight than gay that is not an argument that sexuality and gender are the same thing nor does it mean homosexuality is on the fringes of society. At least not this society. In this society homosexuality is very much in the mainstream.
But, you haven't produced any 'gay gene' yet have you? I have already schooled you and given you an experiment to perform on your own crotch. What were your results?
This commentary is weird and a little groomy. Don't ask for people to do things with their genitals for you online. Don't be that guy. Also you haven't schooled shit. I schooled you when I counted with the line "you haven't produced a straight gene" earlier and you had no come back response.
Anyone who thinks their natal genitals are an accident has either physical problems or mental problems. One does not need a PHD or MD to see that.
Yes. One does need medical knowledge and medical training to diagnose medical problems otherwise you're just cosplaying doctor.
Do you and your wife have children? If so, they are the result of all that good feeling sex you've been having. Were you to be homosexual, all you'd have is shit on your dick.
I have a child, me and my wife do not and never intend to. We also don't intend to stop having sex or being good at it.
At least try to spell the word (metaphors) properly as you clearly do not know what it means.
You don't know what it means or how evolution actually works. Probably because you're some Bingo who believes in the Bible but is too much of a coward to admit that that is the source of your belief rather than science.
Recent studies show there is no gay gene. This debunks the theory that certain people are born that way.

The gay gene theory was simply to cover for the truth.

(homo)sexuality is about being raped at a very early age by a homo, why the homos are OBSESSED with packing and surrounding our kids with homo rapists in public education, boy scouts, and others.

We need a law. Any homo who touches a minor gets offed. Just OFFED.
They don't want to acknowledge the fact that homosexuality can be influenced upon someone. Especially a young pre-teen. They want everyone to believe homosexuality is genetic and immutable. Meanwhile, they know damn well they are lying through their teeth.
You are afraid that homosexuality is genetic an immutable. Terrified.
The gay gene theory was simply to cover for the truth.

(homo)sexuality is about being raped at a very early age by a homo, why the homos are OBSESSED with packing and surrounding our kids with homo rapists in public education, boy scouts, and others.

We need a law. Any homo who touches a minor gets offed. Just OFFED.
While all those hetero males who touch minors get what? A cookie?
Does someone choose to be left-handed?
sometimes, but generally you are born with one hand dominant. you are also born with XY or XX chromosomes and they determine your sex. Same sex sexual activity if a perversion, not a choice or a genetic mistake. it is an abnormal mental condition

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