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Is Israel the Same as South Africa?

You keep looking for Legal Substantiation when it is patently and glaringly obvious that none will be forthcoming, and that because Victory on the Battlefield settles old Legal Arguments.

Ownership of those lands and structures has changed, long, long ago; the Israelis now hold Deed and Title to the land; conveyed upon them by Mars, the God of War.

Vae victus.

It is no longer your home.

Some of you abandoned your homes.

Some of you were evicted from your homes.

In any event, it is no longer your home.

Don't like that outcome?

Then you must try to take it back.

But you will be doing it from Lebanon and Jordan and Egypt, soon enough.

Tick... tick... tick.

This is what I've been saying for a while now. If the Palestinians want any of the land, the only way they can get it is through conventional warfare.
But I'm sure we all know how that would turn out

Israel would love to keep this conflict in the military realm, but this is not what is happening.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w56AP_cjDYw]Rafeef, Ben and Mbuyiseni on Israeli Apartheid Week - 22.2.12 - YouTube[/ame]

You just made up that first sentence
"...Israel would love to keep this conflict in the military realm, but this is not what is happening..."

The last, desperate gasps of a failed, dying proto-State that hasn't got enough land remaining in its possession to build a decent-sized parking lot... far too many Palestinian suicide bombings and rocket attacks to be able to paint the Palestinians as the victims here... far too much history of Palestinian and Arab-Muslim aggression against the Israeli-Jews to be able to paint the Palestinians as the victims here... far too little, too late.

Tick... tick... tick...

Israel may have mooched enough military to remove Palestinians from their homes but they cannot eliminate the Palestinians or their supporters worldwide.

IAW and BDS are shaping public opinion and changing the frame of the debate.

You made up that last sentence (as you do quite often) . Also, none of what you just said will have any effect on 'Right of Return'
It is a pipe dream.
P F Tinmore, et al,

Assuming that the Palestinians find a reason to suspend Peace Talks, I think I have a better appreciation for this non-violent approach.

BTW: I'm hoping something fruitful comes from the talks.

The last, desperate gasps of a failed, dying proto-State that hasn't got enough land remaining in its possession to build a decent-sized parking lot... far too many Palestinian suicide bombings and rocket attacks to be able to paint the Palestinians as the victims here... far too much history of Palestinian and Arab-Muslim aggression against the Israeli-Jews to be able to paint the Palestinians as the victims here... far too little, too late.

Tick... tick... tick...

Israel may have mooched enough military to remove Palestinians from their homes but they cannot eliminate the Palestinians or their supporters worldwide.

IAW and BDS are shaping public opinion and changing the frame of the debate.

Shaping public opinion is often harder to sustain, when put to the test. How many nations are willing to invest in any active measure against a lone non-Islamic State surrounded by Article 13 Jihadist and Article 9 Armed Feday'een.

But I appreciate the fact that it is not an hostile operation.

I've seen this video before. It is an advertisement for the BDS.

Most Respectfully,

Assuming that the Palestinians find a reason to suspend Peace Talks, I think I have a better appreciation for this non-violent approach.

BTW: I'm hoping something fruitful comes from the talks.

Fake peace talks...pfffft. Real peace revolves around justice. You won't hear that word in any of these fake peace talks.

Shaping public opinion is often harder to sustain, when put to the test.

Indeed, IAW and BDS are based on truth and justice. Israel's response is to pile on more crap. We will see where this goes.
Israel has one rule for Arabs and another rule for Jews when it comes to building demolitions, building permits, fences, walls, checkpoints, land confiscation, application of old treaties, and lawsuits for lost lands.

Its the Israeli version of Apartheid. Its called "Hafrada".

It's called squeezing a mortal enemy off their land and putting more distance between you and them, without actually resorting to slaughtering them... leaning on them hard enough for a few decades where most will finally take the hint, pack up, and move someplace else.

The Israelis did not start-out as hard-asses about such things, but, repeated attacks by neighboring Muslim-Arab nations, and the Palestinians themselves, and years of terrorism on the part of the Palestinians long before the Israelis began hitting them back, hard, have all served to harden the collective Israeli heart, allowing them to recognize the Palestinian viper for the deadly foe that it truly is, and to begin dealing with it in a more practical fashion designed to ensure the long-term safety of Israelis, and the State of Israel.

It took the Israelis a long time to wake up to such a necessity, but they eventually got there, within the past decade, and the Palestinians have such a nasty reputation for terror and Jew-hating that they've brought it upon themselves, and have very little prospect of widespread support sufficient to topple the Israelis or to reverse their present condition.

There's one sure-fire way to end such differences in treatment; pack up and move to some other place where such things do not exist.

After 65 years of mostly self-imposed exile, no Return, and a good 10 years or more of the Israelis playing the ultra-hard-asses with the Palestinians, you would have thought that the Palestinians would have taken the hint by now and vacated the premises.

