Is Howard Stern An Anti-White Pedophile?

Your signature is a lie.
I would deflect too if I couldn't refute a single thing that was said......

By the way, who are the ones who get the most triggered when the subject of American history is brought up? Especially when it comes to the Conservative track record of opposing civil rights? Who are the ones who have to lie about it the most? Conservatives
Yes......but this was back when he was cool....

And folks like Tucker and Trump would go on his show and giggle about goofy shit....

Like when Trump and Howard were talking about how a nice piece of ass his daughter was.....which is how most fathers talk about their child....

But like I said, that was back when he was cool.....not all of this woke crap he is now

I'll bet Howard Stern and Hunter Biden are very close.
i'm interested in your definition of a "conservative." i've been trying to fit maga into traditional "conservative" definitions like wm buckley or reagan with no success.

does conservative = libertarian anarchist who hates the earth and its people, especially america and its people?
Well...since I can read I can look it up.
Woke = Gullible, Stupid, Ignorant, prejudiced, bull-headed, misinformed, brainwashed, etc,.
I would deflect too if I couldn't refute a single thing that was said......

By the way, who are the ones who get the most triggered when the subject of American history is brought up? Especially when it comes to the Conservative track record of opposing civil rights? Who are the ones who have to lie about it the most? Conservatives
You're confusing conservatives with Southern Democrats.

You're an exercise in hypocricy....supporting the very party that has stood in the way of civil rights laws throughout it's history while demonizing anyone who dared to question your racist programs.
I have.....and my signature fits...

Here is another definition of a Conservative...

"If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”

And guess what, they tried to overturn the election and stormed the Capitol in the previous election.....

And also, count how many times on this very message board a Conservative whines "We are a Constituitonal Republic!!!" because of how triggered they get when they hear the word "democracy"

Or, how about this one...

“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.”

This is evidenced by all of the outright willfulness to tear down the whole entire Justice system just because your cult leader was indicted......but when ACTUAL INJUSTICE was being inflicted upon poor people and people of color for generations, you morons didn't say shit...its almost like, "yea, they are supposed to have that happen to them" -- so yea....Conservatives prove me right every minute of the day....
mudwhistle biff's definition is very close to the nonexistent maga cult that posts here continuously whenever your billionaire influencer vomits on truth social.
I'll bet Howard Stern and Hunter Biden are very close.
I think Howard smokes less crack, and he also isn't doing deals with China, Ukraine, and Russia that help destroy American interests abroad.
Howard Stern is a clown who thinks he's a rock star.
I wouldn't take his advice on anything, but I would trust him more than Joe Biden, because Stern doesn't feel he has to lie about what he is and what he's doing every day.

1. Except books conflicting with the woke hivemind, then you try to ruin the author so they never write another one.
2. Except when inconvenient like women having penises and men menstruating.
3. Not applicable, because Woke people have always been "right".
4. No, they are always black, and if you say white you are a bigot.
5. Except for straight white men, religious people, and anyone lower on the pity pole in a given situation (so trans outranks woman)
6. Other people's stuff via government fiat
7. Enforce cooperation.
8. Except 2nd amendment, 1st amendment, and a few others
9. Unless it's something made by someone you don't like, represents someone you don't like.
10. So much so that you are willing to sacrifice other's standards of living to care about it, while maintaining your own.

Wow, that was easy to Fisk.
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mudwhistle biff's definition is very close to the nonexistent maga cult that posts here continuously whenever your billionaire influencer vomits on truth social.
You must be one of his socks, because if you believe that nonsense, you're a fake.
You didn't even take the time to post an avi because you were in such a rush to dogpile anyone who shows rational behavior on USMB.
MAGA isn't about brainwashing. It's about having an open-mind and refusing to be Gaslighted by a lying administration.

Only a pathetic twat thinks that Making America Great Again is a threat to them.
Seems your mind is so open that your brain fell out. Making America great is a great idea on it's face. Unfortunately, you crazies have taken the phrase "make america great again" as a motto to identify the MAGA cult. The MAGA cult has nothing to do with making America great. It's goal is to support trump.
You must be one of his socks, because if you believe that nonsense, you're a fake.
You didn't even take the time to post an avi because you were in such a rush to dogpile anyone who shows rational behavior on USMB.

i am not a sock. i make it particularly easy to be identified on the various boards where i post, using a similar name and style that is easily recognizable.
stern, the self-described "skinny jew witch with a pube for a dick" has become a Rona shut-in.... he didn't leave his house for over 2 years.... he called robin quivers a "N" for at least 15 years, that I remember, but now he's fully reformed.... :laughing0301:

fuck that racist skinny jew witch....
Yes......but this was back when he was cool....

And folks like Tucker and Trump would go on his show and giggle about goofy shit....

Like when Trump and Howard were talking about how a nice piece of ass his daughter was.....which is how most fathers talk about their child....

But like I said, that was back when he was cool.....not all of this woke crap he is now
No, that was back when right wingers didn't hate anyone that isn't exactly like them.
I think Howard smokes less crack, and he also isn't doing deals with China, Ukraine, and Russia that help destroy American interests abroad.
Howard Stern is a clown who thinks he's a rock star.
I wouldn't take his advice on anything, but I would trust him more than Joe Biden, because Stern doesn't feel he has to lie about what he is and what he's doing every day.
We have seen who you trust. Bottom of the barrel.
Seems your mind is so open that your brain fell out. Making America great is a great idea on it's face. Unfortunately, you crazies have taken the phrase "make america great again" as a motto to identify the MAGA cult. The MAGA cult has nothing to do with making America great. It's goal is to support trump.
You believe that because communists and Satanists that you seem to trust have been filling your brain full of rubbish. Joe Biden included.

Aside from Jan 6th you have nothing to base your hate-filled beliefs off of.

This is why you folks keep going back to a few hours on 1/6th to support your erroneous beliefs.

Meanwhile you're supporting open borders and cross-dressers shaking their privates in front of our children.

I bet you even thought awhile back that you would be justified if you murdered MAGA for not getting vaccinated. Why don't you have them put in box cars and hauled off to the ovens while you're at it.

Today if Nazis took over the country you'd be a party member.

I think you need to look in the mirror and stop pointing fingers.

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