is it appropriate for obama to call the police stupid?

The police dropped charges. Clearly they knew at the time of the arrest that Gates was the homeowner, not an intruder. They wanted to teach him a lesson. A waste of tax payer money.

They did not arrest him as a house breaker, they arrested him for disorderly conduct. For harassing the Officer doing his damn job by checking out a REPORTED incident. AT least get your story straight you dumb ass.
Did you read my post, dumbass?

Did you read the story DUMB ASS? The cop was leaving and Gates kept following him harassing him as he left. he was warned to cease his harassment. Not only did he not get arrested for house breaking, the cop tried to leave AFTER doing his damn JOB.
Could the fact that most of us are believing the cop's version over Gate's version not indicate a little bias of our own?

No, I believe they both were equally wrong for example. Some people believe the officer here is telling the truth, and has no reason to be lying. Others believe that cop is racist, and was simply out to arrest a black man. That's what we have here today in America, a sad indication of how much things really haven't changed when you get to the inside.

If things got anymore tense, I'm not sure what'd happen.
I have said in the other thread that I hold them both responsible. It's hard to know all the facts because various conflicting things have been reported. I think this incident says as much about class tensions in the US as it does about race.
They did not arrest him as a house breaker, they arrested him for disorderly conduct. For harassing the Officer doing his damn job by checking out a REPORTED incident. AT least get your story straight you dumb ass.
Did you read my post, dumbass?

Did you read the story DUMB ASS? The cop was leaving and Gates kept following him harassing him as he left. he was warned to cease his harassment. Not only did he not get arrested for house breaking, the cop tried to leave AFTER doing his damn JOB.
Where did I say he was arrested for housebreaking? You are incredibly dense.
Poor little powerless Professor Gates. He teaches at Harvard and the president is his homeboy. Ain't that special. I guess all us whites just need to get down on our knees and kiss the rings of the new black masters.
yeah, by gates. :lol:

You don't think cops ever make things up?

there are witnesses
"A 55-year-old neighbor who said he witnessed the incident but declined to give his name, however, said that Gates was in fact yelling loudly, as indicated by a photo taken by another neighbor.

“When police asked him for ID, Gates started yelling, ‘I’m a Harvard professor . . . You believe white women over black men. This is racial profiling.’

Henry Louis Gates Jr. demands apology, sensitivity training -
The rest of your article :

“The police did their job,” said the neighbor. “He should be thanking them. But they shouldn’t have arrested him. He had just gotten off a 20-hour flight. He couldn’t get his door open. He got frustrated . . . They should have just said forget it.”

The neighbor is right. The cops should have defused the situation. Gates was not a threat to anyone.
Whatever. If you're black in America, you can act like a fucking banshee and any response of the cops will be "racism" and equal a lawsuit that gets you a hundred grand. Is it really so fucking bad to be black? I wonder... what if the brilliant Prof. Gates asked himself, "Gee, I wonder why the black crime rate is 900 times that of the white crime rate? I wonder if that justifies cops being a little suspicious? I wonder how I can apply my academic brilliance to that problem? I wonder if I'm trying to bust down the door with the black cabbie, that won't look a little weird? I wonder if I should be grateful? I wonder... if two blacks broke down my door and I was inside, and the cops didn't stop it FOR FEAR OF BEING CALLED RACIST, would I then attribute all that to "racism"? And then file my lawsuit AGAIN? I wonder, does it ever frustrate whites that no matter WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO, they get called "racist"? I wonder what it's like to be a cop and see nothing but black crime, all day long? When you and your family are all law-abiding? Does that ever shape a worldview?

If "racism" is just power, WHO'S REALLY GOT THE POWER IN AMERICA? Nobody is going to listen to this white cop. He's UTTER FUCKING SHIT in this country... a rube, a nobody, a low-paid civil servant whose name will be forgotten. Call him Frank Ricci with a gun. You think the NYT kikes are going to run HIS column about this incident? I guaran-fucking-tee you they'll run Prof. Gates' account... just as sure as Goldman Sachs makes the biggest profit ever in a mini-depression. Why, Prof. Gates is a big hero. He'll be invited to the White House to hang with HNIC Obama. Gee, wow. I really feel sorry for the blacks these days. Darn, what a shame. I wish I could scream racism about any little thing and have the entire press corps come and give me a handjob. Then get a hundred grand from my lawsuit and smoke up some crack with it. Yee-haw.