But, some folks have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of a place that is no longer theirs, and that seems to be the case here; after which, the world will breathe a sigh of relief, and then quickly proceed to forget the whole thing at the speed of light.

Oh well, the world will continue to turn, and the universe will continue to unfold as it should.
RoccoR said:
The "right of return" is an Immigration, Nationality, and Citizenship issue.

Returning to one's own home is "immigration?" Other than Israel's apartheid laws, can you back that up with anything?

The UN Charter and Geneva Conventions clearly state that when a person flees his country or home due to war, he has the immediate and unalienable right to RETURN to that home once it is safe to do so.

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."
Israel has one rule for Arabs and another rule for Jews when it comes to building demolitions, building permits, fences, walls, checkpoints, land confiscation, application of old treaties, and lawsuits for lost lands.

Its the Israeli version of Apartheid. Its called "Hafrada".

It's called squeezing a mortal enemy off their land and putting more distance between you and them, without actually resorting to slaughtering them... leaning on them hard enough for a few decades where most will finally take the hint, pack up, and move someplace else.

The Israelis did not start-out as hard-asses about such things, but, repeated attacks by neighboring Muslim-Arab nations, and the Palestinians themselves, and years of terrorism on the part of the Palestinians long before the Israelis began hitting them back, hard, have all served to harden the collective Israeli heart, allowing them to recognize the Palestinian viper for the deadly foe that it truly is, and to begin dealing with it in a more practical fashion designed to ensure the long-term safety of Israelis, and the State of Israel.

It took the Israelis a long time to wake up to such a necessity, but they eventually got there, within the past decade, and the Palestinians have such a nasty reputation for terror and Jew-hating that they've brought it upon themselves, and have very little prospect of widespread support sufficient to topple the Israelis or to reverse their present condition.

There's one sure-fire way to end such differences in treatment; pack up and move to some other place where such things do not exist.

After 65 years of mostly self-imposed exile, no Return, and a good 10 years or more of the Israelis playing the ultra-hard-asses with the Palestinians, you would have thought that the Palestinians would have taken the hint by now and vacated the premises.

But, some folks have to be dragged kicking and screaming out of a place that is no longer theirs, and that seems to be the case here; after which, the world will breathe a sigh of relief, and then quickly proceed to forget the whole thing at the speed of light.

Oh well, the world will continue to turn, and the universe will continue to unfold as it should.

It's called squeezing a mortal enemy off their land and putting more distance between you and them, without actually resorting to slaughtering them... leaning on them hard enough for a few decades where most will finally take the hint, pack up, and move someplace else.

Ethnic cleansing is the proper terminology.
"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."

Sad, very sad that right wing extremists have so little regard and respect for international law.

Tell me, kind sir, why should the world respect and honor the promise of the right of Jews to settle in Palestine, as stated in the Palestine Mandate and the San Remo Conference, if right wing extremists like you so boldly disregard the protections for refugees stated in the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions?
Hoffstra, et al,

The separation is for security purposes, not because the Arab is somehow inferior to the Jewish Settler. Inside Israel, Arab Israeli citizens are not treated differently.

Israel has one rule for Arabs and another rule for Jews when it comes to building demolitions, building permits, fences, walls, checkpoints, land confiscation, application of old treaties, and lawsuits for lost lands.

Its the Israeli version of Apartheid. Its called "Hafrada".

Hafrada is not another word for Apartheid. It simply doesn't imply the same thing.

Most Respectfully,
Ethnic cleansing is the proper terminology.

and when faced with the facts of the UN Charter and the Geneva Conventions regarding the rights of refugees, they say "let the world go and try enforcing it".

funny, and sad, huh?
Hoffstra, et al,

The separation is for security purposes, not because the Arab is somehow inferior to the Jewish Settler. Inside Israel, Arab Israeli citizens are not treated differently.

Israel has one rule for Arabs and another rule for Jews when it comes to building demolitions, building permits, fences, walls, checkpoints, land confiscation, application of old treaties, and lawsuits for lost lands.

Its the Israeli version of Apartheid. Its called "Hafrada".

Hafrada is not another word for Apartheid. It simply doesn't imply the same thing.

Most Respectfully,

LOLOLOL!!!!! The denial of extremists is hilarious!!

The purpose of the Hafrada wall is two things: security and land grabs.

Secondly, all of the restrictions, regulations, and double-standards regarding application of Israeli law in the West Bank is tantamount to an Israeli system of Apartheid, known as Hafrada.
P F Tinmore, Hoffstra, et al,

When is it safe?

Returning to one's own home is "immigration?" Other than Israel's apartheid laws, can you back that up with anything?

The UN Charter and Geneva Conventions clearly state that when a person flees his country or home due to war, he has the immediate and unalienable right to RETURN to that home once it is safe to do so.

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."

Remember, they are Article 13 Jihadist and Article 9 Feday'een. The Palestinian endorse political entities (HAMAS & FATAH) that organize, instigate, facilitate, participate in, finance, encourage or tolerate terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

What country in the Middle East allows that?

