Is Israel doomed?

don't think so , but who knows . Jews are pretty smart , probably on the frontlines of genetic research so may whip some of their problems as time goes by . More young Jews of euro and American stock need to relocate to Israel , learn to shoot and fight invaders , get married , raise large families and get ready for the next and maybe last war . They just need to get to Israel and then go to work for the good of Israel and the world 'IFred' !!
As research tells us, Jews tend to be prone to many genetic diseases, possibly caused by so much interbreeding over the last four thousand years.

Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium - Working together to prevent jewish genetic diseases

Given the clear and real genetic abnormalities Jews commonly have, will Israel simply cease to exist because they'll interbreed themselves to extinction?

No. The Zionists in Israel might but that's only 40% of the world's Jewish population. Jewish people in America are fully integrated into American society and are becoming more secular so they won't be prone to inbreeding, the same applies to a lesser extent in Britain and France, so that's about 55% of the world population that will continue to thrive.
No. The Zionists in Israel might but that's only 40% of the world's Jewish population. Jewish people in America are fully integrated into American society and are becoming more secular so they won't be prone to inbreeding, the same applies to a lesser extent in Britain and France, so that's about 55% of the world population that will continue to thrive.

but no longer Jews.
Israel's population seem to pretty much all marry their cousins, so their chances of survival are slim.
As research tells us, Jews tend to be prone to many genetic diseases, possibly caused by so much interbreeding over the last four thousand years.

Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium - Working together to prevent jewish genetic diseases

Given the clear and real genetic abnormalities Jews commonly have, will Israel simply cease to exist because they'll interbreed themselves to extinction?

Nope, look at all the countries around her. She is the SOLE 1st world industrialized country in all of the middle east, Africa and much of Asia. Second, she has some of the best doctors, hospitals, scientist and engineers in the world.

She will be fine. The other countries in the region, no so much!
No. The Zionists in Israel might but that's only 40% of the world's Jewish population. Jewish people in America are fully integrated into American society and are becoming more secular so they won't be prone to inbreeding, the same applies to a lesser extent in Britain and France, so that's about 55% of the world population that will continue to thrive.

but no longer Jews.
Israel's population seem to pretty much all marry their cousins, so their chances of survival are slim.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me, who knows they could give up Zionism and intermarry with the Palestinians... :)
Isreal IS doomed if the US stops sending her 10 BILLION every year. She will have to nuke her neighbors, sooner or later, and when she does, there will no longer be any US support.
As research tells us, Jews tend to be prone to many genetic diseases, possibly caused by so much interbreeding over the last four thousand years.

Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium - Working together to prevent jewish genetic diseases

Given the clear and real genetic abnormalities Jews commonly have, will Israel simply cease to exist because they'll interbreed themselves to extinction?

Nope, look at all the countries around her. She is the SOLE 1st world industrialized country in all of the middle east, Africa and much of Asia. Second, she has some of the best doctors, hospitals, scientist and engineers in the world.

She will be fine. The other countries in the region, no so much!

I think Iran, Jordan and Turkey are excelling. You really do not give credit to where credit is due. Most of what Israel has comes from the US and before that Germany Universities.
HOPE for the future ehh 'IFred' . :afro: Course if Israel keeps developing its weapons and winning its wars and infusing itself with westerners of the Jewish religion your Hopes may never materialize . Plus like I say , Jews are smart and probably on the frontlines of genetic research . Heck , they made the desert bloom and I Hear that they have done well with their desalination plants . They also have nuke doomsday subs capable of using nuke tipped missles and they have nuke bombs and missles . Oh well , just watch and see what happens I guess but Jews are pretty smart people and they fight for their very existence in their Promised Land so they'll figure things out 'IFred' !!
No. The Zionists in Israel might but that's only 40% of the world's Jewish population. Jewish people in America are fully integrated into American society and are becoming more secular so they won't be prone to inbreeding, the same applies to a lesser extent in Britain and France, so that's about 55% of the world population that will continue to thrive.

but no longer Jews.
Israel's population seem to pretty much all marry their cousins, so their chances of survival are slim.
Sounds like wishful thinking to me, who knows they could give up Zionism and intermarry with the Palestinians... :)

I think they did years ago, all common ancestors.
As research tells us, Jews tend to be prone to many genetic diseases, possibly caused by so much interbreeding over the last four thousand years.

Jewish Genetic Disease Consortium - Working together to prevent jewish genetic diseases

Given the clear and real genetic abnormalities Jews commonly have, will Israel simply cease to exist because they'll interbreed themselves to extinction?