Fuck this shit. I'm sick of black complaining. Prof. Gates in Africa would be HUT-DWELLER Gates. Whites made Harvard, Cambridge, the printing press, the whole world this man owes his pristine existence to. Without the sweat of white men like the one he spits on, he wouldn't be shit on the edge of the savannah. "Professor" my white ass. Prof. Gates mostly prattles on about how "racist" whites are, for God's sake. How hard is that? All you have to do is bitch like Al Sharpton, but with bigger words.

I'm sick of Obamamerica. I say we abandon in for the stinking third-world cesspool it is and head for something better, something whiter. Nothing goes right until we go white.

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Whatever. If you're black in America, you can act like a fucking banshee and any response of the cops will be "racism" and equal a lawsuit that gets you a hundred grand. Is it really so fucking bad to be black? I wonder... what if the brilliant Prof. Gates asked himself, "Gee, I wonder why the black crime rate is 900 times that of the white crime rate? I wonder if that justifies cops being a little suspicious? I wonder how I can apply my academic brilliance to that problem? I wonder if I'm trying to bust down the door with the black cabbie, that won't look a little weird? I wonder if I should be grateful? I wonder... if two blacks broke down my door and I was inside, and the cops didn't stop it FOR FEAR OF BEING CALLED RACIST, would I then attribute all that to "racism"? And then file my lawsuit AGAIN? I wonder, does it ever frustrate whites that no matter WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO, they get called "racist"? I wonder what it's like to be a cop and see nothing but black crime, all day long? When you and your family are all law-abiding? Does that ever shape a worldview?

If "racism" is just power, WHO'S REALLY GOT THE POWER IN AMERICA? Nobody is going to listen to this white cop. He's UTTER FUCKING SHIT in this country... a rube, a nobody, a low-paid civil servant whose name will be forgotten. Call him Frank Ricci with a gun. You think the NYT kikes are going to run HIS column about this incident? I guaran-fucking-tee you they'll run Prof. Gates' account... just as sure as Goldman Sachs makes the biggest profit ever in a mini-depression. Why, Prof. Gates is a big hero. He'll be invited to the White House to hang with HNIC Obama. Gee, wow. I really feel sorry for the blacks these days. Darn, what a shame. I wish I could scream racism about any little thing and have the entire press corps come and give me a handjob. Then get a hundred grand from my lawsuit and smoke up some crack with it. Yee-haw.

Fuck this shit. I'm sick of black complaining. Prof. Gates in Africa would be HUT-DWELLER Gates. Whites made Harvard, Cambridge, the printing press, the whole world this man owes his pristine existence to. Without the sweat of white men like the one he spits on, he wouldn't be shit on the edge of the savannah.

I'm sick of Obamamerica. I say we abandon in for the stinking third-world cesspool it is and head for something better, something whiter. Nothing goes right until we go white.


William, if you don't like this country you should go back to where your ancestors came from.

Whatever. If you're black in America, you can act like a fucking banshee and any response of the cops will be "racism" and equal a lawsuit that gets you a hundred grand. Is it really so fucking bad to be black? I wonder... what if the brilliant Prof. Gates asked himself, "Gee, I wonder why the black crime rate is 900 times that of the white crime rate? I wonder if that justifies cops being a little suspicious? I wonder how I can apply my academic brilliance to that problem? I wonder if I'm trying to bust down the door with the black cabbie, that won't look a little weird? I wonder if I should be grateful? I wonder... if two blacks broke down my door and I was inside, and the cops didn't stop it FOR FEAR OF BEING CALLED RACIST, would I then attribute all that to "racism"? And then file my lawsuit AGAIN? I wonder, does it ever frustrate whites that no matter WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO, they get called "racist"? I wonder what it's like to be a cop and see nothing but black crime, all day long? When you and your family are all law-abiding? Does that ever shape a worldview?

