Is it any wonder why Trump refuses to have a news conference???

There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

He really has a problem dealing with adults doesn't he. He's comfortable as a twelve year old girl on Twitter but simply standing in front of the American press scares him shitless. He can't tell lie after lie without being challenged if he holds a press conference. Now it's come out that he demonizes the media so people won't believe anything negative about him in the news or in the press.

He is Mussolini in his guts.
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

He really has a problem dealing with adults doesn't he. He's comfortable as a twelve year old girl on Twitter but simply standing in front of the American press scares him shitless. He can't tell lie after lie without being challenged if he holds a press conference. Now it's come out that he demonizes the media so people won't believe anything negative about him in the news or in the press.

He is Mussolini in his guts.

Your assertion falls flat on its face with your first words....
How does a Man become a multi billionaire if he's afraid of confronting adults?
He is Mussolini in his guts.

Nobody trusts the media
Which is just your excuse for being ignorant.

Anyone who takes the MSM seriously is an abject moron.
Again, that's just your excuse for being ignorant. But I noticed you just started hedging by switching from media to MSM.

LOL...what a dumb fuck.
What else is there dimwit?
Even FUX tried to throw Trump under the bus.
Dont you find it somewhat conspicuous that a certain class of Republicans are against Trump when he's doing exactly what he was elected to do?
You have the deep state(elite Politicians from both sides of the aisle)trying to stop Trump at all cost.
I cant stand the rank and file Republicans or the left who are willing to sell Americans down the river for personal riches.
How does a Man become a multi billionaire

Simple answer: DADDY's MONEY......

(BTW, how the fuck do you know that he is a "multi-billionaire" when his fixer has to get a house-loan to pay off hush money for Trump???)

His old man didnt have that much money in the end nor were his business holdings anywhere near Jrs. when he died.

Try again.
His old man didnt have that much money in the end nor were his business holdings anywhere near Jrs. when he died.

Prove it.....Have a link??? How much is trump's worth??? Have you seen his tax returns???.....LOL

(give it up Trump ass kisser)
There are so MANY questions that could be posed to the charlatan-in-chief that would corner and embarrass him, that the very LAST thing this demagogue would ever do, is to address the 60% plus of voters who have concluded that he is a lying idiot with severe personality flaws.

Of course, we can ALSO conclude that Trump's legal team is scared shitless to allow this catastrophe to ever be interviewed before a grand jury...........

For Trump it is "safer" to put out tweets after checking with Hannity and the stellar team on Fox and Friends.

Respect our republic and NOT this scourge in the oval office.

You are even more desperate than even I believed.

President Donald Trump answered questions this afternoon from the journalists when he was about to board Air Force One. He takes questions at every joint appearance with any visiting dignitaries. He Tweets daily.

How much more do you want to know about what he is thinking?

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