No, it is not safe to do so yet. Next!

Most Respectfully.
P F Tinmore, Hoffstra, et al,

When is it safe?

The UN Charter and Geneva Conventions clearly state that when a person flees his country or home due to war, he has the immediate and unalienable right to RETURN to that home once it is safe to do so.

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."

Remember, they are Article 13 Jihadist and Article 9 Feday'een. The Palestinian endorse political entities (HAMAS & FATAH) that organize, instigate, facilitate, participate in, finance, encourage or tolerate terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

What country in the Middle East allows that?

No, it is not safe to do so yet. Next!

Most Respectfully.

Terrorism is an Israeli propaganda campaign. The Palestinians fight inside their own country to defend their own country.
right wing extremists have no intention of ever allowing Palestinian refugees return to Israel or return to the West Bank.

they care not for UN laws, the Geneva Conventions, or any other international laws dealing with refugee rights.

they are selfish, just as Truman stated. They care only about themselves and THEIR needs.

No one else matters. Nothing else matters.
right wing extremists have no intention of ever allowing Palestinian refugees return to Israel or return to the West Bank.

they care not for UN laws, the Geneva Conventions, or any other international laws dealing with refugee rights.

they are selfish, just as Truman stated. They care only about themselves and THEIR needs.

No one else matters. Nothing else matters.

Your avatar shows an Israeli hand shaking a Palestinan hand, so you seem to advocate two states. But former Palestinian refugees coming to Israel would eliminate Israel. And I deliberately use the word former, because how can ppl still be refugees after 65 years? My parents were also refugees once, but they didn't wallow in it.
Your avatar shows an Israeli hand shaking a Palestinan hand, so you seem to advocate two states. But former Palestinian refugees coming to Israel would eliminate Israel. And I deliberately use the word former, because how can ppl still be refugees after 65 years? My parents were also refugees once, but they didn't wallow in it.

How would allowing back 200,000 Palestinians above the age of 50 "eliminate" Israel?
P F Tinmore, Hoffstra, et al,

When is it safe?

"Mister Marshall has made his decision. Now let him enforce it."

Remember, they are Article 13 Jihadist and Article 9 Feday'een. The Palestinian endorse political entities (HAMAS & FATAH) that organize, instigate, facilitate, participate in, finance, encourage or tolerate terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

What country in the Middle East allows that?

No, it is not safe to do so yet. Next!

Most Respectfully.

Terrorism is an Israeli propaganda campaign. The Palestinians fight inside their own country to defend their own country.
You don't say, Tinnie. I guess the cruise ship where that old Jewish man in the wheelchair was thrown off of was flowing in the territorial waters of "Palestine." And of course the massacre of the Israeli athletes took place in the Olympics being held in "Palestine." Of course, Tinnie would love for us to believe the Arab propaganda campaign where Israel is so bad, bad, bad while the Arabs are busy not only killing each other but others for their religious beliefs..
You don't say, Tinnie. I guess the cruise ship where that old Jewish man in the wheelchair was thrown off of was flowing in the territorial waters of "Palestine." And of course the massacre of the Israeli athletes took place in the Olympics being held in "Palestine." Of course, Tinnie would love for us to believe the Arab propaganda campaign where Israel is so bad, bad, bad while the Arabs are busy not only killing each other but others for their religious beliefs..

Zionist political violence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

read about Zionist terrorism, Horsefly.
P F Tinmore, Hoffstra, et al,

When is it safe?


Remember, they are Article 13 Jihadist and Article 9 Feday'een. The Palestinian endorse political entities (HAMAS & FATAH) that organize, instigate, facilitate, participate in, finance, encourage or tolerate terrorist activities intended to be committed against other States or their citizens.

What country in the Middle East allows that?

No, it is not safe to do so yet. Next!

Most Respectfully.

Terrorism is an Israeli propaganda campaign. The Palestinians fight inside their own country to defend their own country.
You don't say, Tinnie. I guess the cruise ship where that old Jewish man in the wheelchair was thrown off of was flowing in the territorial waters of "Palestine." And of course the massacre of the Israeli athletes took place in the Olympics being held in "Palestine." Of course, Tinnie would love for us to believe the Arab propaganda campaign where Israel is so bad, bad, bad while the Arabs are busy not only killing each other but others for their religious beliefs..

Israel has killed many more Palestinians outside of the arena than the few killed by the Palestinians. So, you don't have anyplace to talk.
Israel has killed many more Palestinians outside of the arena than the few killed by the Palestinians. So, you don't have anyplace to talk.

Israel has museums and military medals honoring their terrorists.

The elect their terrorists to become Prime Ministers.
Israel has killed many more Palestinians outside of the arena than the few killed by the Palestinians. So, you don't have anyplace to talk.

Israel has museums and military medals honoring their terrorists.

The elect their terrorists to become Prime Ministers.

Arafart won a Nobel Peace Prize and could have become a statesman, but he just couldn't part with this terrorist ways in the end.

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