If "racism" is just power, WHO'S REALLY GOT THE POWER IN AMERICA? Nobody is going to listen to this white cop. He's UTTER FUCKING SHIT in this country... a rube, a nobody, a low-paid civil servant whose name will be forgotten. Call him Frank Ricci with a gun. You think the NYT kikes are going to run HIS column about this incident? I guaran-fucking-tee you they'll run Prof. Gates' account... just as sure as Goldman Sachs makes the biggest profit ever in a mini-depression. Why, Prof. Gates is a big hero. He'll be invited to the White House to hang with HNIC Obama. Gee, wow. I really feel sorry for the blacks these days. Darn, what a shame. I wish I could scream racism about any little thing and have the entire press corps come and give me a handjob. Then get a hundred grand from my lawsuit and smoke up some crack with it. Yee-haw.

Fuck this shit. I'm sick of black complaining. Prof. Gates in Africa would be HUT-DWELLER Gates. Whites made Harvard, Cambridge, the printing press, the whole world this man owes his pristine existence to. Without the sweat of white men like the one he spits on, he wouldn't be shit on the edge of the savannah.

I'm sick of Obamamerica. I say we abandon in for the stinking third-world cesspool it is and head for something better, something whiter. Nothing goes right until we go white.


You know, it may be things like that people think you're racist. Just sayin :eusa_whistle:
Whatever. If you're black in America, you can act like a fucking banshee and any response of the cops will be "racism" and equal a lawsuit that gets you a hundred grand. Is it really so fucking bad to be black? I wonder... what if the brilliant Prof. Gates asked himself, "Gee, I wonder why the black crime rate is 900 times that of the white crime rate? I wonder if that justifies cops being a little suspicious? I wonder how I can apply my academic brilliance to that problem? I wonder if I'm trying to bust down the door with the black cabbie, that won't look a little weird? I wonder if I should be grateful? I wonder... if two blacks broke down my door and I was inside, and the cops didn't stop it FOR FEAR OF BEING CALLED RACIST, would I then attribute all that to "racism"? And then file my lawsuit AGAIN? I wonder, does it ever frustrate whites that no matter WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO, they get called "racist"? I wonder what it's like to be a cop and see nothing but black crime, all day long? When you and your family are all law-abiding? Does that ever shape a worldview?

If "racism" is just power, WHO'S REALLY GOT THE POWER IN AMERICA? Nobody is going to listen to this white cop. He's UTTER FUCKING SHIT in this country... a rube, a nobody, a low-paid civil servant whose name will be forgotten. Call him Frank Ricci with a gun. You think the NYT kikes are going to run HIS column about this incident? I guaran-fucking-tee you they'll run Prof. Gates' account... just as sure as Goldman Sachs makes the biggest profit ever in a mini-depression. Why, Prof. Gates is a big hero. He'll be invited to the White House to hang with HNIC Obama. Gee, wow. I really feel sorry for the blacks these days. Darn, what a shame. I wish I could scream racism about any little thing and have the entire press corps come and give me a handjob. Then get a hundred grand from my lawsuit and smoke up some crack with it. Yee-haw.

Fuck this shit. I'm sick of black complaining. Prof. Gates in Africa would be HUT-DWELLER Gates. Whites made Harvard, Cambridge, the printing press, the whole world this man owes his pristine existence to. Without the sweat of white men like the one he spits on, he wouldn't be shit on the edge of the savannah.

I'm sick of Obamamerica. I say we abandon in for the stinking third-world cesspool it is and head for something better, something whiter. Nothing goes right until we go white.