Interestingly, while Islam too much from Judaism, Islam's prohibition on incestuous marriages include a couple prohibitions not found in Judaism,

"The Koran provides the basic rules on marriage impediments based on consanguinity, affinity, and fosterage (4:22-23). A man may not marry his mother, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, foster-mother, foster-sister, mother-in-law, stepmother (or any of his father’s wives), stepdaughter, or daughter-in-law, or be married to two sisters at the same time."
INCEST AND INBREEDING Encyclopaedia Iranica

In Judaism, not only can you marry an aunt or niece (as well as first cousins,) but those unions are considered especially blessed and desireable.

"Marrying a Niece or Cousin

Dear Rabbi Brody, am I allowed according to Halacha to marry my niece or my cousin? Would there be any medical or genetic dangers? Thank you, NK from the Great Neck area

Dear NK,

Your superb question is mentioned in the Gemara, tractate Yevamot, 62b, on the bottom of the page. Indeed, our sages both encourage and bless anyone that marries a niece."
Lazer Beams Marrying a Niece or Cousin
HOPE for the future ehh 'IFred' . :afro: Course if Israel keeps developing its weapons and winning its wars and infusing itself with westerners of the Jewish religion your Hopes may never materialize . Plus like I say , Jews are smart and probably on the frontlines of genetic research . Heck , they made the desert bloom and I Hear that they have done well with their desalination plants . They also have nuke doomsday subs capable of using nuke tipped missles and they have nuke bombs and missles . Oh well , just watch and see what happens I guess but Jews are pretty smart people and they fight for their very existence in their Promised Land so they'll figure things out 'IFred' !!

Subs made by Germany. Nukes made by France. Genetic research, hardly, Japan and the US are leaders in that field. The desert bloom is a popular saying, but really they didn't , did they , no there is not much blooming there except TLV and the gay parade today.
HOPE for the future ehh 'IFred' . :afro: Course if Israel keeps developing its weapons and winning its wars and infusing itself with westerners of the Jewish religion your Hopes may never materialize . Plus like I say , Jews are smart and probably on the frontlines of genetic research . Heck , they made the desert bloom and I Hear that they have done well with their desalination plants . They also have nuke doomsday subs capable of using nuke tipped missles and they have nuke bombs and missles . Oh well , just watch and see what happens I guess but Jews are pretty smart people and they fight for their very existence in their Promised Land so they'll figure things out 'IFred' !!

So, according to the Survey of Palestine, who really made the barley fields
of Beersheba bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 210,000 tons of grain. About 193,400 tons of that
grain were cultivated on Palestinian farms; about 16,600 tons were
cultivated on Jewish farms. See the precise numbers, from a scan of the
relevant page of the Survey of Palestine, here.

Who made the melon patches of Jaffa bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 143,000 tons of melons. About 136,000 tons of those
melons were cultivated on Palestinian farms; a little over 7,000 tons were
cultivated on Jewish farms. See the precise numbers, from a scan of the
relevant page of the Survey of Palestine, here.

Who made the tobacco fields of Safad bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 1,683 tons of tobacco, on 28,169 dunams of land.
Virtually all the land under tobacco cultivation was Palestinian. Who made
the vineyards of Hebron bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 40-50,000 tons of grapes, and between 3-4 million
litres of wine. About 86% of the land that produced these products was
owned and cultivated by Palestinians. See a scan of the relevant page of the
Survey of Palestine here. Who made the olive groves of Tulkarm bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 79,000 tons of olives. About 78,000 tons of those
olives were cultivated on Palestinian farms; a little over 1,000 tons were
cultivated on Jewish farms. See the precise numbers, from a scan of the
relevant page of the Survey of Palestine, here and here.

Who made the banana groves of Tiberias bloom?

The British government survey found that in 1944-45 Palestine’s farmers
produced approximately 8,000 tons of bananas. About 60% of the land that
produced these bananas was owned and cultivated by Palestinians. See the
relevant page of the Survey of Palestine, here.

So, on the eve of the partition resolution, in which the United Nations
proposed to allocate 55 percent of the land to Jewish Palestine (including
those parts that produced most of Palestine's leading crops, with the sole
exception of the olive crop), and 45% to Arab Palestine, Palestinian Arabs
were producing:

92% of Palestine’s grain
86% of its grapes
99% of its olives
77 % of its vegetables
95% of its melons
more than 99% of its tobacco
and 60% of its bananas.

Palestinians made the desert bloom before the Israelis got there The Jewish Chronicle
well , they have the nukes and subs plus the new desalination plants and their medicine is great as their Doctors travel to emergencies as far away as China , from what I hear . Plus , before they got nukes from wherever they got nukes they have 'Always' won their wars . And heck , if Germany wants to build subs as apology or guilt for the Holocaust the Israelis would be foolish to not agree to buy or accept them . Same with French and American nukes if thats the why of Israel having them Penelope . As far as the desert blooming , well I think they feed their people and I think that they have solved their desalination problems .
a different source of info ehh , I'll go with my sources Penelope but thank you !!

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