Is it any wonder why Trump refuses to have a news conference???


Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

yes.. thank you!

It is on us, the American people, not to accept this.

We must not collude with him, however unwittingly, in lowering the bar for the behavior we should expect from a president.

In the current context, that would not only mean refraining from the kind of scurrilous criticism that has emanated from the president and his minions about the Justice Department and the Mueller investigation.

See, for another example, Rudy Giuliani describing the New York FBI agents who raided the office, home and hotel room of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen as “stormtroopers.

It would also include a pledge to cooperate, to the extent possible, with investigators’ requests for documents or testimony.

If everything is rigged and everyone is crooked, good-faith compliance is for chumps.

But buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all and a laughingstock of the rule of law.

We cannot let that happen.

Buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

yes.. thank you!

It is on us, the American people, not to accept this.

We must not collude with him, however unwittingly, in lowering the bar for the behavior we should expect from a president.

In the current context, that would not only mean refraining from the kind of scurrilous criticism that has emanated from the president and his minions about the Justice Department and the Mueller investigation.

See, for another example, Rudy Giuliani describing the New York FBI agents who raided the office, home and hotel room of Trump lawyer Michael Cohen as “stormtroopers.

It would also include a pledge to cooperate, to the extent possible, with investigators’ requests for documents or testimony.

If everything is rigged and everyone is crooked, good-faith compliance is for chumps.

But buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all and a laughingstock of the rule of law.

We cannot let that happen.

Buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

Translation: We're getting our asses kicked and we just have to find something to make Trump look bad or we're fucked in the midterms.
Buying Trump’s narrative would make chumps of us all

Thats a very professional by-line...NYT?

Trump's attack on the FBI is an attack on the US constitution itself

I think you are confusing that with the liberals and the second amendment, which, unlike the fbi claim, is actually in the constitution...btw, the left went full throttle on its attacks against the fbi for decades [60's and 70's]
Now you want to throw a tantrum because the President won't waste his time on a liberal extremist media

You're "right".....trump has much more important things to take care of........LOL

View attachment 195055


They DO both look a lot alike........

What do they have to do with Trump telling the media to kiss his ass?

I know you're a fucking moron.....but for others.....

Trump has done MORE for the legitimate media that they should daily send to the oval office a dozen roses.... LOL
Trump's 'fake news' fight has helped media ratings and readership
Apr 23, 2018 - Surprise firings, criminal investigations and vague statements that have world leaders scratching their heads has turned President Donald ...
of course it helped in the ratings, folks who watch fake news do not want real news, you know how many of those viewers still do not know muellers investigation is over because they are glued to the fake news channels?
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LOL......Nobody trusts the media except for you sheep on the left. ARE a

Trump's 'fake news' fight has helped media ratings and readership
Apr 23, 2018 - Surprise firings, criminal investigations and vague statements that have world leaders scratching their heads has turned President Donald ...

Trust in media is at an all time low.

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