You know, it may be things like that people think you're racist. Just sayin :eusa_whistle:

He doesn't hide the fact. Once again for the truly slow and stupid, just cause someone is a racist does not automatically mean everything they say is wrong. Just because someone is not a racist does not automatically make everything they say right. Just cause Gates is black does not make the fact he deserved to get arrested by ba white cop racist. HE chose to escalate the simple situation into a confrontation requiring action. The COP was LEAVING. AFTER having done his FUCKING Job and professionally I might add. Gates FOLLOWED him verbally attacking him all the way to his car. WHY? Cause he KNEW he would get away with it. WHY? Cause he knew once he was arrested he could scream racism and everyone would believe his sorry ass.

Look the President ADMITS he does not know what he is talking about but sides with Gates PUBLICLY. He PUBLICLY attacked a POLICE officer for doing NOTHING more then his GODDAMN JOB.

What do you think would have happened if a WHITE President said the same thing about a black officer or a Hispanic officer for arresting a white person?
What do you think would have happened if a WHITE President said the same thing about a black officer or a Hispanic officer for arresting a white person?

Nobody should be arrested just because they are of a particular race. Nobody should be excused from unacceptable behavior because they are of a particular race. I don't think it is entirely clear, at least from what I've read, whether Gates was being sufficiently abusive to be arrested.

If he wasn't and was arrested because he was black, the cops should be fired.

But if he was to the extent that a white guy or brown guy or any person would be arrested, then he should not be exempt for any reason, most especially just because he is black. There is a constitutional provision of 'equal protection under the law' and that says to me that we all get treated the same in any circumstance and whatever color we are should not make a difference.

And the President who admitted he was not familiar about all the circumstances of the incident was 100% out of line calling anybody stupid without knowing the circumstances of the incident.
Already have been more then once on this board. The fact remains the facts support the idea that a very good portion of America's blacks believe just what was said. That makes it not a stereotype but reality. This professor proves the point.

You're full of shit. Was there a poll on what the majority of blacks in America believe? If so, link please. If not, shut the fuck up!
He doesn't hide the fact. Once again for the truly slow and stupid, just cause someone is a racist does not automatically mean everything they say is wrong. Just because someone is not a racist does not automatically make everything they say right. Just cause Gates is black does not make the fact he deserved to get arrested by ba white cop racist. HE chose to escalate the simple situation into a confrontation requiring action. The COP was LEAVING. AFTER having done his FUCKING Job and professionally I might add. Gates FOLLOWED him verbally attacking him all the way to his car. WHY? Cause he KNEW he would get away with it. WHY? Cause he knew once he was arrested he could scream racism and everyone would believe his sorry ass.

Look the President ADMITS he does not know what he is talking about but sides with Gates PUBLICLY. He PUBLICLY attacked a POLICE officer for doing NOTHING more then his GODDAMN JOB.

What do you think would have happened if a WHITE President said the same thing about a black officer or a Hispanic officer for arresting a white person?

Where is there a law that states you cannot talk shit to a police officer?
Nobody should be arrested just because they are of a particular race. Nobody should be excused from unacceptable behavior because they are of a particular race. I don't think it is entirely clear, at least from what I've read, whether Gates was being sufficiently abusive to be arrested.

If he wasn't and was arrested because he was black, the cops should be fired.

But if he was to the extent that a white guy or brown guy or any person would be arrested, then he should not be exempt for any reason, most especially just because he is black. There is a constitutional provision of 'equal protection under the law' and that says to me that we all get treated the same in any circumstance and whatever color we are should not make a difference.

And the President who admitted he was not familiar about all the circumstances of the incident was 100% out of line calling anybody stupid without knowing the circumstances of the incident.

The President didn't call anybody stupid.
Whatever. If you're black in America, you can act like a fucking banshee and any response of the cops will be "racism" and equal a lawsuit that gets you a hundred grand. Is it really so fucking bad to be black? I wonder... what if the brilliant Prof. Gates asked himself, "Gee, I wonder why the black crime rate is 900 times that of the white crime rate? I wonder if that justifies cops being a little suspicious? I wonder how I can apply my academic brilliance to that problem? I wonder if I'm trying to bust down the door with the black cabbie, that won't look a little weird? I wonder if I should be grateful? I wonder... if two blacks broke down my door and I was inside, and the cops didn't stop it FOR FEAR OF BEING CALLED RACIST, would I then attribute all that to "racism"? And then file my lawsuit AGAIN? I wonder, does it ever frustrate whites that no matter WHAT THE FUCK THEY DO, they get called "racist"? I wonder what it's like to be a cop and see nothing but black crime, all day long? When you and your family are all law-abiding? Does that ever shape a worldview?

If "racism" is just power, WHO'S REALLY GOT THE POWER IN AMERICA? Nobody is going to listen to this white cop. He's UTTER FUCKING SHIT in this country... a rube, a nobody, a low-paid civil servant whose name will be forgotten. Call him Frank Ricci with a gun. You think the NYT kikes are going to run HIS column about this incident? I guaran-fucking-tee you they'll run Prof. Gates' account... just as sure as Goldman Sachs makes the biggest profit ever in a mini-depression. Why, Prof. Gates is a big hero. He'll be invited to the White House to hang with HNIC Obama. Gee, wow. I really feel sorry for the blacks these days. Darn, what a shame. I wish I could scream racism about any little thing and have the entire press corps come and give me a handjob. Then get a hundred grand from my lawsuit and smoke up some crack with it. Yee-haw.

Fuck this shit. I'm sick of black complaining. Prof. Gates in Africa would be HUT-DWELLER Gates. Whites made Harvard, Cambridge, the printing press, the whole world this man owes his pristine existence to. Without the sweat of white men like the one he spits on, he wouldn't be shit on the edge of the savannah. "Professor" my white ass. Prof. Gates mostly prattles on about how "racist" whites are, for God's sake. How hard is that? All you have to do is bitch like Al Sharpton, but with bigger words.

I'm sick of Obamamerica. I say we abandon in for the stinking third-world cesspool it is and head for something better, something whiter. Nothing goes right until we go white.


You want to dismiss the stereotype of police being racists and then turn around and say that blacks would spend the money from a lawsuit to smoke crack. :cuckoo:
Cops are typically stupid, I've no problem with that generalization.

The guy was pissed off at the cop, the cop couldn't arrest him for being disorderly inside his own home, so asked him outside. When he went outside the cop arrested him for disorderly.

Sounds like a cop being a pig to me. Another argument for requiring a B.A. for anyone desiring to be a cop.
Don't know why this is in a race section because there's nothing racial about it.
They did not arrest him as a house breaker, they arrested him for disorderly conduct. For harassing the Officer doing his damn job by checking out a REPORTED incident. AT least get your story straight you dumb ass.
Did you read my post, dumbass?

Did you read the story DUMB ASS? The cop was leaving and Gates kept following him harassing him as he left. he was warned to cease his harassment. Not only did he not get arrested for house breaking, the cop tried to leave AFTER doing his damn JOB.

Since when is repeatedly asking a cop for his/her badge number considered harrassment and or is grounds for an arrest? The Basss has seen reality TV videos of old and middle age white men and women verbally abusing the hell out of poilce and state patrol and never get arrested.
I'm here to tell you, white people are treated like shits by the pigs quite frequently.

White woman, who called the cops many times to arrest her abusive boyfriend, told to leave her home (owned by her sister, btw) because they refused to arrest the pig, reporting here.

yeah, blacks have it bad, no doubt. But no worse than any white woman who has an abusive husband. Cops are typically pigs.

Which is why I'm my own defense, these days.
I'm here to tell you, white people are treated like shits by the pigs quite frequently.

White woman, who called the cops many times to arrest her abusive boyfriend, told to leave her home (owned by her sister, btw) because they refused to arrest the pig, reporting here.

yeah, blacks have it bad, no doubt. But no worse than any white woman who has an abusive husband. Cops are typically pigs.

Which is why I'm my own defense, these days.

Sorry, there is no comparison in inhumane police treatment between blacks and white women, history belies that. For the record, this white cop may not have been racist but the white woman who called the cops and said two black men was in the Bass'opinion. There is no way anyone can tell the Bass that woman didn't know Gates was already living there, perhaps she should have thought of that first.

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